Tag archives: CVET
Grant for funding CVET of employees in Salzburg
3s carried out an evaluation of the Salzburg training grant in 2024. The final report on the study has just been published.
Skills Mag 2040
In an innovative Erasmus+ project, we are focussing on the future of CVET using new methods. The result, a magazine full of fictional stories, stimulates debate.
Latvia Hosts Third EQAVET Peer Review
Under the title “Good governance and quality culture at VET institutions in Latvia’, experts gathered in Riga to discuss governance, quality culture, and change management in Latvia’s vocational education system.
Beyond subsidising training costs – exploring the whole range of policies supporting CVET in MSMEs
Cedefop has released a new study examining strategies for fostering skills development, including employer-provided CVET, in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Which instruments for making progress in supporting MSMEs are applied across the EU Member States?
EQAVET Peer Review in Germany
The second EQAVET peer review meeting took place in June at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn. Topic: Quality assurance and qualification of in-company trainers in Germany.
Adult learning in the dual transition
At a joint event organised by the Vienna Chamber of Labour and waff, a spotlight was cast on ‘Adult learning in the field of tension between digital and sustainable transformation’.
Record participation in CVET in Vienna
Career guidance and support services by waff were increasingly used in 2023. In a recent press conference, waff representatives and clients appeared together with Peter Hanke, City Councillor for Economic Affairs. Günter Hefler was invited as an expert.
Workshop: Future scenarios for CVET in 2040
In the Erasmus+ project "In-CVET 2040", we are using the design fiction method to develop future scenarios for continuing vocational education and training and invite you to a transnational stakeholder workshop.
Reflecting on the future of CVET with design fiction
What will continuing vocational education and training (CVET) look like in 2040? In an Erasmus+ project, we are developing future scenarios with an innovative approach.
How can Vocational Education and Training contribute to employment in Europe?
On May 5, 2023, AK Salzburg will host the final conference of the Erasmus+ project QUANTUM which aims to promote the relevance and effectiveness of VET and its contribution to employment in Europe.