19 September 2024

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

A new report of the SALTO Resource Centre for Inclusion and Diversity analyses the needs of beneficiaries in the Erasmus+ Programme.

3s supports the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) as SALTO Resource Centre for Inclusion and Diversity in Education and Training (SALTO ID ET) with con­duc­ting a study to identify chal­lenges faced by par­ti­ci­pan­ts with fewer oppor­tu­ni­ties in Key Action 1 mobility (KA1) across school education, voca­tio­nal training, higher education, and adult education.

Using a multi-method approach, including surveys and focus groups, the findings offer valuable insights into how Erasmus+ can better promote inclusive par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, ensuring that all indi­vi­du­als, regard­less of back­ground, can benefit from the programme. The report’s recom­men­da­ti­ons will help SALTO ID ET further tailor its resources and services to meet the needs of diverse participants.

The final report Research on the needs of bene­fi­ci­a­ries on the topic of inclusion and diversity in the Erasmus+ programme was prepared by Monika Auzinger and Zsuzsanna Zarka with the support of Verena DiChristin.

Contact: Monika Auzinger

Client: Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP)

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

1 Sep

KRIVET joins Skills2Capabilities consortium

The Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) has officially joined the Skills2Capabilities project as an associated partner.

31 Jul

Micro-Credentials for Enhanced Employability

A recent Peer Learning Activity by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) focused on enhancing trust in micro-credentials to improve employability. The synthesis report on the event is available now.

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

1 Sep

KRIVET joins Skills2Capabilities consortium

The Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) has officially joined the Skills2Capabilities project as an associated partner.

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

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