HE funding systems and the European Universities Initiative
In today’s society, higher education institutions are facing numerous challenges with significant social and economic consequences. As a result, the demands placed on the higher education sector are increasing rapidly, requiring efficient allocation of resources to achieve its various goals in education, research, innovation, and service to society. To meet these demands, EU Member States have linked funding with performance on key policy objectives, resulting in various funding approaches and policy objectives being implemented across Europe in the past decade. The European Universities Initiative (EUI), has been a catalyst for national reforms and the transformation of the sector as a whole. This is why nearly all Member States are currently funding their national higher education institutions involved in the initiative to support alliances and maximize their potential.
The recently published study “Final Report of the Study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education to support the European Universities Initiative” aims to provide a comprehensive overview of performance-based funding mechanisms in higher education across EU countries, evaluating their effectiveness, as well as mapping the national funding that supports higher education institutions participating in the European Universities initiative. On behalf of 3s, Stefan Humpl contributed research regarding the Austrian context.

image by Foto von Dom Fou auf Unsplash
Contact: Stefan Humpl
Client: Europäische Kommission