Digitalisation for Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Austria

image by AMS / Reinhard Mayr / Das Medienstudio
The increase and combined use of digital technologies and the proliferation of their areas of application is about to cause a lasting structural change through innovations, which will leave few areas of professional, public, and private life untouched. The question of how the transition to the digital age can be supported by appropriate measures has occupied a central position on Austria’s political agenda. Shaping the consequences of digitalisation is also a focus of cooperation between Austrian social partners.
3s was commissioned with an analysis of initiatives and projects at an international scale that dealt with emerging forms of learning and/or the promotion of competence acquisition in a digitalised world. The focus of the analysis was on the innovative strength of these projects and their applicability or transferability to Austria. The best practice examples are mainly in the field of vocational education and training and cover all levels of education.
Project: Studie: Chancen der Digitalisierung für Österreich
Contact: Stefan Humpl
Client: IV – Junge Industrie und Arbeiterkammer Österreich
Duration: 01/2019-12/2019