Save-the-Date: Austrian Forum TRANSVAL-EU / 21 September 2021
The question of how to make transversal competences visible and thus also validatable is the starting point of the Erasmus+ project TRANSVAL-EU.
At this online event we aim to inform the participants about the goals of the project and bring together different stakeholder groups.
During the event, the project partners will introduce the project, its perspectives and approaches in the following five keynotes (all in German):
- Status-quo of TRANSVAL-EU and the strategic dimension (OeAD).
- Scientific approach: Research design and hypotheses (3s Research Laboratory)
- Digitalisation in the validation process: case study ‛Du kannst was!’ programme (AK Salzburg)
- Validation in the field of tension between domain specificity and transferability (öibf)
- A look at already existing practices: Transversal competences in the validation process (wba)
If you are interested in participating, please feel free to register at the following e‑mail address:
Please find attached the preliminary agenda and further information on the TRANSVAL-EU project.

image by Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova