Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education
Around three years after the amendment to the Austrian Higher Education Act was passed, which enabled higher education institutions to recognise non-formally and informally acquired competences in the curriculum for the first time, national and international experts from various fields came together at this hybrid event to highlight and discuss experiences with the implementation of the law on validation.
In addition to overview presentations, there were in-depth sessions on national and international approaches to validation in higher education as well as international practical examples with a presentation by Karin Luomi-Messerer entitled “Fifty Shades of … Insights into Validation Approaches in the European Context”. Other key topics included the perspective of VET research and adult education on the topic, the experiences of the higher education institutions themselves and the discussion of problems with validation.
All presentations and videos of the lectures are available in the online documentation (all in German).
Contact: Karin Luomi-Messerer