26 June 2023

DARYA capacity building and peer learning event on reco­gni­ti­on and vali­da­ti­on of prior learning

Last week, the European Training Foundation invited to a three-day stakeholder seminar on recognition and validation of prior learning in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The seminar was organised as part of the DARYA project (thematic Module 2), a European Union initia­ti­ve to support young people in Central Asia through streng­thening the quality and inclu­si­ve­ness of education, training and employment systems as well as regional coope­ra­ti­on. The European Training Foundation (ETF) as imple­men­ting orga­ni­sa­ti­on hosts a series of capacity building and peer learning acti­vi­ties in the area of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons deve­lo­p­ment. The latest seminar brought together over 50 stake­hol­ders form five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) and several EU countries (the Baltic countries, France) and agencies to faci­li­ta­te exchange and mutual learning on policy prio­ri­ties and practices of reco­gni­ti­on and vali­da­ti­on of prior learning.

Mariya Dzhengozova (3s) par­ti­ci­pa­ted as a coor­di­na­tor of the team of DARYA’s inter­na­tio­nal experts on qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons systems and frameworks.

More infor­ma­ti­on and the docu­men­ta­ti­on of the event can be found here.

image by ETF and Mariya Dzhengozova

Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova

Client: ETF - European Training Foundation

22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

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On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

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22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

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22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

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