26 November 2021

EXPECT — Sustainable voca­tio­nal education and training in Great Britain

The fourth Peer Learning Activity (PLA) of the Erasmus+ project EXPECT took place in Brighton, England, after a long COVID break.

Project partners met at Plumpton College, the second largest training insti­tu­ti­on in England for higher voca­tio­nal education. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts received an overview of the English (voca­tio­nal) education system and the sus­taina­bi­li­ty stra­te­gies of Plumpton College as well as a guided tour of the premises. Among other things, the partners were also informed about the joint project “Greener Sussex”, which involves 14 colleges in the region and includes working groups on climate change awareness (carbon literacy), electric vehicle tech­no­lo­gy, land manage­ment, alter­na­ti­ve energy, and decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on. Representatives of the local aut­ho­ri­ties as well as other voca­tio­nal schools reported on their acti­vi­ties in the field of education for sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment and presented examples.
Project descrip­ti­on
Project Website
EXPECT newsletter3

Partner Logos

Contact: Sabine Schwenk

Client: Erasmus+ KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

A new report of the SALTO Resource Centre for Inclusion and Diversity analyses the needs of beneficiaries in the Erasmus+ Programme.

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

1 Sep

KRIVET joins Skills2Capabilities consortium

The Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) has officially joined the Skills2Capabilities project as an associated partner.

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

A new report of the SALTO Resource Centre for Inclusion and Diversity analyses the needs of beneficiaries in the Erasmus+ Programme.

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

A new report of the SALTO Resource Centre for Inclusion and Diversity analyses the needs of beneficiaries in the Erasmus+ Programme.

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

A new report of the SALTO Resource Centre for Inclusion and Diversity analyses the needs of beneficiaries in the Erasmus+ Programme.

18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

>all news