19 December 2022

Volume 3 on the Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe

The third volume of results from our three-year Cedefop project on the future of VET is now available. This time focusing on assessment in IVET.

The report shows that forms of assess­ment in IVET are con­stant­ly being reformed in the countries studied, under­li­ning their essential importance for improving quality. One of the questions addressed in the study was whether the objec­ti­ves set out in national curricula, qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on standards and programme descrip­ti­ons are enhanced or under­mi­ned by the pre­vai­ling assess­ment approa­ches. Numerous chal­lenges and starting points for further impro­ve­ment were identified.

This part of the Future of VET project was coor­di­na­ted by Karin Luomi-Messerer, who co-authored the report with Monika Auzinger and Mariya Dzhengozova.

Link to the project

Publication 3: “The future of voca­tio­nal education and training in Europe: Volume 3 – The influence of assess­ments on voca­tio­nal learning”

Publikation 2: “The future of voca­tio­nal education and training in Europe: Volume 2 – Delivering IVET: insti­tu­tio­nal diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on and/or expansion?”

Publikation 1: “The future of voca­tio­nal education and training in Europe: Volume 1 – The changing content and profile of VET: epi­ste­mo­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges and opportunities”

Contact: Karin Luomi-Messerer

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

1 Jul

News update from EQAVET

The EQAVET Peer Review processes and Peer Learning Activities are progressing. We are using the summer for a review and outlook.

28 Jun

We mourn the passing of Professor Ellu Saar

Elle Saar, Professor of Sociology at Tallinn University, had been associated with 3s for almost 20 years. It is with deep sadness that we share the news of her passing.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

1 Jul

News update from EQAVET

The EQAVET Peer Review processes and Peer Learning Activities are progressing. We are using the summer for a review and outlook.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

>all news