Tag archives: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
The Role of Skills Strategies in Driving Economic and Societal Progress
A recently published report of the Horizon project Skills2Capabilities deepens the comparative analysis of national skills strategies and highlights the importance of strategic, inclusive, and adaptable skills policies.
Embedding Learning Outcomes in the Training of VET Teacher and Trainers
A new Cedefop publication presents a study on the impact of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and practice in ten EU countries.
Review of the Cedefop workshop on learning outcomes in IVET
On 24 May, Cedefop hosted an online workshop on the practical implementation of learning outcomes in school and company-based training programmes.
Strategic approaches to skills development
Working Paper No. 2 of Skills2Capabilities has been published recently containing a collection of country case studies on national strategic documents with relation to skills policies.
Cedefop’s virtual workshop on learning outcomes in VET
On May 24 2024, there is the possibility to discuss interim findings from our current Cedefop project on learning outcomes.
Exploring excellence and inclusion in vocational education and training
3s coordinates a significant study commissioned by Cedefop titled 'European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion'.
Expert support on VET issues for the European Commission
3s experts are involved in providing a number of support services in the field of quality assurance in VET to the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).
Final report of ‘The Future of VET’ study published
The synthesis report of the three-year study on the “Future of VET” examines the evolving landscape of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe.
How can Vocational Education and Training contribute to employment in Europe?
On May 5, 2023, AK Salzburg will host the final conference of the Erasmus+ project QUANTUM which aims to promote the relevance and effectiveness of VET and its contribution to employment in Europe.
Workshop on pathways to vocational excellence
The international workshop on 'The Future of VET in Europe: Pathways to vocational excellence', jointly organised by 3s, the BIBB and Cedefop, took place on the 8-9.9.2022 in Bonn.