Transversal skills for the 21st century

The Erasmus+ project TRANSVAL-EU tests inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches to validate trans­ver­sal com­pe­ten­ces in the field of non-formal and informal learning in five EU pilot countries.

Employers attach more and more importance to so-called trans­ver­sal skills, i.e. inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry com­pe­ten­ces or ‛cross-sectional com­pe­ten­ces’ such as problem solving, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, crea­ti­vi­ty or resi­li­ence. At the same time, there are hardly any pro­ce­du­res on how these partly infor­mal­ly acquired skills can be included in vali­da­ti­on and guidance processes.

Transval-EU Logo

Examples of reco­gni­ti­on of trans­ver­sal skills are still scarce. Therefore, the Erasmus+ project TRANSVAL-EU tests inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches to the vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal skills and pursues the following goals:

  • Improve the teaching of trans­ver­sal skills
  • Improve the vali­da­ti­on processes
  • Training of validation/counselling professionals
  • Building bridges between actors in the field of education and the labour market
  • Developing and testing new tools for vali­da­ti­on professionals
  • Evaluating the impact of the inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches studied on pro­fes­sio­nals and people who have had their skills validated.

In total, 16 project partner insti­tu­ti­ons from seven EU countries are involved in the project coor­di­na­ted by the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. In addition to 3s, other partners in Austria are the Austrian Institute for Vocational Education Research (öibf) and the Chamber of Labour Salzburg. 3s is repre­sen­ted by Mariya Dzhengozova (project manage­ment) and the 3s team (Karin Luomi-Messerer, Monika Auzinger and Julia Fellinger).

All project output can be accessed here.


Partner logos

Logos von Erasmus+ und OeAD

Project: Validation of trans­ver­sal skills across Europe ‒ TRANSVAL-EU

Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova

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Client: Erasmus+ KA3 Policy Reform ‒ Policy Experimentation

Duration: 02/2021 ‒ 08/2023

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Services & Events

Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission

3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

Studies & Analyses

eNaBlS: Collaborative Learning for Environmental Sustainability

This three-year Horizon project follows a trans­for­ma­ti­ve approach to tackle chal­lenges of the bio­di­ver­si­ty and climate crises.

Studies & Analyses

From intended to achieved learning outcomes

3s takes part in a major Cedefop study on the processes of how to achieve intended learning outcomes in initial voca­tio­nal education and training in schools and apprenticeships.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Services & Events

Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission

3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

Studies & Analyses

eNaBlS: Collaborative Learning for Environmental Sustainability

This three-year Horizon project follows a trans­for­ma­ti­ve approach to tackle chal­lenges of the bio­di­ver­si­ty and climate crises.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Services & Events

Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission

3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Services & Events

Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission

3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).