How can youth work support entrepreneurial thinking?
image by Photo by Creative Christians on Unsplash
This study was commissioned by the European Commission and undertaken by a consortium consisting of Danish Technological Institute, The Young Foundation, Plataforma para a Educação do Empreendedorismo em Portugal and 3s .
The overall purpose of the study was to ‘explore how youth work and non-formal learning can help to foster entrepreneurship and so complement initiatives undertaken in other sectors such as formal education and training, enterprises and employment’. The study built upon comprehensive desk research in all Erasmus+ countries, the United States, Canada and Australia. As part of the study, more than 100 examples of good practices linking youth work and entrepreneurship were identified and 12 on-site case studies were carried out. Furthermore, a stakeholder seminar was arranged as part of the study.
The report formulates recommendations for further actions for policy makers and programme leaders within the cross-section between youth and education at EU-level and national level as well as recommendations for education and training providers and their cross-sectoral cooperation.
Project: Study on Youth Work and Youth Entrepreneurship: Supporting young people in entrepreneurial learning – The role of youth work
Contact: Sabine Schwenk
Client: The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Duration: 2015