Comparing Vocational Education and Training Qualifications

Building on previous work (Cedefop 2017), the purpose is to scale up and strengthen these comparative methodologies so as to promote mutual learning between countries and facilitate strengthening of relevance and quality of VET qualifications at national level.
The Framework Contract comprises the following assignments:
Work Assignment 1 – Exploring and testing a reference point for VET comparison (started in December 2017)
Work Assignment 2 – Exploring, gathering and analysing national qualifications data
Work Assignment 3 – Exploring, gathering and analysing data on the match/mismatch between qualifications and labour market requirements
Work Assignment 4 – Methodological synthesis
The Framework Contract is coordinated by 3s and carried out in cooperation with Ockham IPS (NL) as well as national experts from various countries.
Project: Comparing Vocational Education and Training Qualifications: towards a European Comparative Methodology
Contact: Karin Luomi-Messerer
Client: Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)
Duration: 2017-2021