Equity and Efficiency in Lifelong Learning


Sheila Riddell, Jörg Markowitsch and Elisabet Weedon (eds.)

Lifelong learning in Europe: Equity and effi­ci­en­cy in the balance.

Bristol: Policy Press

The ongoing economic crisis in Europe raises fun­da­men­tal questions about the European Union’s ability to harmonize edu­ca­tio­nal policy across its member states. With evidence that European unity is clearly faltering, many edu­ca­tio­nal goals, including lifelong learning, are in trouble. In this book, the con­tri­bu­tors work toward a greater under­stan­ding of lifelong learning in an expanded Europe, with par­ti­cu­lar emphasis on post-Soviet states. Examining data from the EU Sixth Framework Project Lifelong Learning Policy and Practice in Europe, they provide important insights on how lifelong learning con­tri­bu­tes to economic growth and social cohesion, as well as how it has evolved over the years.

Jörg Markowitsch — who is also one of the editors — and Günter Hefler author a chapter on “The qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on-providing enter­pri­se? Support for formal adult education in small and medium-sized enterprises”.

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