Skills Mag 2040
In the Into-CVET 2040 project, design fiction was used as a complementary perspective to traditional forecasting approaches in order to think ahead to upcoming changes. It is neither about predicting the future nor outlining a specific path. The result is a unique edition of Skills Mag that invites you to immerse yourself in imaginary visions of the future of CVET in Europe and takes you on a fictionalised vision of the year 2040.
Embark on a journey 15 years into the future and discover realistic and immersive journalistic narratives that — completely fictional — encourage reflection and discussion. Which aspects open up new possibilities? Which perspectives are more worrying? Which challenges should provoke collective vigilance?
The magazine is rounded off by a practical section with background information on the project and instructions on how to initiate and moderate (group) discussions on the topic.
Click here to download the Skills Mag 2040 in German, English or French.
For more insights you can also follow the project on Epale.
image by Making Tomorrow
Contact: Mariya Dzhengozova
Client: Erasmus+