Agile learning in the workplace — developing new approaches

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Due to ever shorter innovation cycles, employees need to acquire new competences more quickly. Classical forms such as seminars and further education courses are often too slow for today’s dynamic changes in companies. There is a need for new approaches that are company-specific, flexible in terms of time and scope, and close to the real work situation.
This is why the approach of agile learning was developed, in which learning takes place in the work process and on the basis of real tasks, supported by learning companions (“coaches”). An important component of this is action-oriented learning according to the principle of the so-called “complete action”, which includes planning, preparation, implementation, result control and evaluation as well as process reflection.
In the Erasmus+ project HoWARP (short for “Handlungsorientierte Weiterbildung am Arbeitsplatz“, i.e. ‛Action-Oriented Continuing Education in the Workplace’), 3s is developing a new, practice-oriented combination of action-oriented and agile learning for continuing vocational education together with five European partners. In doing so, we are strictly oriented towards direct applicability in the company with the involvement of trainers and supervisors.
Project: HoWARP – Action oriented continuing education at the workplace
Contact: Stefan Humpl
Client: Erasmus+ - European Union
Duration: 09/2019 – 08/2022