Quality labels for Centres of Vocational Excellence

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Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) are distinguished by remarkably high performance in their VET operations. CoVEs might be individual VET institutions, clusters, or networks having shared standards. The variety of CoVE constellations is wide-ranging; they might be founded recently or have been around for a while, be associated with different industries, be involved in regional networks or even nationwide VET systems, etc.
In order to provide better guidance in this diverse field, ETF has commissioned a Feasability Study to look into the introduction of a label for CoVEs or a Vocational Excellence Award. One aim associated with such labels and awards is the international recognition (and valorization) of VET providers, clusters and partnerships that have a proven track record of excellence. Such recognition can also increase the visibility of these institutions and their achievements at the national level. It can further help those who are just beginning their journey in this development or still have a long way to go, as the outstanding CoVEs can provide them with tangible examples and role models of their achievements and motivate them to continue. The award of the quality label or the award is based, among other things, on the self-assessment of the institutions using the Self-Assessment Tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence.
3s is coordinating the project and the collaboration with Ockham IPS. Building on a mapping of existing labels and awards and a conceptualisation phase, the concrete proposals are tested in a simulation phase and adapted according to the lessons learned.
Project: Feasibility Study for the creation of a quality Award on Vocational Excellence
Contact: Monika Auzinger
Client: ETF - European Training Foundation
Duration: 05/2022-11/2023