International Handbook of Lifelong Learning


Karen Evans, Wing On Lee, Jörg Markowitsch and Miriam Zukas (eds.)

Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education 

Cham: Springer

The Third edition of this well-received and widely used Handbook brings together an entirely new set of chapters, to reflect progress and new themes in the ten years to 2022. Building on the estab­lished structure of the first two Handbooks, the four sections focus in turn on: phi­lo­so­phy, history and theory deve­lo­p­ment; fresh per­spec­ti­ves on policy and policy deve­lo­p­ment; emerging programs and new approa­ches; and re-imagining lifelong learning for future challenges.

The Handbook sti­mu­la­tes readers with fresh and timely insights, while exploring anew some enduring themes. New topics and themes intro­du­ced in all sections address lifelong learning chal­lenges asso­cia­ted with climate change, the digital world, the rise of populism, migration and pre­ca­rious living. The Handbook features learning inno­va­tions and evolving pedago­gies such as inter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal learning, art as pedagogy to promote public-min­ded­ness, neu­ro­sci­ence enhancing learning effec­ti­ve­ness, and lifelong learning for sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Policy responses to lifelong learning for work and well-being are debated.

In state of the art con­tri­bu­ti­ons, authors from around the globe focus readers’ attention on mul­ti­face­ted processes, issues and decisions that must be better under­s­tood and enacted if inclusive deve­lo­p­ment and fair access to lifelong learning are to become realities for us all.

Jörg Markowitsch (3s) was one of the editors of this publi­ca­ti­on and together with Günter Hefler and Eva Steinheimer author of the chapter “Educating Rita’s Grandchildren: Formal Adult Education in the Shadow of Educational Expansion”.