She Chef — We Chef?
Around 250 students and 30 teachers from vocational schools for the hospitality industry and vocational colleges with a focus on tourism watched the documentary “She Chef” in the packed Stadtkino cinema. The film takes viewers into the world of top-class gastronomy and follows Austrian world champion chef Agnes Karrasch on her years of training and travelling through Germany, Spain and the Faroe Islands. The audience received the film enthusiastically and in the subsequent discussion with the protagonist Karrasch discussed careers in the hospitality industry, challenges in everyday working life and training, high demands in often difficult working conditions and, last but not least, her role as a woman in a male-dominated field.
The film screening took place as part of the project financed by the Digifonds of the Vienna Chamber of Labour, where we are working together with the Vienna University of Teacher Education (PH Wien) and the Austrian Institute for Educational Research (öibf) on the topics of film, work and political education. We are delighted with the positive response to this event and promise more similar events in the future.

image by Klaus Lehner
Contact: Jörg Markowitsch
Client: Digifonds (Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0 der AK Wien)