Self-Assessment Tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence

image by Foto von Blaz Erzetic auf Unsplash
Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) which can be individual VET institutions, clusters, or networks sharing common standards are characterised by an exceptionally high quality of performance in their activities in VET. The range of different constellations of CoVEs is broad in many senses – long standing or newly established, tied to different sectors, active in regional networks or even in national VET systems.
The ETF (European Training Foundation) has on behalf of the European Commission initiated a project to develop a new International Self-Assessment Tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence (ISATCOVE). ISATCOVE will offer a framework of criteria and indicators, illustrated by good practice, that defines the levels of vocational excellence that are being achieved by CoVEs and other excellent VET providers. The digital tool is supposed to help VET providers to reflect on their own level of development in relation to this international framework that draws upon the activities and achievements of CoVEs. Centres will be able to share good practices and make comparisons against chosen types of providers. Furthermore, they will be able to set targets and monitor their progress. Based on the developed framework, VET providers from Albania, Finland, Latvia and Italy take part in testing the pilot version.
3s is consortium partner in the project, which is coordinated by Civitta International (EE) and implemented together with other thematic experts. 3s is mainly responsible for the design and writing of the self-assessment framework and contributes to consultation, training and piloting activities.
Project: Designing a Self-Assessment Framework and Process for CoVEs
Contact: Karin Luomi-Messerer
Client: ETF - European Training Foundation
Duration: 05/2022 – 11/2023