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Spring 2023

5 Mar 2023

Progress on mutual reco­gni­ti­on of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and learning periods abroad

The study for the European Commission on progress and chal­lenges to the automatic mutual reco­gni­ti­on of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons in the EU and learning periods abroad has been published.

16 Mar 2023

Research con­fe­rence Transversal Skills for Work and Life

Registration for the research con­fe­rence of the TRANSVAL-EU project in Paris (18–19 April 2023) is open. Follow the dis­cus­sion on how to address trans­ver­sal com­pe­ten­ces in guidance and vali­da­ti­on processes for adult learners.

3 Mar 2023

Future fit education systems

A recently published UNIDO IAP article by Jörg Markowitsch and Günter Hefler provides insights into Europe’s diverse edu­ca­tio­nal landscape and impli­ca­ti­ons for the future. What should future fit education systems look like?

6 Mar 2023

Labour Shortages and Skill Mismatches – What can be done?

3s invites to a keynote by Ken Mayhew (Oxford) and inter­na­tio­nal expert dis­cus­sion to examine new policies to address incre­a­sing labour shortage and skill mismatches.

Winter 2023–2022

30 Jan 2023

EXPECT — Sustainable voca­tio­nal education and training in Austria

The par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the Erasmus+ project EXPECT — Exchanges of Practices in Education for Climate Targets met this time in Vienna to shed light on the topic of sus­tainable VET in Austria.

25 Jan 2023

Increasing the quality of trai­nee­ships in Europe

European Commission study eva­lua­ting the Council Recommendation on the Quality Framework for Traineeships published.

19 Dec 2022

Volume 3 on the Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe

The third volume of results from our three-year Cedefop project on the future of VET is now available. This time focusing on assess­ment in IVET.

16 Dec 2022

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs

Günter Hefler presented results from a two-year research project at the Cedefop Brussels Seminar on 15 December 2022. Key aim was to find answers to the question how policy instru­ments support MSMEs to increase their training provision.

16 Dec 2022

Green Skills in Short Supply?

This was the title of an online con­fe­rence on the chal­lenges education and the labour market face in times of Green Change recently organised by the Erasmus+ VET Teams Austria.

7 Dec 2022

Future of VET – chal­lenges and choices

The chal­lenges European VET systems face are manifold. The results of a multi-year research project on this were recently discussed at an online conference.

Autumn 2022

13 Oct 2022

Knowledge mobi­li­sa­ti­on in the IRR project

The Erasmus+ project “Inclusive Responsible Research (IRR)” is entering its final phase. In a series of workshops we discuss the results with rese­ar­chers and experts in higher education research.

17 Nov 2022

Learning more about micro-credentials

On 8–9 November 2022, more than 60 repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the EQAVET Network joined an online Peer Learning Activity on quality assurance of micro-cre­den­ti­als in voca­tio­nal education and training.