Webinar on over­co­ming obstacles in trans­na­tio­nal VET mobi­li­ties for young people

The ESF Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills hosts a webinar pre­sen­ting good practices. Jörg Markowitsch was closely involved as expert from the first idea to moderation.

image by AMS/Chloe Potter

This webinar, organized by the ESF Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills (CoP EES) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the ALMA network on 21 September 2023, brings together suc­cessful practices from the ERASMUS+ and ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) pro­gram­mes. It focuses on orga­ni­zing trans­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ties for app­ren­ti­ces and young adults not in education, employment, or training (NEETs). Work-based learning has proven to be effective in helping NEETs re-enter education or employment and has been suc­cessful in reducing youth unem­ployment. While app­ren­ti­ces have different starting points, they also share expe­ri­en­ces of barriers when it comes to pla­ce­ments abroad.

The webinar explores how to best utilize the oppor­tu­ni­ties for mobility from both ALMA and ERASMUS+ to promote trans­na­tio­nal mobility in VET, empha­si­zing work-based learning. It aims to address chal­lenges such as language barriers, cultural adjust­ments, and ensuring safety and well-being abroad. The event is relevant for indi­vi­du­als and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons involved in inter­na­tio­nal mobility for app­ren­ti­ces and NEETs, par­ti­cu­lar­ly those inte­re­sted in initia­ting new mobility projects.

Jörg Markowitsch (3s) con­tri­bu­ted to the success of the event by approa­ching and briefing the speakers, providing a back­ground note and con­tri­bu­ting to a recom­men­da­ti­on paper. In addition, he moderated the event together with Agnė Buividavičiūtė (ESF CoP EES coor­di­na­tor, ESFA).

Project: Webinar “Overcoming obstacles for young adults in work-based learning and intern­ships abroad: Promising practices from ALMA and Erasmus+” 

Contact: Jörg Markowitsch

Mail to joerg.markowitsch@3s.co.at

Client: Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills

Duration: 09/2023

Tools & Applications

All occu­pa­ti­ons in one click — The AMS world of occupations

The online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) provides details on all occu­pa­ti­ons and app­ren­ti­ce­ships. 3s experts are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping this tool and main­tai­ning its content.

Studies & Analyses

Feasibility studies for new higher education programmes

Since the estab­lish­ment of uni­ver­si­ties of applied sciences, 3s supported the accre­di­ta­ti­on of new study pro­gram­mes through fea­si­bi­li­ty studies. These provide infor­ma­ti­on on the future demand for study places or the labour market

Studies & Analyses

Competences for a Democratic Culture in VET

The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.

Studies & Analyses

Exploring excel­lence and inclusion in voca­tio­nal education and training

3s coor­di­na­tes a signi­fi­cant study com­mis­sio­ned by Cedefop titled ‘European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion’.

Tools & Applications

All occu­pa­ti­ons in one click — The AMS world of occupations

The online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) provides details on all occu­pa­ti­ons and app­ren­ti­ce­ships. 3s experts are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping this tool and main­tai­ning its content.

Studies & Analyses

Feasibility studies for new higher education programmes

Since the estab­lish­ment of uni­ver­si­ties of applied sciences, 3s supported the accre­di­ta­ti­on of new study pro­gram­mes through fea­si­bi­li­ty studies. These provide infor­ma­ti­on on the future demand for study places or the labour market

Studies & Analyses

Competences for a Democratic Culture in VET

The Council of Europe launched a new project on promoting a culture of democracy in Vocational Education and Training in Europe with Jörg Markowitsch as an expert.

Tools & Applications

All occu­pa­ti­ons in one click — The AMS world of occupations

The online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) provides details on all occu­pa­ti­ons and app­ren­ti­ce­ships. 3s experts are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping this tool and main­tai­ning its content.

Studies & Analyses

Feasibility studies for new higher education programmes

Since the estab­lish­ment of uni­ver­si­ties of applied sciences, 3s supported the accre­di­ta­ti­on of new study pro­gram­mes through fea­si­bi­li­ty studies. These provide infor­ma­ti­on on the future demand for study places or the labour market

Tools & Applications

All occu­pa­ti­ons in one click — The AMS world of occupations

The online Occupational Information System of the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) provides details on all occu­pa­ti­ons and app­ren­ti­ce­ships. 3s experts are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ping this tool and main­tai­ning its content.

Studies & Analyses

Feasibility studies for new higher education programmes

Since the estab­lish­ment of uni­ver­si­ties of applied sciences, 3s supported the accre­di­ta­ti­on of new study pro­gram­mes through fea­si­bi­li­ty studies. These provide infor­ma­ti­on on the future demand for study places or the labour market