Transformationen von Arbeit, Beruf und Bildung in inter­na­tio­na­ler Betrachtung


Stefanie Dernbach-Stolz, Philipp Eigenmann, Chantal Kamm, Stefan Kessler (Hrsg.)

Transformationen von Arbeit, Beruf und Bildung in inter­na­tio­na­ler Betrachtung. Festschrift für Philipp Gonon

Wiesbaden: Springer VS

The book "Transformations of Work, Vocation and Education from an International Perspective" is intended as a commemorative volume for Philipp Gonon and presents the complexity already indicated in the title in a wealth of contributions by important German-speaking and international experts in VET research.

Jörg Markowitsch con­tri­bu­ted a chapter under the title “The Expansion of Swiss VET in European com­pa­ri­son or the VET expansion paradox” where he compares the deve­lo­p­ment of voca­tio­nal education and training in Switzerland since the 1990s with the changes in voca­tio­nal education and training in Europe. While a con­ti­nuous decline in dual VET was observed among most European countries during this period, the dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on of VET provision and the streng­thening of the ties to higher education in Switzerland actually led to an increase in the number of people in dual VET. Markowitsch inter­prets this as a possible change from a narrower under­stan­ding of VET to a broader under­stan­ding as voca­tio­nal­ly oriented education. An incre­a­sing dis­so­lu­ti­on of the strong sepa­ra­ti­on of voca­tio­nal and general education is a possible consequence.

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