4 April 2024

Vocational Turn in Eastern Europe

In the current issue of the journal berufsbildung, Jörg Markowitsch writes about the development of vocational education and training in Eastern Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain.

The current issue of berufs­bil­dung — Zeitschrift für Theorie-Praxis-Dialog is dedicated to Ukraine. In addition to a series of articles dealing with various aspects of the inte­gra­ti­on of refugees from Ukraine in Germany and the role of voca­tio­nal education and training (VET) in this process, intro­duc­to­ry articles provide an insight into VET in Ukraine and the Central and Eastern European context. These include Jörg Markowitsch’s con­tri­bu­ti­on “The East of the West: Vocational education and training in Eastern Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain.” As a result, the field of VET in Central and Eastern European countries is extremely dynamic and diverse — something that is often over­loo­ked by com­pa­ra­ti­ve research. As a result of demo­gra­phic changes and incre­a­sing skills shortages, there has been a renewed upswing in VET in recent years (“voca­tio­nal turn”). Facets of the topic have also been analysed in the anthology “Skill formation in Central and Eastern Europe. A search for patterns and direc­tions of deve­lo­p­ment” (2022).

Jörg Markowitsch (2024): Der Osten des Westens: Berufliche Bildung in Osteuropa seit dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs. In: berufs­bil­dung. Zeitschrift für Theorie-Praxis-Dialog, Heft 201, 1/2024.

Contact: Jörg Markowitsch

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

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17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

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