6 March 2023

Labour Shortages and Skill Mismatches – What can be done?

3s invites to a keynote by Ken Mayhew (Oxford) and international expert discussion to examine new policies to address increasing labour shortage and skill mismatches.

Global energy tran­si­ti­ons, AI-based tech­no­lo­gies encroa­ching on all life-spheres and ageing work­forces are just some of the deve­lo­p­ments chal­len­ging societies and indu­stries in high-income countries around the world. Skill shortages in all sectors and at all levels in Austria and throug­hout Europe are incre­a­sing, but so is the fear of job losses due to auto­ma­ti­on and new forms of work.

How can political systems and in par­ti­cu­lar the education and training sector con­tri­bu­te to tackle skill shortages and other mis­mat­ches? Will skill mis­mat­ches in Europe continue to increase? These, and other related questions will be discussed by leading eco­no­mists, socio­lo­gists and edu­ca­tio­na­lists from the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and other countries together with Austrian repre­sen­ta­ti­ves engaged in research and manage­ment of skill policies. The event is organised as part of the Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities.

Thursday 30 March 2023

10.00 – 13.00
House of Industry, Schwarzenbergplatz 4, Vienna

Please register here.

Find more infor­ma­ti­on and the agenda here.

image by Can Stock Photo Inc. / Suljo

Contact: Jörg Markowitsch

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

1 Jul

News update from EQAVET

The EQAVET Peer Review processes and Peer Learning Activities are progressing. We are using the summer for a review and outlook.

28 Jun

We mourn the passing of Professor Ellu Saar

Elle Saar, Professor of Sociology at Tallinn University, had been associated with 3s for almost 20 years. It is with deep sadness that we share the news of her passing.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

1 Jul

News update from EQAVET

The EQAVET Peer Review processes and Peer Learning Activities are progressing. We are using the summer for a review and outlook.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

22 Jul

Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers

A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.

8 Jul

EQAVET Peer Review in Germany

The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.

>all news