1 July 2024

News update from EQAVET

The EQAVET Peer Review processes and Peer Learning Activities are progressing. We are using the summer for a review and outlook.

The EQAVET Secretariat recently published a news­let­ter in which inte­re­sted parties can get an overview of all the acti­vi­ties of the past year, including

  • The Annual Network Meeting in Brussels in June, where Monika Auzinger led a workshop and gave a pre­sen­ta­ti­on on the topics discussed in the PLA for democracy education
  • The EQAVET Peer-Learning-Activity (PLA) on Quality assuring education for demo­cra­tic citi­zen­ship in VET (with Monika Auzinger)
  • The EQAVET Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Quality Assurance of digital tools and delivery in VET

The news­let­ter also presents an outlook on the autumn activities:

  • Face-to-face Peer Review on gover­nan­ce and quality culture at VET insti­tu­ti­ons  (September in Latvia, with Monika Auzinger for sup­port­ing the Peer Review as member of the EQAVET Secretariat)
  • Online Peer Review on Implementation of EQAVET at VET providers level (October, Bulgaria)

Contact: Karin Luomi-Messerer

31 Jul

Building Trust in Micro-Credentials for Enhanced Employability

A recent Peer Learning Activity (PLA) by the European Commission (Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) focused on enhancing trust in micro-credentials to improve employability. The synthesis report on the event is available now.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

28 Jun

We mourn the passing of Professor Ellu Saar

Elle Saar, Professor of Sociology at Tallinn University, had been associated with 3s for almost 20 years. It is with deep sadness that we share the news of her passing.

31 Jul

Building Trust in Micro-Credentials for Enhanced Employability

A recent Peer Learning Activity (PLA) by the European Commission (Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) focused on enhancing trust in micro-credentials to improve employability. The synthesis report on the event is available now.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

31 Jul

Building Trust in Micro-Credentials for Enhanced Employability

A recent Peer Learning Activity (PLA) by the European Commission (Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) focused on enhancing trust in micro-credentials to improve employability. The synthesis report on the event is available now.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

31 Jul

Building Trust in Micro-Credentials for Enhanced Employability

A recent Peer Learning Activity (PLA) by the European Commission (Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) focused on enhancing trust in micro-credentials to improve employability. The synthesis report on the event is available now.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

>all news