Nursing shortage in the spotlight
The shortage of health care staff does not come as a surprise, but recent reports on the closure of entire hospital departments due to staff shortages make it clear how drastic the situation already is in many places, also in Austria. At a screening event on 10 November at the Arthouse cinema of the mdw Vienna, the topic will be examined from an unusual angle by asking how the medium of film between career guidance and entertainment can influence interest in nursing training.
The screening is the kick-off to a workshop the following day and a series of events on the theme of “Careers, Work and Education in Film”. The evening begins with a series of historical educational and vocational information films. Afterwards, Konrad Wakolbinger talks with Axel Stummer, director of career information films and graduate of the Film Academy, about his film “Beruf Helfen”. This is followed by the main film “Zu jeder Zeit” (De chaque instant, FR 2018) by Nicolas Philibert.
Thursday, 10 November 2022, 6 p.m. (main film 8 p.m.)
Arthouse-Kino im Future Art Lab, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien
Admission free!
Please register via lets-meet.
More information and the detailed programme can be found here.
The event takes place in cooperation with work-o-witch, 3s Research & Consulting, AMS Austria, the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute for Digital History, the Institute for Theatre, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna and the Association for the Promotion of New Film Cultures.

image by De Chaque Instant
Contact: Jörg Markowitsch