14 April 2022

Multilingual career information

The multilingual content of the online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service has been expanded to include content in Ukrainian and Russian.

In the Occupational Information System occu­pa­tio­nal and app­ren­ti­ce­ship profiles can be displayed in nine languages after a recent expansion. In addition to German, English, Turkish, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Persian, Ukrainian and Russian have been added of late. To see an example (brick­lay­er), simply follow the link. For a further update of the platform in the future, the complete trans­la­ti­on of the search function is planned.

image by AMS / DoRo Filmproduktion

Contact: Andreas Steininger

Client: AMS Österreich

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

9 Apr

Join us for a dynamic event: SKILLS HORIZONS

Meet the coordinators of more than 10 HORIZON Europe projects on skill development in one virtual event celebrating the closing of the European Year of Skills.

5 Apr

Pact for Skills helped train 3.5 million workers

At the Pact for Skills Forum recently held in Brussels, key results from the annual survey on the Pact on activities over last two years were presented.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

9 Apr

Join us for a dynamic event: SKILLS HORIZONS

Meet the coordinators of more than 10 HORIZON Europe projects on skill development in one virtual event celebrating the closing of the European Year of Skills.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

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