European networking for VET
The VET landscape is characterised by great diversity. This diversity can be used through the exchange of ideas and the analysis of examples of good practice to improve the quality and efficiency of VET. This includes developing standardised methods/tools for disseminating, promoting and evaluating the quality of VET in order to work on a common framework and make the organisation of VET more attractive for its stakeholders.
Within the VET UP partnership, a VET provider, a VET university and a VET research institute deepen the cooperation in three regional networks in Spain, France and Bulgaria and their international sourroundings. Study visits, knowledge exchange and transfer of best practice examples support these concerns. 3s (Austria) and the University of Lublin (Poland) provide scientific support for the project.
Project: VET UP – Transnational Networks of VET Providers for the excellence of VET in Europe
Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova, Julia Fellinger
Client: Erasmus+ KA3 Policy Reform ‒ Policy Experimentation
Duration: 10/2019 ‒ 06/2022