6 November 2023

Results of the TRANSVAL-EU project and outlook for community activities

The policy experimentation project TRANSVAL-EU has come to a successful end. All reports are available for download and the Community of Practice for validation and guidance professionals has been strengthened.

The TRANSVAL-EU project aimed to drive policy change through valuable insights gained from the project’s imple­men­ta­ti­on, primarily through extensive research and field expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on. The results of all project phases and acti­vi­ties are available for download on the project website.

In the project’s final phase, the different European and national/regional contexts for policy reform related to the vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal skills and com­pe­ten­ces were explored in depth.  A crucial focus of the project was to achieve ‘coherence’ — the seamless linking and coor­di­na­ti­on of policies in different areas, thereby eli­mi­na­ting red­un­dan­ci­es and inef­fi­ci­en­ci­es. This aspect requires concerted joint efforts and the exchange of knowledge among the respon­si­ble aut­ho­ri­ties, their respec­ti­ve insti­tu­ti­ons, and the policy-makers. A signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to this endeavour comes from the European Policy Coherence Report, produced by the Lifelong Learning Platform. This com­pre­hen­si­ve review assesses over 30 European policies and initia­ti­ves that address trans­ver­sal skills and com­pe­ten­ces spanning from 2010 to 2023. Both the European and national reports feature a set of recom­men­da­ti­ons tailored for policy-makers to further improve policy coherence and effec­ti­ve­ness in the field of vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal skills and competences.

While the TRANSVAL-EU project has come to an end, the European Community of Validation and Guidance Professionals will continue its work by bringing together EU and national/regional partners from different sectors such as VET, adult education, schools, career guidance centres, uni­ver­si­ties, research centres and civil society orga­ni­sa­ti­ons. The Community of Practice is already active, thanks to initia­ti­ves such as the peer learning acti­vi­ties within the European Qualifications Framework Advisory Group, the Validation Festival and the Validation for Prior Learning Biennale. For the future, it is expected that the community will receive more resources for orga­ni­s­ing acti­vi­ties. One option for further acti­vi­ties is to expand par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Validation Task Force of the Lifelong Learning Platform, espe­ci­al­ly with members from the TRANSVAL-EU partnership.

Download of all project output


Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova

Client: Erasmus+ KA3 Policy Reform ‒ Policy Experimentation

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