14 August 2023

Research report on the impact of vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal com­pe­ten­ces published

Read now the final report on the accompanying scientific research in the TRANSVAL-EU project on the validation of transversal competences, which is coming to an end.

In the course of the TRANSVAL-EU project, inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches to the vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal com­pe­ten­ces acquired through non-formal and informal learning were tested in five pilot tests in Austria, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Poland. In these field trials, vali­da­ti­on and guidance prac­ti­tio­ners were trained in order to improve vali­da­ti­on and guidance processes with regard to trans­ver­sal com­pe­ten­ces. What was learned was then applied in practice. This was accom­pa­nied by a sci­en­ti­fic eva­lua­ti­on of the field trials, which analysed the expe­ri­en­ces of 78 prac­ti­tio­ners and 256 vali­da­ti­on can­di­da­tes. The results show that a signi­fi­cant pro­por­ti­on of both groups expe­ri­en­ced an increase in their com­pe­ten­ces. A number of acti­vi­ties within the TRANSVAL-EU project have con­tri­bu­ted to this, including trans­na­tio­nal and national trainings, the provision and trans­la­ti­on of specific training materials, tools and methods, and the work in the field trials.

The main authors of the accom­pany­ing research report are Maurice de Greef (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Julia Fellinger and Mariya Dzhengozova (both 3s).

image by Erasmus+

Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova

Client: Erasmus+ KA3 Policy Reform ‒ Policy Experimentation

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Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

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12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

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23 Jan

The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress

A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

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12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

17 Feb

Kick-off to the third project year — Skills2Capabilities shows first results

The third partner meeting of the Horizon project took place in Dortmund in February. In addition to reports from the work packages, there was also valuable expert input.

12 Feb

Event: The role of NGOs in ESF co-financed VET activities

The final report of a study on the role of NGOs and the impact of ESF support in the VET sector was presented in a webinar organised by the ESF+ Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills.

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