27 March 2023

EXPECT — Sustainable voca­tio­nal education and training in Spain

In March 2023, the EXPECT project partners met for another Peer Learning Activity (PLA) in Bilbao.

As the two-year Erasmus+ project EXPECT was extended by nine months, the project partners were able to catch up with the PLA that could only take place online in May 2021 due to COVID rest­ric­tions and met at the voca­tio­nal school Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri in Bilbao from 23 to 24 March 2023. As always, there was an intro­duc­tion to the Basque VET system at the beginning after which the project par­ti­ci­pan­ts were informed about the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the CoVE approach (Centres of Vocational Excellence) in the Basque Country, among other things. At the Txorrieri voca­tio­nal school an attempt is being made to establish a coope­ra­ti­on platform for the various “Centres of Vocational Excellence” from all over Europe, which focuses on the topic of renewable and sus­tainable energies. To date, 22 partners from five European countries are already involved. In addition to various company repre­sen­ta­ti­ves pre­sen­ting their sus­tainable acti­vi­ties and their coope­ra­ti­ons with voca­tio­nal training insti­tu­ti­ons, students also had their say, reporting on projects in close coope­ra­ti­on with companies in the region. A highlight of the Bilbao visit was the pre­sen­ta­ti­on by Ms. Eider Inunciaga from the orga­ni­sa­ti­on BBK Kuna, which is working to com­mu­ni­ca­te the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BBK supports inno­va­ti­ve projects in the field of sus­taina­bi­li­ty as well as in other important areas (ageing society, migration, tech­no­lo­gi­cal revo­lu­ti­on, etc.) in a modern building in Bilbao that has been made available for this purpose.
Project descrip­ti­on
Project website
EXPECT newsletter7

Partner Logos

image by pixabay

Contact: Sabine Schwenk

Client: Erasmus+ KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

9 Apr

Join us for a dynamic event: SKILLS HORIZONS

Meet the coordinators of more than 10 HORIZON Europe projects on skill development in one virtual event celebrating the closing of the European Year of Skills.

22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

10 Apr

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

22 Apr

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

15 Apr

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting surroundings in Venice.

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