Measuring skills systems and counteract skills mismatch
The purpose of this contract was twofold: On the one hand, the project developed a methodology and a policy tool – a skills monitoring index – that can be used to evaluate the performance of EU Member States’ skills systems (e.g. in terms of skill development, activation and utilisation).
On the other hand, the project developed a method in order to identify and prioritise occupations that are susceptible to skill mismatch (i.e. skill shortages or surpluses) and are of high economic importance in each EU Member State. To achieve these goals at both country and occupational level, the proposed system combined quantitative indicators of skills along with qualitative input from experts.
The aim of this project was to assess the performance of EU Member States’ skills systems and to provide early warning signals of the presence of skill mismatches in occupations of priority economic relevance.
Both tools were integrated into the Skills Panorama developed and maintained by Cedefop and the European Commission.
3s was involved as project partner in consortium with Cambridge Econometrics (UK), Economix (DE), and Warwick Institute for Employment Research (UK).
Project: Measuring Performance of EU Member States Skills Systems and Prioritising Skill Mismatches
Contact: Jörg Markowitsch
Client: Cedefop
Duration: 2014-2016