10 April 2024

Conference: Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Join the GREENOVET team in this innovative conference (5-6 June 2024) in Graz to learn more about the role of VET in the green transition.

Join us for an inno­va­ti­ve con­fe­rence, both in Graz and online, where we explore the crucial role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in driving green inno­va­ti­on and sus­tainable practices. The event organised within the GREENOVET project and titled “Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe,” aims to be a cor­ner­s­tone gathering for pro­fes­sio­nals and all pas­sio­na­te about creating a sus­tainable future. Notably, there are no con­fe­rence fees, ensuring acce­s­si­bi­li­ty for all.

Delve into how VET equips indi­vi­du­als with the skills crucial for green inno­va­ti­on and sus­tainable practices. Beyond tra­di­tio­nal classroom learning, explore how VET fosters inno­va­ti­on and entre­pre­neur­ship, instil­ling a culture of sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Discover its role in con­tri­bu­ting to the European Green Deal and how col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with indu­stries ensures alignment with the demands of the green economy. Learn how VET programs keep indi­vi­du­als updated on the latest deve­lo­p­ments in green tech­no­lo­gies throug­hout their careers.

Find all the infor­ma­ti­on, the agenda and the regi­stra­ti­on link on the event website.

image by greenovet

Contact: Monika Auzinger

Client: Erasmus+

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

3 Dec

Grant for funding CVET of employees in Salzburg

3s carried out an evaluation of the Salzburg training grant in 2024. The final report on the study has just been published.

29 Nov

Skills Mag 2040

In an innovative Erasmus+ project, we are focussing on the future of CVET using new methods. The result, a magazine full of fictional stories, stimulates debate.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

3 Dec

Grant for funding CVET of employees in Salzburg

3s carried out an evaluation of the Salzburg training grant in 2024. The final report on the study has just been published.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

>all news