Progress on mutual recognition of qualifications and learning periods abroad
The publication documents, among other things, the progress made in using EU instruments and common standards to facilitate the automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary education and training qualifications and the outcomes of learning periods abroad. Most EU countries have already implemented the necessary legislative changes. However, many stakeholders struggle to understand what exactly automatic recognition actually entails. After all, the majority of learning spells abroad are already recognised under Erasmus+, but the systems for collecting data on recognition decisions are limited and fragmented across the EU-27, making it difficult for Member States to understand the trends and extent of automatic recognition. The executive summary also discusses the main challenges in implementing automatic recognition and offers suggestions for improvement. Co-authors of the study are Sigrid Mannsberger-Nindl, Julia Fellinger, Karin Luomi-Messerer and Janine Wulz.
Download of the Executive Summary.
Download of the Evaluation Report.
The Commission’s report to the Council based on this study has also been published in the meantime.

Contact: Sigrid Mannsberger-Nindl
Client: European Commission