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Summer 2024

28 Jun 2024

Study visit on combating long-term unem­ployment held in Nantes

The Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills under the ESF Social Innovation+ Initiative hosted a study visit that brought together European stake­hol­ders from 15 EU countries.

28 Jun 2024

We mourn the passing of Professor Ellu Saar

Elle Saar, Professor of Sociology at Tallinn University, had been asso­cia­ted with 3s for almost 20 years. It is with deep sadness that we share the news of her passing.

13 Jun 2024

Review of the Cedefop workshop on learning outcomes in IVET

On 24 May, Cedefop hosted an online workshop on the practical imple­men­ta­ti­on of learning outcomes in school and company-based training programmes.

Spring 2024

21 May 2024

Adult learning in the dual transition

At a joint event organised by the Vienna Chamber of Labour and waff, a spotlight was cast on ‘Adult learning in the field of tension between digital and sus­tainable transformation’.

23 May 2024

In focus: vali­da­ti­on in Europe and beyond

Several recent publi­ca­ti­ons demon­stra­te the broad 3s expertise in the field of vali­da­ti­on: the update of the European Validation Inventory and an ETF thematic report.

30 Apr 2024

Strategic approa­ches to skills development

Working Paper No. 2 of Skills2Capabilities has been published recently con­tai­ning a coll­ec­tion of country case studies on national strategic documents with relation to skills policies.

22 Apr 2024

Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET

On May 24 2024, there is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.

5 Apr 2024

Pact for Skills helped train 3.5 million workers

At the Pact for Skills Forum recently held in Brussels, key results from the annual survey on the Pact on acti­vi­ties over last two years were presented.

15 Apr 2024

On the islands of the Serenissima — Horizon partner meeting

Great progress was reported at the second project meeting of our Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities that took place in the uplifting sur­roun­dings in Venice.

10 Apr 2024

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this inno­va­ti­ve con­fe­rence (5–6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

9 Apr 2024

Join us for a dynamic event: SKILLS HORIZONS

Meet the coor­di­na­tors of more than 10 HORIZON Europe projects on skill deve­lo­p­ment in one virtual event cele­bra­ting the closing of the European Year of Skills.

4 Apr 2024

Vocational Turn in Eastern Europe

In the current issue of the journal berufs­bil­dung, Jörg Markowitsch writes about the deve­lo­p­ment of voca­tio­nal education and training in Eastern Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain.