5 March 2023

Progress on mutual reco­gni­ti­on of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and learning periods abroad

The study for the European Commission on progress and challenges to the automatic mutual recognition of qualifications in the EU and learning periods abroad has been published.

The publi­ca­ti­on documents, among other things, the progress made in using EU instru­ments and common standards to faci­li­ta­te the automatic mutual reco­gni­ti­on of higher education and upper secondary education and training qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and the outcomes of learning periods abroad. Most EU countries have already imple­men­ted the necessary legis­la­ti­ve changes. However, many stake­hol­ders struggle to under­stand what exactly automatic reco­gni­ti­on actually entails. After all, the majority of learning spells abroad are already reco­g­nis­ed under Erasmus+, but the systems for coll­ec­ting data on reco­gni­ti­on decisions are limited and frag­men­ted across the EU-27, making it difficult for Member States to under­stand the trends and extent of automatic reco­gni­ti­on. The executive summary also discusses the main chal­lenges in imple­men­ting automatic reco­gni­ti­on and offers sug­ge­sti­ons for impro­ve­ment. Co-authors of the study are Sigrid Mannsberger-Nindl, Julia Fellinger, Karin Luomi-Messerer and Janine Wulz.

Download of the Executive Summary.

Download of the Evaluation Report.

The Commission’s report to the Council based on this study has also been published in the meantime.

Contact: Sigrid Mannsberger-Nindl

Client: European Commission

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

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12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

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23 Jan

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17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

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