3s receives 2.4 million Euros from the prestigious Horizon Europe programme to explore how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skill mismatch and better respond to developments in their labour markets.
The online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) provides details on all occupations and apprenticeships. 3s experts are constantly developing this tool and maintaining its content.
The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.
3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).
This three-year Horizon project follows a transformative approach to tackle challenges of the biodiversity and climate crises.
3s takes part in a major Cedefop study on the processes of how to achieve intended learning outcomes in initial vocational education and training in schools and apprenticeships.
What will continuing vocational education and training (CVET) look like in 2040? In an Erasmus+ project, we are developing future scenarios with an innovative approach.
The ESF Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills hosts a webinar presenting good practices. Jörg Markowitsch was closely involved as expert from the first idea to moderation.
On the way to strengthening the existing informal exchange between the three countries, a Europe-wide model for the training alliance and a long-term contribution to systematically securing skilled labour.
This project promotes democracy and media competence as well as professional identity development of apprentices by the use of the medium film in vocational schools.
Since the establishment of universities of applied sciences, 3s supported the accreditation of new study programmes through feasibility studies. These provide information on the future demand for study places or the labour market
In a study for Cedefop, a 3s led research consortium explores the potential of the new Council Recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts and aims to develop tailored guidelines for working towards the implementation.
3s coordinates a significant study commissioned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.
3s supports the European Quality Assurance for Vocational Education and Training Network (EQAVET) in carrying out peer reviews in the field of quality assurance of national VET systems.
3s supports the ex-post evaluation of the 2014–2020 European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative under the multiple framework contracts related to the implementation of Better Regulation guidelines.
3s conducts research to provide valuable insights for the newly established SALTO Resource Centre to help design and shape their future offer.
The EU project GREENOVET supports the establishment of “Centres of Vocational Excellence” to enhance the development of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy in Europe.
The European Union’s “Pact for Skills” calls both public and private stakeholders to launch or strengthen collective education and training initiatives. 3s supports the implementation.
In preparation for a Vienna Centre for Skilled Workers, the foundations for regular reporting on the topic are being laid. 3s is developing a handbook on the relevant strategic fields of action in Vienna.
The objective of this study is to update the European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning. The study is coordinated by ICF (BE) with 3s as consortium partner.
The development of two labels and a Vocational Excellence Award are the subject of a project commissioned by ETF with 3s as coordinator.
Since 2015, the ‛Vienna Employment Promotion Fund’ – waff organises the ‛Vienna Weeks for Career and Continuing Education’, annual career guidance events. 3s supports the ‛Vienna Weeks’ conducting a quality monitoring.
Under the leadership of 3s, more than 100 researchers from all EU member states are investigating the status and perspectives of vocational education and training in Europe and preparing future directions in education policy.
The ‛Austrian Strategy for Lifelong Learning LLL:2020’ launched in 2011 set in motion new impulses for learning across the entire lifespan – monitored by 3s.
3s supports the ETF in the promotion of outstanding practice in vocational education and training by designing a self-assessment tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence.
The European Quality Assurance Label EQAMOB for companies and organisations engaged in transnational learning mobility is adapted for digital use.
This project supports the Greek government in developing a new model for VET schools to improve the quality, labour market relevance and attractiveness of vocational education and training.
This project aims to assess the nature of existing community work within the Jean Monnet Actions and present a plan for a refurbished Jean Monnet community that includes a user-friendly platform.
3s is examining the current state of European higher education and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university-business cooperation.
The Erasmus+ project TRANSVAL-EU tests innovative approaches to validate transversal competences in the field of non-formal and informal learning in five EU pilot countries.
Everything you always wanted to know about apprenticeships in other countries, in a series of events moderated by 3s for the European Commission.
3s researches sustainable development in the field of vocational education and training and analyses good practices.
The purpose of the contract coordinated by 3s is to facilitate the development of methodologies for comparison of national VET qualifications.
How can the appetite for further education and training be stimulated by money or other measures? 3s researches the broad spectrum of different approaches within the EU and lays the foundations for more supportive policies.
The aim of this project is to update the European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning for 32 countries in order to support the monitoring of the implementation of the 2012 Council Recommendation.
This project aims to systematically survey and analyse Erasmus+ projects focusing on promoting inclusion in different areas of education, preventing early drop-out and strengthening belonging.
3s is involved in two projects on learning for environmental sustainability, one analysing Erasmus+ projects and the other supporting the European Commission in this field.
The Covid-19 pandemic also challenges adult education with regard to distance learning. On behalf of the Vienna Adult Education Centres, we identify innovative role models.
In the DigiMe project, pupils are prepared for the digital requirements of the future world of work and teachers are supported in teaching the corresponding competences. 3s evaluates the results of the project.
It remains a highly topical issue at most universities: how can a commitment to social responsibility and with it, responsible research and innovation, be shaped?
3s supports the European Commission in improving the measures for graduate tracking in the EU.
The Erasmus+ project #GetInvolved aims to promote democratic thinking and participation in VET to strengthen common values in society.
The Luxembourg Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) has commissioned both an analysis of its current VET landscape and the development of proposals for new VET strategies.
In the context of the development process for a “National Strategy for the Social Dimension at Universities”, 3s examined measures that contribute to the social dimension in higher education in Austria via a survey.
How can young adults during their early occupational years be encouraged and best supported? 3s conducts HORIZON 2020 research on young adult learning in Europe to provide answers. Learning also takes place at the workplace.
The purpose of this project (coordinated by ICF, Belgium) was to enable the European Commission to fulfill its tasks of supporting national authorities and VET stakeholders to promote and apply the ECVET principles and tools.
The Altiero Spinelli Prize promotes innovative projects in order to improve knowledge about the EU where up to sixteen projects receive an award.
3s supports the European Commission in the assessment of the applications received for the Jan Amos Comenius Prize and related activities.
This study analyses the mechanisms of automatic mutual recognition of higher education qualifications within the EU and explores the possibilities of a European recognition system.
Throughout Europe, there is a multitude of subsidies and measures for individual career development. With this comparative research project, we are expanding our knowledge related to these measures and their impact.
3s is leading an Erasmus+ project with the aim of improving the quality of basic education for adults. Together with partners from Italy, Slovakia and Switzerland, a pilot course for teachers is being developed.
The Erasmus+ project VET UP strengthens opportunities and possibilities in VET through networking to meet current economic, social and societal needs.
3s is developing further training for technicians in plastic mould making in the Erasmus+ project Mould4Plast .
In the Erasmus+ project HoWARP, 3s is working with European partners to develop a new approach to workplace-integrated learning in the workplace, based on the concept of Agile Learning.
The purpose of this contract was twofold: On the one hand, the project developed a methodology and a policy tool – a skills monitoring index – that can be used to evaluate the performance of EU Member States’ skills systems.
The Women Entrepreneurs project was a 4‑year research, innovation and staff exchange programme in the Horizon 2020 framework of the European Union which started in 2015.
The online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) provides details on all occupations and apprenticeships. 3s experts are constantly developing this tool and maintaining its content.
Policies and practices of EU Member States in tracking the careers of graduates from higher education or higher vocational education are the subject of this study funded by the European Commission.
Learning in and for a digitalised world of work is changing continuously. This study explores how Austrian VET actors can learn from international role models.
The Erasmus + project OnTrack aims to develop a tracking system for graduates of Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) at schools and institutes.
The study deals with the emerging and coming changes in the job descriptions relevant for the Austrian mobility sector up to the year 2040.
The ATWORK project developed an ICT based evaluation methodology to assess the social impact of work-linked training.
3s supported the Austrian Ministry of Education in the preparation of the national report on the implementation of the Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning.
The study focused on two instruments: the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).
In the Erasmus+ project CYCLE CC, information and teaching materials for circular economy are compiled and made available on an online platform in six languages. 3s is developing the Austrian version CYCLE CC Österreich.
Since the establishment of universities of applied sciences, 3s supported the accreditation of new study programmes through feasibility studies. These provide information on the future demand for study places or the labour market
3s receives 2.4 million Euros from the prestigious Horizon Europe programme to explore how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skill mismatch and better respond to developments in their labour markets.
3s coordinates a significant study commissioned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.
Skills audits are proposed as a procedure for identifying and documenting knowledge, skills and competences. In this study, their use in practice is analysed and suggestions for improvement are developed.
The three-year research project aimed at developing a framework for studying the relationship between further education and its support by public funding schemes and the economic development on regional level.
The overall purpose of the study was to ‘explore how youth work and non-formal learning can help to foster entrepreneurship and so complement initiatives undertaken in other sectors.
The ERASMUS + project ‚FutureDRV’aimed at developing a profile on competence, skills and knowledge requirements related to professional drivers witin a timeframe up to the year 2035.
This study was based on the comparative analysis of the profile and content of four vocational education and training qualifications in 26 countries across the world, and from four different continents.
The project aimed at designing and conducting a blended Continuing Professional Development Programme in 10 modules to introduce a new role in education: the ‘school coach’.
The project aimed at increasing the accessibility and effectiveness of PD (professional driver) trainings with the use of ICT-based tools which took into account the needs of some disadvantaged groups.
Initiative on graduate tracking with regard to the “New Skills Agenda for Europe”.
Since 2015, the ‛Vienna Employment Promotion Fund’ – waff organises the ‛Vienna Weeks for Career and Continuing Education’, annual career guidance events. 3s supports the ‛Vienna Weeks’ conducting a quality monitoring.
In a study for Cedefop, a 3s led research consortium explores the potential of the new Council Recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts and aims to develop tailored guidelines for working towards the implementation.
The ‛Austrian Strategy for Lifelong Learning LLL:2020’ launched in 2011 set in motion new impulses for learning across the entire lifespan – monitored by 3s.
The key objective of this study was to contribute to better understanding of the comparability of qualifications from initial vocational education and training (IVET).
The SPREAD Projects aimed at promoting internationalisation and mobility in VET institutions and organisations.
‘ECVET-Lab’ addressed one of the main project challenges i.e. providing opportunities for recognition and validation of competences acquired in the workplace or through alternative learning pathways.
The thematic network ‘Work-based Learning and Apprenticeships’ (NetWBL) focuses on the identification and promotion of good or interesting practices and products relevant to the development and delivery of work-based learning.
In 2014, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (bmwfw) commissioned 3s to evaluate the effects of paragraph § 124b UG (University Act) 2002.
3s was commissioned by the province of Lower Austria to evaluate its ‘TOP Stipendien NÖ’ (TOP scholarships Lower Austria) that support excellent and labour market oriented study programmes in demand by the job market.
The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.
3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).
The purpose of the contract coordinated by 3s is to facilitate the development of methodologies for comparison of national VET qualifications.