Alleviating the Agony of Choice for Young Adults

When people talk about lifelong learning, they fail to prioritise young adults as they have either just completed their initial education or are still studying. Nevertheless, young people are constantly learning at work, in their hobbies or in voluntary work. Not everyone, however, finds optimal conditions for learning in these environments. Some groups, considered ‛disadvantaged’, do need special support measures. This poses many challenges for employers and policy makers.
How can learning opportunities best support young adults during their early working years? What strategies can effectively improve learning opportunities for young adults? How can young adults succeed in harnessing the learning potential of their current workplace? These are some of the research questions of the ENLIVEN project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. ENLIVEN is an acronym for ‛Encouraging Lifelong learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe’. At the same time, the English verb ‛enliven’ means to rejuvenate, enrich, and invigorate and we aim to apply that to the opportunities for learning in young adulthood.
Ten research institutions from seven European countries and Australia are working on the following topics in the project:
- Educational opportunities for young adults (18–34 years) at risk of social exclusion and their governance in EU Member States.
- National systems of learning in adulthood and their influence on participation opportunities in education.
- Young adult learning in and for the workplace and its importance for one’s career path
With a focus on the last point 3s has conducted 16 company case studies and 64 interviews on individual learning biographies of young adults in the metalworking, retail and adult education sector. Of special interest is the analysis of the institutional framework conditions, such as work organisation that directly influence learning opportunities at the workplace. New approaches to representing the interests of and for young workers have also been examined.
Hefler, Günter; Steinheimer, Eva (2020). The Austrian Response to Youth Guarantee. In: Milana, Marcella; Klatt, Gosia; Vatrella, Sandra (eds). Europe’s Lifelong Learning Markets, Governance and Policy. Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978–3‑030–38069-4_14.
Project: ENLIVE — Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe
Contact: Günter Hefler
Client: European Commission – Horizon 2020
Duration: 09/2016-08/2019