10 October 2024

Latvia Hosts Third EQAVET Peer Review

Under the title “Good governance and quality culture at VET institutions in Latvia’, experts gathered in Riga to discuss governance, quality culture, and change management in Latvia’s vocational education system.

Latvia hosted the third EQAVET peer review of the 2024–26 cycle in Riga, with six EQAVET Network members from Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Lithuania and Serbia par­ti­ci­pa­ting as peers. The hosts intro­du­ced the Latvian VET system, empha­sis­ing its work-based learning approach. Representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science, VET insti­tu­ti­ons and other stake­hol­ders shared their quality assurance (QA) practices. Key dis­cus­sions focused on insti­tu­tio­nal accre­di­ta­ti­on, work-based learning, and dropout pre­ven­ti­on strategies.

Monika Auzinger faci­li­ta­ted the meeting.

More infor­ma­ti­on and the flash report can be found here.

image by EQAVET Network

Contact: Monika Auzinger

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

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GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

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Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

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GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

17 Sep

Beyond sub­si­di­sing training costs – exploring  the whole range of policies sup­port­ing CVET in MSMEs

Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

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18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

19 Sep

Inclusion and Diversity in Erasmus+

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18 Sep

GreenComp in Practice – an evolving framework for sustainability

A new publication on the uptake and implementation of the GreenComp framework across various educational settings has been published by the European Commission.

>all news