Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities
The European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills (CoP on EES) hosted an insightful online event on 11 February 2025 entitled Bridging Gaps in Vocational Training: The Role of NGOs and the Impact of ESF Support in Europe, reaching around 90 international experts, stakeholders and practitioners.
Based on a recent study, the event analysed how NGOs are using ESF+ funding to close structural gaps in vocational and adult education across Europe. Case studies from Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Spain were used to discuss how these organisations provide crucial support to socially disadvantaged groups.
In the first part of the webinar, Fernando Marhuenda Fluixá (University of Valencia) gave a short introduction to the topic of Third Sector activities in non-formal VET. After that, thematic experts Ágota Scharle (Budapest Institute) and Jörg Markowitsch (3s) presented the final report of the study The Role of NGOs in Up- and Reskilling: Exploring ESF+ Supported Initiatives in Austria, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of how NGOs complement formal education and contribute to labour market integration.
The Austrian case study was presented in a breakout session. Eva Steinheimer (3s) gave an overview of the Level Up initiative and the role of NGOs
in the provision of basic education for adults. Erwin Rohrer from ISOP showed how ISOP provides tailor-made educational offers in the initiative and beyond that address the needs of marginalised population groups. The session was moderated by Jörg Markowitsch and Farid Ramadan (Foundation for Rehabilitation (Kuntoutussäätiö), Finland) was a discussant. The audience also took an active part in the ensuing dialogue.
In the parallel breakout session, the Spanish case study was presented, with the Acceder programme of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano serving as another exemplary model for vocational training activities run by NGOs.
The documentation of the event will be available here shortly.
Contact: Jörg Markowitsch
Client: European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Community of Practice on Employment, Education, and Skills