14 February 2024

Criticism of dif­fe­ren­ces in the quality of traineeships

The European Court of Auditors criticises the different conditions for trainees across the EU and refers to the evaluation of the related Council Recommendation.

For incre­a­sing numbers of teenagers and young adults, trai­nee­ships are an important pre­pa­ra­ti­on for working life and help them enter the labour market. In a recent report, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) cri­ti­cis­ed the still con­sidera­ble dif­fe­ren­ces in the con­di­ti­ons under which trai­nee­ships are carried out across the EU. This has a number of con­se­quen­ces for the quality of intern­ships in terms of legal requi­re­ments, demands and even the payment of trainees. The ECA also refers to the eva­lua­ti­on study of the European Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Internships (QRP, 2014) published in 2023, to which 3s experts con­tri­bu­ted.

image by pressfoto on Freepik

Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova, Monika Auzinger

Client: Europea

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

3 Dec

Grant for funding CVET of employees in Salzburg

3s carried out an evaluation of the Salzburg training grant in 2024. The final report on the study has just been published.

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

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