Support for the European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI)

3s supports the European Commission in improving the measures for graduate tracking in the EU.

image by Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

Tracking the careers of graduates can help improve education systems. Experience abroad during studies, the design of the learning envi­ron­ment and study-related work expe­ri­ence are factors that con­tri­bu­te to the acqui­si­ti­on of com­pe­ten­ces and help to determine the basis for later success on the labour market. What do graduates do after obtaining their qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, and how do they self-assess the relevance of their studies are key questions.

The European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI) aims to establish a Europe-wide mechanism for tracking graduates and thus provide the basis for coll­ec­ting com­pa­ra­ti­ve data on the effec­ti­ve­ness of higher education across Europe. Involving stake­hol­ders from EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, the roll-out of EGTI forms part of an intensive inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on. 3s is sup­port­ing the European Commission in the estab­lish­ment, coor­di­na­ti­on, imple­men­ta­ti­on and moni­to­ring of a capacity-building programme in this area as part of an inter­na­tio­nal consortium.

Project: Capacity building for a European graduate tracking initiative

Contact: Sigrid Mannsberger-Nindl

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Client: GD EAC, Generaldirektion Bildung, Jugend, Sport und Kultur der Europäischen Kommission

Duration: 07/2020 – 03/2022

Studies & Analyses

Competences for a Democratic Culture in VET

The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Services & Events

Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission

3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

Studies & Analyses

eNaBlS: Collaborative Learning for Environmental Sustainability

This three-year Horizon project follows a trans­for­ma­ti­ve approach to tackle chal­lenges of the bio­di­ver­si­ty and climate crises.

Studies & Analyses

Competences for a Democratic Culture in VET

The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Services & Events

Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission

3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

Studies & Analyses

Competences for a Democratic Culture in VET

The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Studies & Analyses

Competences for a Democratic Culture in VET

The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.