
Test Event 2020

Expert meeting on skills intelligence

AVETRA Annual Conference 2021

EUROSTUDENT VII — Final Conference

Jour fixe Bildungstheorie | Bildungspraxis

Jour fixe Bildungstheorie | Bildungspraxis
Im Sommersemester 2021 widmet sich der Jour fixe Bildungstheorie | Bildungspraxis der Frage, ob und wie eine emanzipatorische Lernprozesse und kritische Bildung (ausschließlich) online möglich sind.

EPALE und Erasmus+ Konferenz 2021

Midterm conference of the European Steel Skills Alliance (ESSA)

Education and Employers International Conference

6th International Conference on Employer Engagement
What does ‘responsiveness’ mean?

Skill Formation Systems, Policies and Processes in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia

Österreichisches Forum Transval-EU

AQ Austria Jahrestagung

PROVE-Projekt Multiplier Event (Professionalization of Validation Experts)

Annual Meeting 2021

OeAD-Fachtagung im Rahmen der EuroSkills

Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education (CACE)

INCREAS Fachtagung

E+ Bridging Barriers: International Online Workshop

#Erasmusdays 2021

Erasmusdays 2021: Online-Workshop: Inklusive Forschung an Hochschulen – Wege und Strategien

Uncertainty in Higher Education – Hochschulen in einer von Volatilität geprägten Welt

Europass Digital Credentials (und Micro Credentials) für österreichische Hochschulen

Cedefop & OECD: Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies

EBSN Annual Conference 2021

Online-Tagung „Flexibilisierung der Berufsbildung“

Euroguidance Fachtagung 2021

Learning in the age of industry 4.0

Cedefop conference on micro-credentials

LLL Week 2021

Digitalisierung jetzt! Arbeitswelt 4.0 aktiv und gerecht (mit)gestalten

Mit Berufsbildung den ökologischen Wandel mitgestalten

VET Graduate Tracking

Digital workplace — wie wollen wir arbeiten?

VET Congress 2022

Adult Education Academy
The Adult Education Academy promotes international networks in adult education and lifelong learning, aiming to foster a connection between academic learning and the field of adult education.
During the intensive programme of two weeks, analytical and comparative skills in adult education are being trained in an international environment. An understanding of internationally relevant educational policies in the context of lifelong learning is provided, while communication, teambuilding skills and critical thinking are strengthened by working together in this international setting.

Apprenticeships and Permeability
The webinar will feature new measures implemented by different countries to open up access to further learning and higher education. Speakers will present good practice examples and successful policy initiatives as well as the challenges that still remain.
The webinar will be introduced by Ana Carrero who is the Deputy Head of the Vocational Education and Training Unit of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
The webinar will include the following speakers:
- Jeff Bridgford − Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College London, UK
- Jörg Markowitsch − Senior Partner at 3s Research & Consulting, Austria
The event will be moderated by Letizia Vicentini – Research Manager at Ecorys UK. As usual, the presentations will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

Quality in VET in Bulgaria 1

Competence Development of Teachers in Adult Basic Education in the European Context
Green transition

Quality in VET in Bulgaria 2

Arbeitsmarktpolitik in der Pandemie

Quality in VET in Bulgaria 3

Life Skills im Fokus der Erwachsenenbildung

Apprenticeships in Europe

Trends in validation of non formal and informal learning in the EU and neighbourhood
- presentation and validation the findings of the ETF cross-country study and discussion on the policy recommendations;
- presentation of the place of validation in the EU New Skills Agenda;
- sharing good practices from the Partner Countries and the EU Member States.

Digital skills as transversal skills

The international dimension of Centres of vocational excellence

Graduate tracking to improve the skills match
- Learn from the approaches adopted by Germany and other countries on how they collect and use data relevant for graduate tracking to better understand labour market needs and its implications on vocational education and training
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and the conditions in which it works best in order to help country delegates identify ‘what works’ for their particular national context

BeyondScale Conference 2022
- HEInnovate & Forward Looking Cooperation Projects: Mission & Objectives
- Labour market relevance of higher education – how do HEIs anticipate novel jobs and skill needs, create study programmes that are relevant to these labour market needs, and rethink how to communicate with learners about future careers and with employers about graduate skills
- Current needs and challenges to become innovative, more entrepreneurial from HEI’s view and also ministry perspective and national perspective
- BeyondScale: Project objectives and the journey we made
- How to manage the transformation of HEIs – is it up to the autonomy of the institutions or is it up to the guidance through the government?

Apprenticeship in India: Country Strategy

Warum es mit Validierung (in Österreich) so schwierig ist

How does higher vocational and professional tertiary education differ across countries?

Denkwerkstätte Graz 2022

Effekte von Erwachsenenbildung

8th Stockholm International Conference of Research on Vocational Education and Training

Validierung aus sozialpolitischer Perspektive

European Vocational Skills Week

Bologna‐Tag 2022


Qualifikationsentwicklung und NQR

4th VPL Biennale: Reykjavik

EU-Initiativen für eine grünere Berufsbildung

Internationalisierung im technischen Schulwesen (KA1)

EURASHE 31st Annual Conference

Microcredentials – was, weshalb und wozu?

Validierung – quo vadis?


Online-Vortrag aus der Reihe „Berufsbildung im Gespräch“
Franz Gramlinger (OeAD | RQB, Wien) wird zum Thema “Wie können wir mit Berufsbildungsforschung eine breitere Öffentlichkeit erreichen?” sprechen.
„Berufsbildung im Gespräch“ wird von der Arbeitseinheit 4 organisiert, die an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol angesiedelt ist und die Themenbereiche Wirtschaft, Soziales, Information und Kommunikation umfasst. Die Arbeitseinheit 4 ist eine von fünf österreichweit agierenden Arbeitseinheiten, die zur Stärkung der Forschung an den Pädagogischen Hochschulen eingerichtet wurden.
Anmeldung unter https://tinyurl.com/3vs2sar5

EPALE Focus Week

EBSN Conference
- Lessons learnt during the Covid crisis. What needs has the crisis revealed. What has worked best for the learners. Where have we failed to find good solutions. How can we prepare for similar situations in the future.
- What is the new normality? How can we create sustainable provision that makes optimal use both of the traditional face-to-face approach and of integrated digital tools and solutions?
- How can we help teachers become confident users of a hybrid approach to learning provision? How can we create efficient communities of practice?
- Where do we need more research and development? What projects can and need to be created and implemented within the EBSN in the years ahead?

Validierung von „Soft Skills“ – (wie) geht das?

MITEINANDER: Inklusion in der Berufsbildung
- Widerstandsfähigkeit und Exzellenz durch hochwertige, inklusive und flexible berufliche Bildung
- Etablierung einer neuen Kultur des lebenslangen Lernens – Bedeutung der beruflichen Weiterbildung und der Digitalisierung
- Nachhaltigkeit – eine grüne Perspektive in der beruflichen Bildung
- Europäischer Berufsbildungsraum und internationale berufliche Bildung

Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships on track!
- Encourage the creation of quality and effective apprenticeships in rail − a green and attractive sector with growing job opportunities and possibilities for job mobility.
- Promote gender balance in apprenticeships in rail in line with the Women in Rail joint European binding agreement, led by the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies and the European Transport Workers’ Federation.

VET & Culture workshop

Validierung als Bildung: der Lernort Ehrenamt als Ausgangspunkt

Transformationen von Arbeit, Beruf und Bildung in internationaler Betrachtung

Aufbruch in die digitale Zukunft
- Was hat die Pandemie an positiven Entwicklungen in der Erwachsenenbildung gebracht und welche Chancen gibt es jetzt?
- Wie hat die Digitalisierung die Rollen von Lehrenden und Lernenden sowie deren Beziehung zueinander verändert?
- Welche neuen Lehr-/Lernarrangements sind durch neue technische Tools und die Erfahrungen, die wir damit in der Pandemie gemacht haben, nun möglich geworden und werden uns auch nach der Pandemie begleiten?
- Welche neuen Kompetenzen haben Lernende sowie Lehrende in der Pandemie erworben?
- Wie könnte sich vor diesem Hintergrund die Erwachsenenbildung in den nächsten Jahren weiterentwickeln? Die Tagung wird als Hybrid-Veranstaltung in der Arbeiterkammer Wien in Präsenz abgehalten und gleichzeitig ins Internet gestreamt.

4th policy learning forum on learning outcomes

2030 on the horizon: skills in the online platform economy

BBFK 2022: Krise und Nachhaltigkeit

EARLI SIG14 Conference 2022
EARLI SIG14 will focus on the following research topics and themes:
* theories and methodologies for the study of professional learning and development;
* constraints and affordances of professional learning and work identities;
* vocational education and training in schooling and working life contexts;
* learning during and through work;
* adult learning processes within the context of work.

ECER Yerevan

Increasing WBL in School-Based VET Systems
It is a great pleasure to invite interested researchers to apply for a workshop on increasing work-based learning in school-based VET systems in Central and Eastern Europe. Junior researchers (late PhDs, Postdocs) are particularly welcome to apply! Successful applicants will present their papers at the 5th Crossing Boundaries taking place in Kaunas, Lithuania, in May 2023 and participate in workshop activities such as keynote speeches and field visits. Junior researchers’ accommodation and travelling expenses linked to the conference will be covered up to 700 EUR.
It will be an excellent opportunity for participants to share their newest scientific work in the field of governance of VET in Central and Eastern Europe. The call is directed at research contributions that focus on how the design of educational policies and systems, institutional settings, and actors and stakeholders can contribute to accommodating the various interests and logics that arise when introducing cooperation-intensive work-based learning in predominantly school-based VET systems. Contributions can be made within various disciplines (Education science, Political science, Economics, Sociology, History, etc.).
All relevant information regarding the topic of interest, submission guidelines, and important dates can be found on the conference website. The deadline to submit abstracts is the 31 August 2022. They need to be sent to crossing.boundaries@vetnetsite.org.
In addition, we are supporting a junior researcher with a research grant interested in researching and collaborating in this particular field. The deadline for applications is also the 31 August 2022.


8th International Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Service

The Future of VET in Europe: Pathways to vocational excellence

TASKS VI: The Digital and Ecological Transformation of the Labour Market
- How does the division of tasks between workers and machines develop?
- Do green jobs differ from non-green jobs in terms of skills and human capital?
- How does the digital and ecological transformation affect labour market, firm and individual outcomes?
- How do job contents and tasks evolve and how do workers adapt?
- What is the role of education and training in preparing the workforce for new knowledge and skills requirements?
- How does the Covid-19 pandemic affect both types of transformations? And what does the pandemic reveal about the interactions between gender, education, work requirements and tasks?
- How can policy cushion potential negative outcomes related to these transformations?
- How do we measure the digital and ecological transformation and categorise related tasks?
- What can we learn from new (big) data sources like job advertisements?

Internationale Erasmus+ Konferenz

ÖFEB Kongress

Humane Ökonomie

AQ Austria Jahrestagung
- Wie wird es gelingen, die Hochschulen als Orte des lebensbegleitenden Lernens zu stärken? Was bedeutet die Stärkung von Hochschulen als Orte des lebensbegleitenden Lernens für das Selbstverständnis und die Aufgaben der Hochschulen?
- Welche Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten eröffnet hier das „Weiterbildungspaket” und wo kommt es an seine Grenzen?
- Wie werden sich die veränderten gesetzlichen Grundlagen und insbesondere die Ermöglichung neuer Studienformate und ‑abschlüsse auf das Angebot an Hochschulen auswirken und welche Formate sind zukunftsweisend?
- Welche Qualitätserwartungen werden an hochschulische Weiterbildung gestellt und wie können diese eingelöst werden?

Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
- Welche theoretischen, empirischen und gestaltungsorientierten Beiträge können und müssen durch die Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik geleistet werden, um Ambiguitäten, Ambivalenzen und Antinomien im Kontext beruflicher Bildung differenziert zu analysieren, zu beschreiben und zu erklären sowie den Umgang damit zu unterstützen?
- Welche Forschungsansätze eigenen sich dafür?
- Welche Implikationen/Konsequenzen ergeben sich aus den Erkenntnissen für die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung der Fach- und Führungskräfte, Lehrer:innen und Ausbilder:innen sowie des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses?
- Wie wird der Umgang mit Ambiguitäten, Ambivalenzen und Antinomien in Innovationsprojekten und Förderprogrammen (z. B. im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung) aufgegriffen?

AlphaDekade-Konferenz 2022

G.R.E.A.T. Conference 2022

Staatspreisverleihung — Beste Lehrbetriebe “Fit for Future” 2022

10th Triennial ESREA Research Conference

Campus Community Partnerschaften in der Hochschullehre
Das Forschungsnetzwerk „Hochschulen Engagiert Österreich“ führt im Sommersemester 2022 eine Befragung zum Thema “Campus Community Partnerschaften in der Hochschullehre“ an allen österreichischen Hochschulen durch: https://wumarketing.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_77Zf52Ovjv9bGRg. Die Studie hat zum Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit mit externen Partner*innen in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz zu erfassen und erstmalig einen umfassenden Überblick über Faktoren zu geben, die zur Entstehung und Verstetigung sowie zur Verankerung dieser Partnerschaften beitragen. Die Ergebnisse aus der Studie sollen in Folge für weitere Initiativen in der Hochschullehre sowie für die Hochschulentwicklung in den DACH-Ländern genutzt werden.
Die ersten Ergebnisse der Befragung werden am 29.–30. September 2022 auf der Jahrestagung des Hochschulnetzwerks „Bildung durch Verantwortung“ in Linz präsentiert.

11. FORIM-Tagung in Linz

REHES IV Workshop — Higher Education and its Organizations

2. SDG Dialogforum Österreich

Festveranstaltung 30 Jahre Erasmus+ in Österreich

Knowledge, skills, behaviours
- Understanding broader or specific aspects of skills from vacancy data, for example specific to tasks, jobs, sectors or localities
- Longitudinal studies on changes in occupational profiles and skills requirements
- Topical research about skills changes, e.g. resulting from decarbonisation or increasing digitalisation of job roles
- Understanding skills relevant to making transitions into the labour market, for example data used in vocational education institutions and universities from placements
- Methodological innovations in the work with large data from online vacancies

Online-Workshop: Inklusive Forschung an Hochschulen

Validating the 2023 Skills Forecast

Validierung kann, darf, soll, muss…

Arbeitswelt im (Klima-)Wandel

BIBB-Kongress: „Future Skills – Fortschritt denken“

Supporting Ukrainians in the EU through apprenticeships

Filmabend zur Pflegeausbildung

Duale Berufsausbildung im internationalen Vergleich
- Wo steht das Schweizer Berufsbildungssystem im internationalen Vergleich?
- Wie unterscheidet sich die Entwicklung der Berufsbildung zwischen Kantonen und Berufsfeldern?
- Welche Herausforderungen und Potenziale ergeben sich für die Schweiz?

5th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries
- theoretical insights and empirical studies on the implications of VET for a digital and sustainable socio-economic development;
- historical pathways of institutional development of skill formation in different orientations and systems to the social justice, market economy and socio-economic development – overview and future-oriented approaches;
- reviews and reflections on the reforms of VET by referring to their implications for the post-Covid recovery, socio-economic resilience and sustainable development.

17. Netzwerktreffen Hochschulforschung Österreich

Fachtagung «Lesekompetenz und Leseförderung – Schule und Erwachsenenbildung im Dialog»

Vernetzungskonferenz 2022

DigiTyps-Konferenz 2022

Wege in die Zukunft

CACE – Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education
- Visionary ideas on the future of academic continuing education
- Flexible curricula and individual learning paths in academic continuing education
- The role of culture and internationalization in academic continuing education
- Curation and quality assurance in academic continuing education
- Ecosystem challenges and financial aspects of academic continuing education
- Keynote speakers:
- Helga Nowotny
- Daniela Trani
- Markus Marti
- Thierry Koscielniak

Future of VET: the way forward

Mangelware Green Skills? Herausforderungen für Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt

Promoting apprenticeships to SMEs
Some of the topics that the discussion aims to explore include:
- effective ways to promote apprenticeships to SMEs at national and regional levels;
- challenges and barriers faced by SMEs when participating in apprenticeship schemes;
- incentivising SMEs to take up apprenticeships and identifying their needs;
- the future of apprenticeships in SMEs in the context of the digital and green transition https://ecorys.idloom.events/high-level-live-discussion-on-promoting-apprenticeships-to-SMEs

Beyond subsidising training costs — 13th Cedefop Brussels seminars

Berufsbildung im Gespräch


Call for Papers — JVET Conference
Call for papers:
The Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET) Conference Committee invites contributions to our successful biennial international conference. The meeting provides a critical forum for international debates on all aspects of vocational education and training, and developments in work and learning. Conference presentations are welcome relating to the theme of the context and purpose of TVET. This theme is intentionally broad, to allow for a diverse range of perspectives on a diverse range of topics in TVET. For example,
‑policy and practice in TVET ‑students and their contexts ‑challenges and dilemmas for TVET in supporting social justice, social inclusion, and sustainability ‑pathways to further education, higher education and the labour market ‑TVET transition systems ‑TVET post-Covid ‑TVET in times of crisis teacher education and development in TVET etc. are just some of the issues that may be included.This call for papers is open to all contributions that seek to enrich this field of inquiry.
Deadline for 400-word abstract is 17:00 (UK time) on 10 January 2023
Decisions about abstracts will be notified by 28 February 2023

Vibrant Cross-Border Labour Markets
The objective of the conference is to put the topic on the political agenda at all decision-making levels and to raise awareness of the potential but also the remaining obstacles confronting cross-border labour markets. Last-minute participants have the possibility to register directly on site.
More information and the detailed programme can be found on this website: http://crossborderlabour.regio-events.eu/

Berufsbildung im Gespräch


OECD Forum Series 2023

Organisation und Innovation

Berufsbildung im Gespräch

69. GfA-Frühjahrskongress 2023

Online BarCamp on Gender & Social Inclusion (GESI)

EU Guidance Community Webinar

Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023 in Bamberg

Welches Schulsystem brauchen wir für die Welt von morgen?

Companies Engaging in Dual VET: Do Financial Incentives Matter?

Companies Engaging in Dual VET: Do Financial Incentives Matter?

EPALE-Diskussion zum Thema “Fähigkeiten für ein demokratisches Leben”

Expert Discussion on Skill Mismatch

TRANSVAL-EU research conference

SAVE THE DATE: Skills Meetup Sweden 2023

Seamless Learning Conference
WU Vienna is once again hosting a two-day conference on Seamless Learning. With this year’s theme ‘Rethinking Learning Modes and Learning Paths’ we will shine a light on seamless learning experiences and learning paths with insights from the European policy perspective and the institutional level. The goal of this conference is to discuss not only the necessary structures and conditions but also to delve into best practices with representatives of universities and policy makers, nationally and at a European level.
Programme Seamless Learning Conference Registration

16. Österreichischer Wirtschaftspädagogik-Kongress

Re-thinking education in the digital age. Meaningful perspectives for future citizenship
- outline of presentation (approx. 2000 characters)
- short CV
- selected list of reference
- format of presentation Einreichungen und Rückfragen an rethinking@medienkulturforschung.de

Krise der dualen Ausbildung?

Regionale EPALE und Erasmus+ Veranstaltung: Resilienz stärken

Potenziale für künftige Fachkräfte heben

Chancen und Risiken betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung

Erasmus+ Fachtagung

TRANSVAL-EU: Validierung von transversalen Kompetenzen


Making effective use of graduate tracking surveys at system and local level
- Effective practice in using graduate tracking surveys at system and local level
- How surveys and administrative datasets can complement each other
- How national and provider-level graduate tracking systems can work together and how to increase the value of provider-level surveys

European Policy Conference

Umsetzung von Micro-credentials an österreichischen Hochschulen
- Microcredentials und Massive Open Online Courses (Martin Ebner, TU Graz)
- Mit Microcredentials Aus- und Weiterbildungswege individuell gestalten und lebenslang erweitern (Ernst Kreuzer, TU Graz)
- Qualitätssicherung von Microcredentials (Agnes Witzani, AQ Austria)
- Bedarfe der Stakeholder — ordentliche Studierende, Wirtschaft, Industrie (Katharina Salicites, TU Graz; HTU-Vertreter*innen TU Graz) Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Kontakt: Mag. Katharina Salicites, katharina.salicites@tugraz.at

5th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries

Forschungskonferenz „Bildung und Versorgung in der Pflege gemeinsam gestalten“

Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose für Österreich bis 2028

NordYrk Conference 2023


EURASHE 32nd Annual Conference ‘Skills for Europe’

Making Skills Count

Skills in the front row

EBSN Annual Conference 2023

Fakt oder Fiktion?

Welche Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen braucht die Bildungsberatung?

13th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning

Nachhaltigkeit als Thema in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung


Green Skills im Aufwind

Microcredentials – a labour market megatrend

Images at Work: Labour and the Moving Image

Excellence in Upskilling and Re-Skilling: Digital Pedagogies as the New Normal

European Alliance for Apprenticeships High-Level Event 2023

Zeiten des Umbruchs — Bildung zwischen Persistenz und Wandel

Arbeitswelten in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation

Lifelong development as a standard

4. Konferenz des Netzwerks Hochschulforschung

AMS-Forschungsgespräch online

JVET Conference
This is the 15th international conference convened by the journal which also celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. The conference is notable for the contributions of researchers from around the world and represents a valuable opportunity for VETNET colleagues to share their research and engage with an intercontinental audience.
Keynote Speakers: Nandini Gooptu, University of Oxford and John Buchanan, University of SydneyCall for papers:
Conference presentations are welcome relating to the theme of the context and purpose of TVET. This theme is intentionally broad to allow for a diverse range of perspectives on a diverse range of topics in TVET.
Deadline for 400-word abstract is 17:00 (UK time) on 10 January 2023
Decisions about abstracts will be notified by 28 February 2023

DGfE-Summer School zu qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsmethoden

ECER 2023 Glasgow

CHER 35th Annual Conference

Opening-Event zum Start des Monats der Wiener Erwachsenenbildung

The Changing Academic Profession in the Knowledge-based Societies

The European Higher Education Society (EAIR) invites you to join the 45th Annual EAIR Forum 2023 hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Linz
CALL FOR PROPOSALS — Submit your proposal before 21 March 2023
Higher education research examines opportunities, challenges as well as potential for further development of the numerous service areas in the higher education system. With this call, we invite you to shed light on these change perspectives and to contribute to the following tracks:
1.Governance in Volatile Times 2.Sustainability and Higher Education 3.Transformations in Teaching and Learning 4.Revisiting the Student’s Role in HE 5.Quality — A Stabilising Factor in a Changing World 6.Internationalisation of Higher Education 7.Designing Innovative CurriculaContribute your proposals for papers, presentations, interactive sessions, workshops and other proposals and join in networking opportunities; social events and more as we meet in Linz over these four days.

Jahrestagung der Sektion für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der DGfE

ENTRANTS – Enhancing the transition of non-traditional students

18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung

Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times

26. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Evaluation

Workshop: „Arbeit filmen II“
- Film-Datenbanken und ‑archive zu Bildung, Beruf und Arbeit
- Filmvermittlung bzw. Einsatz von Film in der Berufsbildung
- Film als Mittel der politischen Bildung innerhalb der Berufspädagogik und der Medienpädagogik
- Die mögliche(n) Rolle(n) des Berufsinformationsfilms für die Berufsausbildung
- Öffentliche Filmvorführungen, Festivals und ähnliches mehr zu Filmen mit Bezug zu Bildung, Beruf und Arbeit

Zeitreise Bildungsinnovation

Diversity Equity Inclusion

Providing today’s talent with the skills to build a great tomorrow

Sectoral skills intelligence and strategies as drivers of the just transition

VET&Culture Workshop in Oslo

Pathways of Greening Labour Markets

Dimensionen nachhaltiger Erwachsenenbildung

The future of work: artificial intelligence and its labour market and social impacts

Leib und Sinne — Corporeity and Sensuality

Valuing all skills

Kompetenzen in den Vordergrund: Der Validierung von Berufserfahrung einen Stellenwert geben!

Brennpunkt Fachkräftemangel

Kontaktseminare deutschsprachiger Berufsbildungsforschungseinrichtungen

Micro-credentials as a regional ALE strategy: ensuring gender equality in the green transition?

Die Bedeutung reflexiver Bildungswissenschaft in der Professionalisierung von Pädagog*innen

European Year of Skills: Wie Europass die professionelle Darstellung von Kompetenzen ermöglicht
Das im Juli 2020 neu gelaunchte Europass-Portal spielt in diesem Prozess eine entscheidende Rolle, indem es eine umfassende Plattform mit verschiedenen Tools bietet. In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie, wie der Europass die systematische Dokumentation und das Re- bzw. Upskilling von Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten unterstützt. Nach der Vorstellung der dahinterliegenden Policy und einem Überblick über das Portal können Sie in Gesprächsrunden mehr über einzelne Aspekte, wie z.B. die Lernangebote und Qualifikationen, Jobangebote (über EURES) und die Europäischen Digitalen Bildungsnachweise erfahren. Dabei werden die Funktionen und Vorteile des Europasses aufgezeigt und präsentiert, wie er Einzelpersonen und Organisationen dabei helfen kann, ihre beruflichen Entwicklungsziele zu erreichen.

Student Engagement in Focus
- Data-based insight into the current level of student engagement and belonging at European HEIs
- Hands-on recommendations on how to devise suitable activities that match the needs and expectations of current student cohorts and how to enhance student engagement at your institution
- Inspiration from ongoing (student-led) initiatives, for example in the field of mental health support carried out by students for students
You will find more information on the UNICOMM project website and on instagram.

Striving for excellence: Shaping skills development and strengthening global collaboration in TVET
- Explore excellent TVET practices and discuss TVET policies that support excellence in TVET
- Support the international BILT community of UNEVOC Centres and TVET stakeholders to establish and deepen innovation collaboration and policy learning;
- Present the final results of the 2023 BILT Expert Group on the dual transition of greening and digitalization in the hospitality and tourism sector;
- Take stock of BILT products from the 2022–2023 biennium and outline focus topics and activities for the next two years;
- Conceptualize the 2024 BILT Expert Group with a focus on the building and construction sector;
- Hold the annual meeting of the BILT Advisory Committee (BAC); and
- Strengthen BILT partnerships with the African Union, the ASEAN TVET Council and the European Commission.

A holistic Approach for Dual VET in a Just Green Transition
Laying the ground for a holistic approach for dual VET in the just green transition
The program includes:- Panel Discussion: Let’s look at the topic of dual VET from a just transition perspective and hear different perspectives – how do donors (BMZ), implementers (GIZ), the industry and trade unions approach transformative skills development for a just green transition.
- Exchange Sessions: Let’s bring in your own experiences and discuss them with the others — join one of the sessions and discuss your perspective with the donors, implementers and representatives from industry and trade unions. If you want to host your own session, please indicate this in the registration form – we are here to support you.

Charting the Future of VET: Insights and Strategies for Tomorrow’s Workforce
Social Innovation Forum
- To build a common understanding of social innovation and social experimentation across European Member States.
- To identify synergies and cross-cutting topics among different Communities of Practice (CoPs) and remind them of the essential aim of the ESF+ SI+ Initiative: the upscaling and transfer of social innovation.
- To strengthen connections among different actors in the field of social innovation.

Impact of AI and digital technologies on career guidance

International Work Based Learning in Higher Education

5. REHES-Konferenz in Luzern

Lernen für die Zukunft und Stärkung der Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen durch Forschungskooperation

Jubiläumstagung „Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at“

Internationalizing vocational excellence: a new self-assessment tool for TVET

Austrian Euroguidance Conference

Arbeitsmarkt und Beruf 2030 — Rückschlüsse für Österreich
Small Steps, Big Gains: Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning

Deadline for abstract submission
The Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training is a forum for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research in VET. A space for international networking and cooperation, part of the yearly academic events of VETNET (The European Network of Research in Vocational Education and Training).
Deadline for abstract submission: 15th November 2023

Der Beitrag der sozialen Dimension in der Hochschulbildung zu den Nachhaltigkeitszielen

OeAD-Hochschultagung 2023

Digitaler Fortschritt oder Verlust menschlicher Nähe?

Erasmus+ Berufsbildungs-Lunch: Vorträge und Workshops

Digital Skills Development: towards scalable and sustainable initiatives

CACE — Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education

Soft Skills in der Berufsbildung gefragter denn je

34. EMSE Herbsttagung 2023 in Berlin

Vocational Education, Skilled Workers and Transformation in an International Perspective

“The European Education Area: A reality for all”

Mein professionelles „Ich“ im Gestalten von Lehr-Lernumgebungen der heutigen Zeit

DIG-i-READY: Digital Inclusion in Vocational Education and Training

Non-formal learning is part of the solution

2. Symposium Validierung
Die Teilnehmenden dieser Tagung lernen Erfahrungswerte der hochschulischen Prozesse, Vorgangsweise und Problemstellungen in Österreich kennen, erhalten Einblicke in mögliche Handlungsweisen und bekommen Anregungen für die strategische und operative Umsetzung an ihrer eigenen Institution. Zu den Themen „Validierung an Hochschulen“, „Internationale Praxisbeispiele“ und „Perspektiven der Berufsbildungsforschung und Erwachsenenbildung“ werden Fachexpert_innen aus dem nationalen und internationalen Raum referieren. Weitere Informationen zum Symposium finden sich hier.
Das 2. Symposium zur Anerkennung und Validierung non-formalen und informellen Lernens an Hochschulen beschäftigt sich des Weiteren mit den Umsetzungserfahrungen österreichischer Hochschulen und sucht deshalb nach spannenden Praxisberichten. Der erste Themenschwerpunkt „Erfahrungswerte an unterschiedlichen Hochschulen“ behandelt allgemeine Projektberichte, während der zweite Themenblock „Problemstellungen mit der Validierung“ sich auf spezifische Problemstellungen fokussiert.
Die Teilnahme am Symposium ist kostenlos. Programm und Anmeldung zum Symposium finden Sie hier.

AMS-Werkstattgespräch online

Erwachsene in der Berufsbildung — Berufsbildung für Erwachsene: Liegt Österreich im EU-Trend?

VET career guidance excellence model
- Presenting the new ETF ENE excellence tool for career guidance in VET for COVEs;
- Sharing experience from the piloting of the tool in Armenian COVEs;
- Sharing inspirational practice about career guidance in VET relevant to COVEs.


Digitale Transformation und Bildung unter Berücksichtigung von Vielfalt — DiTraBilVa — 2023–2026

Mein professionelles „Ich“ im Gestalten von Lehr-Lernumgebungen der heutigen Zeit

Handlungsrelevante Stellschrauben zur Bekämpfung von Fachkräftemangel u die Rolle der Berufsbildung


Online-Stammtisch Erwachsenenbildung

Vom Filmstudium zum Kinofilm

Call for Papers: Die Kunst der Partizipation in der Schule

Call for Papers: 8. Jahrestagung zur Migrationsforschung in Österreich

Save the Date: European Validation Inventory
- the main trends and policy developments on validation since the last Inventory update in 2018
- validation strategies in light of the changing world of work
- good practices for future policy action

Bilder der Befreiung: Liberation Footage – Atrocity Pictures

9. Wiener Innovationskonferenz

The role of the business sector in dual VET for a just green transition

Call for abstracts — ATEE Spring Conference 2024
What are the current scenarios that characterize teacher research and practice? What are the main challenges that complexity and risk with innovative and empowering responses posed and what are the new solutions they require? What directions is such research taking in Europe and around the world and what are the related values and perspectives? What are the primary issues and proposals for policy recommendations at the national and international levels?
Starting from theoretical constructs, epistemological insights, specific historical trajectories and evidence-based research, the ATEE Spring Conference 2024 in Bergamo aims at discussing the current and potential relaunch of teacher education research and practices by examining past developments, while also considering future challenges. In particular, the Conference will focus on the role of teacher research and practice in providing opportunities for sustainable, peaceful and equitable teaching/learning processes that acknowledge the concept of pluralism, diversity and differentiation in order to design innovative education policies in this arena.
Teacher education and pedagogical perspective in uncertain times: history, theory, policies and practices;
Digital innovation and artificial intelligence (AI): schools, teachers and students between real and virtual world;
Inclusion in teaching and learning processes and school improvement;
Teaching and learning challenges and professional development;
School & work and the role of teachers in Vocational Education and Training.

Greening VET: What does it mean and what does it take?

Wege in eine dualisierte Berufsbildung — Roadmap to high-quality dual VET

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in dual VET — Webinar

Call for abstracts: Nordyrk Conference in Iceland open until Jan. 31 2024

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS until 31 January 2024

Call for Contributions for the Seamless Learning Conference 2024
The organisers are looking for contributions at the conference that build on professional experience, projects or research that are linked to one of the three conference tracks. More Information on the tracks. We welcome two types of submissions: Type 1: Research-led submissions that either build on the author’s own research or synthesize parts of the current discourse in the form of an analytical literature review. Type 2: Practice-oriented contributions linked to specific institutional or supra-institutional projects and initiatives with the potential to inspire other institutions. Proposals should be submitted in a MS Word Format to seamlesslearningcon@wu.ac.at until 3 February 2024. The programme committee will review the proposals and inform authors about the outcome until 20 February.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in dual VET — Expert Consultation & Exchange


CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS until 11 Febuary 2024

17. Internationale Fachtagung der Hochschullernwerkstätten

Call for Papers — 9. BBFK

Problematising the Futures of Adult Education

International Peer Learning Workshop

The role of dual VET in a just green transition
- Who will benefit?
- Who will be left out ?
- What are the evidences on employability? Registration

Evidenzbasiertes Hochschulmanagement – Chancen und Grenzen
- Eröffnung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Poier, Leiter des Zentrums für Hochschulrecht sowie Hochschulgovernance (ZHR)
- Grußwort: Dr. Peter Riedler, Rektor der Universität Graz
- Panel: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther R. Burkert, Visiting Professor am Zentrum für Hochschulgovernance und Transformation an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems; Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Ada Pellert, Rektorin der FernUniversität Hagen; Sektionschef Mag. Elmar Pichl, Leiter der Hochschulsektion im BMBWF; Mag. Andreas Raggautz, Leiter des Leistungs- und Qualitätsmanagements (LQM) an der Universität Graz
- Moderation: Mag.a Alice Senarclens de Grancy, MSc, Die Presse


WEBINAR: Towards zero long-term unemployment in the EU

A Global Milestone in Future-Ready Professional Skills

Förderung von fremdsprachigen Lehr- und Studienangeboten
- Worin liegt der Mehrwert für Hochschulen, wenn sie fremdsprachige Lehr- und Studienangebote konzipieren und umsetzen?
- Worin liegt der Mehrwert von fremdsprachigem Lehr- und Studienangebot für die Studierenden und – in weiterer Folge – für diese als zukünftige Absolventinnen und Absolventen?
- Worin liegt der Mehrwert für deren spätere Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgeber?
- Welche Herausforderungen bedeuten diese Angebote für Hochschulen? Welchen Ressourcenaufwand, welche Anpassung der alltäglichen Praxis und welchen Kulturwandel erfordern sie?


Building the European map of qualifications

Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference

“Morgen ist Heute Gestern” — Einladung zum Round Table

CALL FOR PAPERS — The Converging Challenges for Inclusive Education
Key topics to be covered include:
1. Strategies for integrating intercultural competences into curricula.
2. Leveraging technology to foster inclusive classrooms and digital equity.
3. Innovative pedagogical approaches for cultivating intercultural awareness.
4. Assessing and evaluating intercultural competences and digital literacies.
5. Policy implications and recommendations for promoting inclusive education on a global scale. The submission of proposals are welcome. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.
All presenters are also encouraged to submit their paper to the companion journal collection, The Learner Journal Collection. Submit proposal.

Die Kunst der Partizipation in der Schule

AI as a co-teacher?

Taking great strides towards sustainable competence

Ö‑Cert-Enquete 2024

VET in action — Cedefop virtual get-together

Ö‑Cert-Enquete 2024

Refugees in German Higher Education – from Study Preparation to Study Programs


Demokratie (er)leben und gestalten


The European Year of Skills – what comes next?

Universities between nationalism and globalism

5th Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) Biennale (Ireland)

70-Jahr-Feier der ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich

Skills Horizons

From campus to cloud?

9th Stockholm International Conference of Research on Vocational Education and Training
The Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training is a forum for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research in VET. A space for international networking and cooperation, part of the yearly academic events of VETNET (The European Network of Research in Vocational Education and Training).

Weiterbildung im Spannungsfeld digitaler und nachhaltiger Transformation

Students and the university: identity, agency and action

PROFFOMANCE+ Webinar on Internationalisation in Higher Education

ESCO 1.2: a global language for skills


The Event: The European Agenda for the Future of VET
- Expert Panel Discussions
- Networking Opportunities with VET Professionals
- Showcasing Innovative Practices
- Spotlight on Revolutionary Initiatives

EPALE und Erasmus+ Konferenz 2024
Die Erwachsenenbildung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Förderung von Partizipation in unserer Gesellschaft. Durch den Erwerb von Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen können Erwachsene befähigt werden, aktiv an politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Prozessen teilzunehmen. Förderung von Partizipation durch Erwachsenenbildung zielt darauf ab, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Meinungen und Interessen einzubringen, sich zu engagieren und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Dies trägt nicht nur zur Stärkung der Demokratie bei, sondern auch zur persönlichen Entwicklung und zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Welche Ansätze bietet die Politische Erwachsenenbildung? Zwei interaktive Vorträge bieten Einblick in das System der Politischen Erwachsenenbildung Österreichs und der Schweiz sowie Vernetzungsaktivitäten in der DACH-Region (Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz).
Gemeinsam möchten wir auch herausfinden wie EPALE und Erasmus+ die Partizipation durch Erwachsenenbildung unterstützen und fördern kann. Lernen Sie auf der Konferenz innovative Methoden und Tools zur Förderung der gesellschaftlichen Partizipation kennen, die teilweise im Rahmen von Erasmus+ entwickelt wurden und informieren Sie sich im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Corners, wie Erwachsenenbildner/innen und erwachsene Lernende durch Mobilität im Rahmen von Erasmus+ in Europa neue Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse erwerben können.
Der OeAD lädt die Erwachsenenbildungs-Community herzlich zu einem fachlichen und interaktiven Austausch ein.

A top university with a diverse student body – Old and New Inequalities

12th International Stakeholder Conference of Priority Area 9 of the EUSDR

The shift to learning outcomes; rhetoric or reality?

Digitale Horizonte: Wie Technologie und KI die beruflichen Lern- und Beratungsprozesse beeinflussen

Revolutionising Skill Development: India’s Sector Skills Councils
- Identifying the enabling factors for ensuring the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of Sector Skills Councils, with a particular focus on financing their operations and
- Providing policy guidance for countries planning to establish or strengthen their SSCs. For Registration: Click Here

ATEE Spring Conference 2024
What are the current scenarios that characterize teacher research and practice? What are the main challenges that complexity and risk with innovative and empowering responses posed and what are the new solutions they require? What directions is such research taking in Europe and around the world and what are the related values and perspectives? What are the primary issues and proposals for policy recommendations at the national and international levels?
Starting from theoretical constructs, epistemological insights, specific historical trajectories and evidence-based research, the ATEE Spring Conference 2024 in Bergamo aims at discussing the current and potential relaunch of teacher education research and practices by examining past developments, while also considering future challenges. In particular, the Conference will focus on the role of teacher research and practice in providing opportunities for sustainable, peaceful and equitable teaching/learning processes that acknowledge the concept of pluralism, diversity and differentiation in order to design innovative education policies in this arena.

Nordyrk Conference 2024

Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Nutzen Sie den NQR für sich!


Unleashing untapped potential
The event, taking place in Brussels and available to watch online, will focus on how apprenticeships can help to alleviate labour shortages in various sectors within the EU, as highlighted by the 2023 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Report.
The hybrid event will look closely at effective policy measures and collaborative strategies that can be implemented through apprenticeship programmes. By providing young learners with the skills employers need and older workers with opportunities to re-skill and up-skill, these solutions can play a key role in overcoming labour shortages.
Join the event to learn about:
advocating for quality apprenticeships;
facilitating collaboration and the exchange of best practices;
the contributions EAfA stakeholders have made to quality apprenticeships.

Transformation of Learning Environments — Innovative and Inclusive Approaches

NQR: Hintergrund, Struktur, Auswirkungen

Digitale Lernergebnisse mit Europass gestalten
Parallel dazu haben “Microcredentials” in den letzten Jahren einen regelrechten Boom erlebt. Diese kleinen, fokussierten Einheiten von Lerninhalten ermöglichen es Einzelpersonen, gezielt und flexibel neue Fähigkeiten zu erwerben. Ob in Form von Zertifikaten oder digitalen Abzeichen — Microcredentials bieten eine effektive Möglichkeit, sich beruflich weiterzuentwickeln und auf dem sich ständig verändernden Arbeitsmarkt relevant zu bleiben. In der Europass Veranstaltung werden wir tiefer in diese beiden Konzepte eintauchen, ihre Bedeutung für die moderne Bildung diskutieren und herausfinden, wie sie die Art und Weise, wie wir Lernergebnisse darstellen, revolutionieren können.

Gruppenmobilität in VET – Neue Chancen für das berufsbildende Schulwesen

9. BBFK 2024
Berufsbildung in Zeiten des Mangels — Handlungserfordernisse neu denken
- künstliche Intelligenz in der Arbeitswelt und in der Berufsbildungspraxis (teilweise verbunden mit einer Substitutionsfunktion für Arbeitskräfte oder Bildungsangebote)
- Flexibilisierung beruflicher Bildung
- berufliche Orientierung unter sich wandelnden Bedingungen
- Transformationen (z. B. hin zur Nachhaltigkeit, hin zu neuen Arbeitsmodellen usw.)
- veränderte Akteurskonstellationen im Wettbewerb um Teilnehmende und Ressourcen für berufliche Bildung

31st International Conference on Learning

Arbeitstagung „Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung erzieht!“


BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting

Moving TVET to the top of the global agenda

Knowledge or Skills — What do University Graduates (and Economies) need?
- Keynote speech by Ellen Hazelkorn, expert in Tertiary Education Systems
- Interventions by Iuav University of Venice (IT) and the University of Huelva (ES), members of the PIONEER European University Alliance
- Site visit of the Aix-Marseille University campus and facilities Registration

Call for Papers: Diversität in der beruflichen Bildung

ABGESAGT — 2. Summit Bildungsforschung

Soziale Ungleichheit und Politische Bildung
- Welchen Einfluss hat die soziale Herkunft auf Bildungsbiografien und die Entwicklung politischer Mündigkeit?
- Welche Rolle kann und soll Politische Bildung beim Abbau von sozialer Ungleichheit spielen?
- Wie können politische Bildner*innen soziale Ungleichheit als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung und Differenzkategorie vermitteln?

8. Jahrestagung zur Migrationsforschung in Österreich

Navigating International Standards for Microcredentials
Digital Individual Learning Accounts in the Visegrad Countries

Messe der Wiener Erwachsenenbildung
Die Messe der Wiener Erwachsenenbildung zeigt die Vielfalt der Erwachsenenbildungslandschaft und bietet allen Besucher*innen die Möglichkeit, neue Bildungswege zu gehen.
- Wann: Montag, 23. September 2024, von 16 bis 20 Uhr
- Wo: Arkadenhof, Wiener Rathaus
- Bei Schlechtwetter wird die Messe in die Volkshalle im Rathaus verlegt.
- Der Eintritt ist frei.

Lernen ohne Grenzen — Inklusion in der Erwachsenenbildung


Demokratie lernen: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Erwachsenenbildung

VET&Culture 2024

FORWARD. Adult Learning: Igniting Change, Shaping Tomorrow
The conference will address 3 main themes, along the three days:

Wanted: Zugang in die Lehre fördern
- Steigende Anforderungen und sinkende Eingangskompetenzen in der Lehre? (Helmut Dornmayr, IBW)
- Wo gehen Potenziale für die Lehr-Ausbildung verloren? (Mario Steiner, IHS)
- Wirksamkeit von geschlechtersensiblen Angeboten (Nadja Bergmann, L&R)
- Berufsorientierung — Status quo und Handlungsbedarfe (Roland Löffler, öibf)
- Zugang zur beruflichen Ausbildung von Geflüchteten (Julia Bock-Schappelwein, WIFO)

Webinar: 3 years of European Digital Credentials
- Date: 10:00 CEST, 16 October 2024
- Registration: Registration survey open until 15 October

Demokratie- und Bürgerkompetenz in der Berufsbildung: europäische Ansätze und Praxisbeispiele
In diesem Webinar beleuchten Monika Auzinger & Julia Fellinger aktuelle europäische Entwicklungen zur Förderung von Demokratie- und Bürgerkompetenz in der Berufsbildung. Anhand von aktuellen Initiativen aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern wird beispielhaft präsentiert, wie diese Kompetenzen in die Berufsbildung integriert werden können und warum sie für die Entwicklung kompetenter Fachkräfte von morgen von so großer Bedeutung sind.

Skills for Green and Just Transitions – Potential and Challenges

Financing adult learning: zooming in on individual learning accounts

Training the Gen Z: New Horizons for VET

Future of VET: conditions for balancing European VET excellence and inclusion

Second Conference on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and VET

Re-Thinking Europe’s Skill Needs: Reflections Following the European Year of Skills

Implementation of the EU27+ national implementation plans for VET

Understanding RPL: The What, Why and How of RPL

Starting an international process for Vocational-Professional Education (5–8) and the Level 5 Area

Neue Wege für eine exzellente und zukunftsfähige Berufsbildung

Navigating RPL: Leadership and Policy Perspectives in Europe

Employability und lebenslanges Lernen in der Berufsbildung
- Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und praxisnahe Ansätze zu den Themen Employability und lebenslanges Lernen
- Fachlicher Austausch mit Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Bildungsbereich
- Interaktive Sessions und Vorträge, die relevanten Impulse für Ihre berufliche Praxis geben

Implementing RPL in Higher Education Institutions: Building a trust-based culture

European Collaboration for RPL: Sharing Good Practice within and across Borders
Webinar: Enhance collaboration with the private sector to strengthen training programmes
Dates: November 13 and November 25, 10:00–11:30 CET (via Teams)
— The webinar on Wednesday 13 November will focus on strengthening private sector partnerships for more impactful training that meet labour market and societal needs. — The webinar on Monday 25 November will focus on how to leverage innovation and socio-economic development by building effective skills ecosystems In each session, a leading VET centre will share its mission, successes, and challenges, offering firsthand insights into achieving excellence through collaboration. Your voice matters too! We invite you to join the discussion, share your experiences, and help shape the future of vocational training. Register here, and share a few insights on your experience with vocational excellence in the form. Your feedback will help us tailor the sessions to meet your goals.

Skills for a greener future: The role of University Lifelong Learning

Das Potenzial von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung

Call for Papers Crossing Boundaries 2025
We invite researchers, PhD students, teachers and decision-makers from the field of vocational education and training, lifelong learning, higher education and adjacent disciplines to participate and contribute by presenting a paper at the conference.
Deadlines- Submission of abstracts: 15 November 2024 (extended)
- Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2024
- Submission of full paper: 20 February 2025
- Feedback to your paper: 31 March 2025 You will then have 10 days to make the necessary corrections.
- The conference proceedings will be available shortly before the conference.
Check for all the details by following this link.

22nd ReferNet annual plenary meeting
- inform on the latest EU VET policy developments, the outcomes of the 2024 work plan and the preparation of the 2025 work plan;
- introduce the new partners to the processes and procedures of the network;
- reinstall a physical network dynamic of cooperation and shared reflection by convening in a physical open space, which will encourage creative reflection on how partners would like ReferNet to develop in the 2024–27 period. INVITATION ONLY

Research Meets Practice

Wie cool ist die Demokratie für die Generation Z?
Webinar: Leverage innovation and socio-economic development by building effective skills ecosystems
Dates: November 13 and November 25, 10:00–11:30 CET (via Teams)
— The webinar on Wednesday 13 November will focus on strengthening private sector partnerships for more impactful training that meet labour market and societal needs. — The webinar on Monday 25 November will focus on how to leverage innovation and socio-economic development by building effective skills ecosystems In each session, a leading VET centre will share its mission, successes, and challenges, offering firsthand insights into achieving excellence through collaboration. Your voice matters too! We invite you to join the discussion, share your experiences, and help shape the future of vocational training. Register here, and share a few insights on your experience with vocational excellence in the form. Your feedback will help us tailor the sessions to meet your goals.Evidenzen zur sozialen Dimension in der Hochschulbildung

Gemeinsam das Miteinander gestalten

Using PISA evidence to inform education policies and practices

Building Engaged Communities – Institutional Solutions for Student Participation Across Europe
- Present innovative research and case studies on student engagement
- Influence institutional change by sharing effective participation models
- Network with experts and peers passionate about student-centered education

Herausragende Berufsbildung durch Zentren der beruflichen Exzellenz

REvaluation Conference 2024

The changing landscape of qualifications and credentials
Bildungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: KI und Digitalisierung als Treiber des Wandels

Prognose 2024/25 & Demografische Entwicklung bis 2040
KI in der Hochschulbildung

New EHEA Framework for the Social Dimension

Insights from Skills Strategies in the European Union

Mental health in VET — Introduction to a survey
- Tibor Dőri, Euro-Contact Business School
- Kornel Dőri, Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület
- Veronica Vasilescu, ENGIM, will be the moderator

Diversität in der beruflichen Bildung

Exploring Microcredentials in Indigenous Post-Secondary Environments in Canada
- Embrace inclusive practices
- Celebrate initiatives empowering Canada’s indigenous communities
- Learn how education and vocational training drive meaningful change

Quality Matters — Strengthening the Quality Assurance of Adult Education and Training
- El Iza Mohamedou, Head of the OECD Centre for Skills
- Courtney Brown, Vice President of Impact and Planning at the Lumina Foundation
- Ricardo Espinoza, Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre for Skills
- Simon Broek, Senior Expert at Ockham Institute for Policy Support
- Kyle Albert, Assistant Research Professor at the George Washington Institute of Public Policy at the George Washington University

Degree Apprenticeships: Effective Mentoring, Inclusive Access, and Stakeholder Insight
Join the Edge Research Webinar for an insightful discussion on Degree Apprenticeships, centred around the findings from three research studies conducted by Edge.
- Degree Apprenticeships in England: What Can We Learn from the Experiences of Apprentices, Employers, and Education and Training Providers? (To be published in January 2025).
- Widening Participation and Degree Apprenticeships
- What Makes an Effective Work Based Mentor in Allied Health Professions: Perceptions and Expectations
Learn from the experiences of Degree Apprentices, employers, and education providers, dive into strategies for widening participation, and explore what makes effective work-based mentoring in allied health professions.
Chaired by Edge Executive Director Olly Newton, this engaging session brings together leading researchers Andrea Laczik, Charlynne Pullen, and Claire Staniland. We will be joined by panelists representing a diverse range of perspectives.

Basics of European Digital Credentials for Learning

Bridging Gaps in Vocational Training: The Role of NGOs and the Impact of ESF Support in Europe

Making progression in learning a reality – policy scenarios towards 2040

Bringing the Science of Compassion in Technical Vocational Education Training

Recognising Transversal Competences in VET

Skills for a Competetive Europe

Insights and experience of Microcredentials in the global open education arena

Future Skills Summit 2025

23. Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2025 (HTBB 2025)

Micro-Credentials Masterclass 2025

Building a Green Future

EU Skills and Talent Mobility Package: recognizing vocational qualifications

Doctoral Education in Universities of Applied Sciences

The use of micro-credentials to support upskilling and reskilling

New fields for apprenticeship

Entrepreneurial Centres of Vocational Excellence: the way to go
- A self-reflection toolkit Conceptual framework of Entrepreneurial Centres of Vocational Excellence (EntreCoVEs)
- An ecosystem engagement toolkit Skills ecosystem engagement toolkit | ETF

Career Guidance in Science and Practice: How can the Transfer be designed?
Target Groups
The conference addresses European and international- Stakeholders from education administration and education policy
- Researchers who deal with Career Guidance in school contexts
- Stakeholders from educational practice who are involved in the implementation of Career Guidance in schools, for example teachers, social pedagogues, head teachers and careers advisors
- Tristram Hooley, Professor of Career Education at the University of Derby:
- Anthony Mann, Senior Policy Analyst at the OECD:

Participation in Civic Engagement and Green Actions

Shaping the future of apprenticeships in the EU – ensuring quality and fairness
- Key trends and developments in apprenticeships
- Best practices for quality and fairness
- Future opportunities and financial support for apprentices

Closing the Loop

Future Fit Festival
Innovate. Adapt. Preserve: Navigating Change in Higher Education

Apprenticeships: Future global trends
- Ashwani Aggarwal, International Labour Organization Global Lead for Skill and Lifelong Learning Policy.
- Leesa Wheelahan, Professor Emerita, University of Toronto.
- Philipp Gonon, Oscar Valiente and Dr Matthias Pilz – a discussion panel on ‘Transfer of Dual VET’
- Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee, Chief Executive, University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC), University of Bolton

Erasmus+ und ESK Fachtagung 2025

Place, Knowledge, Skills: Applied universities driving regional competitiveness

Save the date – Erstes Wiener Arbeitsfilmfestival

6th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries
The special focus of the conference 2025 is Towards Inclusive and Egalitarian Vocational Education and Training: Key Challenges and Strategies from a Holistic and Multi-contextual Approach. From this perspective, a special focus is placed on the analysis of dropout and stopout processes and gender segregation in VET and their repercussions on future students’ educational and employment pathways. In this sense, it is important to carry out an analysis of the explanatory factors from a holistic and multicontextual perspective (structural, institutional, contextual and personal factors) and the interrelation between them. We also need to look at the theories used, best practices, policies, and models of success aimed at promoting a more inclusive and egalitarian VET.

Inside Validation — let’s talk!
Das Barcamp wird von der wba in Kooperation mit dem Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung angeboten und von Gaby Filzmoser (ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich) moderiert.
Was ist ein Barcamp?
Ein Barcamp ist eine Art Konferenz, ähnlich dem Open Space, welches allerdings keine fix festgelegten Vortragende und keine thematisch festgelegten Workshops anbietet. Barcamps sind aus dem Bedürfnis von Menschen entstanden, sich in einer offenen Umgebung auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. Es ist eine intensive Veranstaltung mit Diskussionen, Präsentationen und Interaktion der Teilnehmenden untereinander. Alle, die etwas beizutragen haben oder etwas lernen wollen, sind willkommen und herzlich eingeladen mitzumachen. Für den Fall, dass du mitmachst, stell dich darauf ein, dich mit anderen Barcampenden auszutauschen. Wenn du gehst, sei bereit, deine Erfahrungen mit dem Rest der Welt zu teilen. (Quelle: WerdeDigital)
Wer kann teilnehmen?
Eingeladen sind alle, die mit Kompetenzanerkennung und Kompetenzberatung arbeiten und ihr Wissen zu diesem Thema teilen möchten. Im Zentrum stehen Praxisfragen der Validierung und weniger theoretische und bildungspolitische Aspekte, auch wenn letztere natürlich ebenso angesprochen werden können.

Towards a methodology for comparing and recognising VET qualifications

Nordic VET in a Sustainable Future

Fourth Policy learning forum: Launching the European Vocational Teacher Survey (EVTS)

The impact of learning outcomes on teaching and learning – policy choices ahead

From evidence to action: Advancing adult basic skills for tackling inequalities

Human Learning and Machine Learning— Challenges and Opportunities for AI in Education
The arrival of generative AI has precipitated a panic among some educators while prompting qualified enthusiasm from others. Ask a GPTs (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) to take a high-stakes select response test, and it will generally pass or even excel. Prompt it to write a five-paragraph essay on any topic, and it will produce a well-written if dull and predictable response, at least as good or better than a student’s response. Here comes a cheating bonanza: unless strictly proctored, there’s no reliable way to tell whether a student response has been generated by AI, especially with a few extra tricks in written text such as adding some typos or awkward expressions. What to do? How to put generative AI to good use?
In addition to the broad range of regular themes addressing educational and social change at The Learner Conference, this year we will have a special theme exploring the implications and applications artificial intelligence in education generally, and GPTs in particular. Presentations addressing this special theme will examine the differences between machine and human learning and the ways in which machines can complement human learning. Some of the questions we will address are: What are supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement machine learning? Will mechanical intelligence ever be able to replicate or exceed human intelligence? What are the practical applications of learning analytics and artificial intelligence in learning management systems and other educational tools? What are the implications for diversity, equity and inclusion?

Pathways, boundaries and barriers in Vocational Education and Training

VET Journeys and destinations
The JVET Conference Committee will host its highly successful biennial international conference in July 2025. The upcoming conference will explores Vocational Education and Training through the lens of the themes of journeys and destinations and will welcome contributions that explore developments in VET as it strives to meet the challenges of economic austerity, climate change, political instability and increasingly rapid technological change. Submissions have been encouraged to explore the journeys of VET systems addressing these challenges as they traverse the occupational boundaries between formal and informal, accredited and unaccredited vocational learning, between regulated and unregulated training, and between ‘vocational’ and ‘professional’ education. The conference will also explore the role of VET in reinforcing or combatting social closure through inclusive practice, and spatial closure through facilitating mobility.
The meeting provides a critical forum for international debates on all aspects and levels of VET and developments in work and learning, reflecting our journal’s concerns over the 76 years of its publication. The conference is in person and virtual attendance will not be available. The two keynote speaker sessions, however, will be recorded and available after the conference.

Openness: a Mission Challenged

VET: Opportunities and Challenges of Contemporary Career Transitions

ECER 2025

Anticipation of Future Developments in the Labour Markets

AI and the Future of Education

Dialogue in and through adult education and learning

Launching and developing credentials initiatives
- Practitioners: Showcase successful implementation stories of digital credentials.
- Educators: Present innovative teaching methods leveraging digital credentials to open access to recognition.
- Researchers: Share your latest findings on open learning and recognition practices, technologies and policies
- Employers: Share your experience on the impact of recognition practices, technologies and policies at the workplace for talent development and retention
- Policymakers Discuss the future direction of recognition practices, technologies and policies in the educational, social and employment landscape.
- Technologists: Demonstrate cutting-edge technologies supporting the emergence of open learning and recognition ecosystems.

Innovationsdialog 2025
- Hochkarätige Keynote Einblick in Change-Management, Leadership und Innovation im Bildungswesen. Verleihung des ISB Stiftungspreises Bildungsinnovation Auszeichnung herausragender Bildungseinrichtungen in drei Kategorien. Präsentation einer besonderen Graphic Novel Eine inspirierende Lektüre, die Bildungsinnovationen auf eine neuartige Weise präsentiert. Podiumsdiskussion & Austausch

Save the date: 10. BBFK 2026
Die 10. österreichische Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK) wird vom 01. bis 03. Juli 2026 in Innsbruck stattfinden und von der Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol ausgerichtet. Die Einreichung von Vortragsvorschlägen wird von November 2025 bis Mitte Februar 2026 möglich sein. Für aktuelle Informationen besuchen Sie die Konferenz-Homepage unter www.bbfk.at oder erhalten Sie alle Neuigkeiten über den Newsletter.

Safe the date: ECER 2026
Test Event 2020

Test Event

Expert meeting on skills intelligence

AVETRA Annual Conference 2021

EUROSTUDENT VII — Final Conference

Jour fixe Bildungstheorie | Bildungspraxis

Jour fixe Bildungstheorie | Bildungspraxis
Im Sommersemester 2021 widmet sich der Jour fixe Bildungstheorie | Bildungspraxis der Frage, ob und wie eine emanzipatorische Lernprozesse und kritische Bildung (ausschließlich) online möglich sind.

EPALE und Erasmus+ Konferenz 2021

Midterm conference of the European Steel Skills Alliance (ESSA)

Education and Employers International Conference

6th International Conference on Employer Engagement

What does ‘responsiveness’ mean?

Skill Formation Systems, Policies and Processes in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia

Österreichisches Forum Transval-EU

AQ Austria Jahrestagung

PROVE-Projekt Multiplier Event (Professionalization of Validation Experts)

Annual Meeting 2021

OeAD-Fachtagung im Rahmen der EuroSkills

Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education (CACE)

INCREAS Fachtagung

E+ Bridging Barriers: International Online Workshop

#Erasmusdays 2021

Erasmusdays 2021: Online-Workshop: Inklusive Forschung an Hochschulen – Wege und Strategien

Uncertainty in Higher Education – Hochschulen in einer von Volatilität geprägten Welt

Europass Digital Credentials (und Micro Credentials) für österreichische Hochschulen

Cedefop & OECD: Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies

EBSN Annual Conference 2021

Online-Tagung „Flexibilisierung der Berufsbildung“

Euroguidance Fachtagung 2021

Learning in the age of industry 4.0

Cedefop conference on micro-credentials

LLL Week 2021

Digitalisierung jetzt! Arbeitswelt 4.0 aktiv und gerecht (mit)gestalten

Mit Berufsbildung den ökologischen Wandel mitgestalten

VET Graduate Tracking

Digital workplace — wie wollen wir arbeiten?

VET Congress 2022

Adult Education Academy
The Adult Education Academy promotes international networks in adult education and lifelong learning, aiming to foster a connection between academic learning and the field of adult education.
During the intensive programme of two weeks, analytical and comparative skills in adult education are being trained in an international environment. An understanding of internationally relevant educational policies in the context of lifelong learning is provided, while communication, teambuilding skills and critical thinking are strengthened by working together in this international setting.

Apprenticeships and Permeability
The webinar will feature new measures implemented by different countries to open up access to further learning and higher education. Speakers will present good practice examples and successful policy initiatives as well as the challenges that still remain.
The webinar will be introduced by Ana Carrero who is the Deputy Head of the Vocational Education and Training Unit of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
The webinar will include the following speakers:
- Jeff Bridgford − Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College London, UK
- Jörg Markowitsch − Senior Partner at 3s Research & Consulting, Austria
The event will be moderated by Letizia Vicentini – Research Manager at Ecorys UK. As usual, the presentations will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

Quality in VET in Bulgaria 1

Competence Development of Teachers in Adult Basic Education in the European Context

Green transition

Quality in VET in Bulgaria 2

Arbeitsmarktpolitik in der Pandemie

Quality in VET in Bulgaria 3

Life Skills im Fokus der Erwachsenenbildung

Apprenticeships in Europe

Trends in validation of non formal and informal learning in the EU and neighbourhood
- presentation and validation the findings of the ETF cross-country study and discussion on the policy recommendations;
- presentation of the place of validation in the EU New Skills Agenda;
- sharing good practices from the Partner Countries and the EU Member States.

Digital skills as transversal skills

The international dimension of Centres of vocational excellence

Graduate tracking to improve the skills match
- Learn from the approaches adopted by Germany and other countries on how they collect and use data relevant for graduate tracking to better understand labour market needs and its implications on vocational education and training
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches and the conditions in which it works best in order to help country delegates identify ‘what works’ for their particular national context

BeyondScale Conference 2022
- HEInnovate & Forward Looking Cooperation Projects: Mission & Objectives
- Labour market relevance of higher education – how do HEIs anticipate novel jobs and skill needs, create study programmes that are relevant to these labour market needs, and rethink how to communicate with learners about future careers and with employers about graduate skills
- Current needs and challenges to become innovative, more entrepreneurial from HEI’s view and also ministry perspective and national perspective
- BeyondScale: Project objectives and the journey we made
- How to manage the transformation of HEIs – is it up to the autonomy of the institutions or is it up to the guidance through the government?

Apprenticeship in India: Country Strategy

Warum es mit Validierung (in Österreich) so schwierig ist

How does higher vocational and professional tertiary education differ across countries?

Denkwerkstätte Graz 2022

Effekte von Erwachsenenbildung

8th Stockholm International Conference of Research on Vocational Education and Training

Validierung aus sozialpolitischer Perspektive

European Vocational Skills Week

Bologna‐Tag 2022


Qualifikationsentwicklung und NQR

4th VPL Biennale: Reykjavik

EU-Initiativen für eine grünere Berufsbildung

Internationalisierung im technischen Schulwesen (KA1)

EURASHE 31st Annual Conference

Microcredentials – was, weshalb und wozu?


Validierung – quo vadis?


Online-Vortrag aus der Reihe „Berufsbildung im Gespräch“
Franz Gramlinger (OeAD | RQB, Wien) wird zum Thema “Wie können wir mit Berufsbildungsforschung eine breitere Öffentlichkeit erreichen?” sprechen.
„Berufsbildung im Gespräch“ wird von der Arbeitseinheit 4 organisiert, die an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol angesiedelt ist und die Themenbereiche Wirtschaft, Soziales, Information und Kommunikation umfasst. Die Arbeitseinheit 4 ist eine von fünf österreichweit agierenden Arbeitseinheiten, die zur Stärkung der Forschung an den Pädagogischen Hochschulen eingerichtet wurden.
Anmeldung unter https://tinyurl.com/3vs2sar5

EPALE Focus Week

EBSN Conference
- Lessons learnt during the Covid crisis. What needs has the crisis revealed. What has worked best for the learners. Where have we failed to find good solutions. How can we prepare for similar situations in the future.
- What is the new normality? How can we create sustainable provision that makes optimal use both of the traditional face-to-face approach and of integrated digital tools and solutions?
- How can we help teachers become confident users of a hybrid approach to learning provision? How can we create efficient communities of practice?
- Where do we need more research and development? What projects can and need to be created and implemented within the EBSN in the years ahead?

Validierung von „Soft Skills“ – (wie) geht das?

MITEINANDER: Inklusion in der Berufsbildung
- Widerstandsfähigkeit und Exzellenz durch hochwertige, inklusive und flexible berufliche Bildung
- Etablierung einer neuen Kultur des lebenslangen Lernens – Bedeutung der beruflichen Weiterbildung und der Digitalisierung
- Nachhaltigkeit – eine grüne Perspektive in der beruflichen Bildung
- Europäischer Berufsbildungsraum und internationale berufliche Bildung

Two Decades of Lifelong Guidance

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships on track!
- Encourage the creation of quality and effective apprenticeships in rail − a green and attractive sector with growing job opportunities and possibilities for job mobility.
- Promote gender balance in apprenticeships in rail in line with the Women in Rail joint European binding agreement, led by the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies and the European Transport Workers’ Federation.

VET & Culture workshop

Validierung als Bildung: der Lernort Ehrenamt als Ausgangspunkt

Transformationen von Arbeit, Beruf und Bildung in internationaler Betrachtung

Aufbruch in die digitale Zukunft
- Was hat die Pandemie an positiven Entwicklungen in der Erwachsenenbildung gebracht und welche Chancen gibt es jetzt?
- Wie hat die Digitalisierung die Rollen von Lehrenden und Lernenden sowie deren Beziehung zueinander verändert?
- Welche neuen Lehr-/Lernarrangements sind durch neue technische Tools und die Erfahrungen, die wir damit in der Pandemie gemacht haben, nun möglich geworden und werden uns auch nach der Pandemie begleiten?
- Welche neuen Kompetenzen haben Lernende sowie Lehrende in der Pandemie erworben?
- Wie könnte sich vor diesem Hintergrund die Erwachsenenbildung in den nächsten Jahren weiterentwickeln? Die Tagung wird als Hybrid-Veranstaltung in der Arbeiterkammer Wien in Präsenz abgehalten und gleichzeitig ins Internet gestreamt.

4th policy learning forum on learning outcomes

2030 on the horizon: skills in the online platform economy

BBFK 2022: Krise und Nachhaltigkeit

EARLI SIG14 Conference 2022
EARLI SIG14 will focus on the following research topics and themes:
* theories and methodologies for the study of professional learning and development;
* constraints and affordances of professional learning and work identities;
* vocational education and training in schooling and working life contexts;
* learning during and through work;
* adult learning processes within the context of work.

ECER Yerevan

Increasing WBL in School-Based VET Systems
It is a great pleasure to invite interested researchers to apply for a workshop on increasing work-based learning in school-based VET systems in Central and Eastern Europe. Junior researchers (late PhDs, Postdocs) are particularly welcome to apply! Successful applicants will present their papers at the 5th Crossing Boundaries taking place in Kaunas, Lithuania, in May 2023 and participate in workshop activities such as keynote speeches and field visits. Junior researchers’ accommodation and travelling expenses linked to the conference will be covered up to 700 EUR.
It will be an excellent opportunity for participants to share their newest scientific work in the field of governance of VET in Central and Eastern Europe. The call is directed at research contributions that focus on how the design of educational policies and systems, institutional settings, and actors and stakeholders can contribute to accommodating the various interests and logics that arise when introducing cooperation-intensive work-based learning in predominantly school-based VET systems. Contributions can be made within various disciplines (Education science, Political science, Economics, Sociology, History, etc.).
All relevant information regarding the topic of interest, submission guidelines, and important dates can be found on the conference website. The deadline to submit abstracts is the 31 August 2022. They need to be sent to crossing.boundaries@vetnetsite.org.
In addition, we are supporting a junior researcher with a research grant interested in researching and collaborating in this particular field. The deadline for applications is also the 31 August 2022.


8th International Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Service

The Future of VET in Europe: Pathways to vocational excellence

TASKS VI: The Digital and Ecological Transformation of the Labour Market
- How does the division of tasks between workers and machines develop?
- Do green jobs differ from non-green jobs in terms of skills and human capital?
- How does the digital and ecological transformation affect labour market, firm and individual outcomes?
- How do job contents and tasks evolve and how do workers adapt?
- What is the role of education and training in preparing the workforce for new knowledge and skills requirements?
- How does the Covid-19 pandemic affect both types of transformations? And what does the pandemic reveal about the interactions between gender, education, work requirements and tasks?
- How can policy cushion potential negative outcomes related to these transformations?
- How do we measure the digital and ecological transformation and categorise related tasks?
- What can we learn from new (big) data sources like job advertisements?

Internationale Erasmus+ Konferenz

ÖFEB Kongress

Humane Ökonomie

AQ Austria Jahrestagung
- Wie wird es gelingen, die Hochschulen als Orte des lebensbegleitenden Lernens zu stärken? Was bedeutet die Stärkung von Hochschulen als Orte des lebensbegleitenden Lernens für das Selbstverständnis und die Aufgaben der Hochschulen?
- Welche Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten eröffnet hier das „Weiterbildungspaket” und wo kommt es an seine Grenzen?
- Wie werden sich die veränderten gesetzlichen Grundlagen und insbesondere die Ermöglichung neuer Studienformate und ‑abschlüsse auf das Angebot an Hochschulen auswirken und welche Formate sind zukunftsweisend?
- Welche Qualitätserwartungen werden an hochschulische Weiterbildung gestellt und wie können diese eingelöst werden?

Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
- Welche theoretischen, empirischen und gestaltungsorientierten Beiträge können und müssen durch die Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik geleistet werden, um Ambiguitäten, Ambivalenzen und Antinomien im Kontext beruflicher Bildung differenziert zu analysieren, zu beschreiben und zu erklären sowie den Umgang damit zu unterstützen?
- Welche Forschungsansätze eigenen sich dafür?
- Welche Implikationen/Konsequenzen ergeben sich aus den Erkenntnissen für die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung der Fach- und Führungskräfte, Lehrer:innen und Ausbilder:innen sowie des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses?
- Wie wird der Umgang mit Ambiguitäten, Ambivalenzen und Antinomien in Innovationsprojekten und Förderprogrammen (z. B. im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung) aufgegriffen?

AlphaDekade-Konferenz 2022

G.R.E.A.T. Conference 2022

Staatspreisverleihung — Beste Lehrbetriebe “Fit for Future” 2022

10th Triennial ESREA Research Conference

Campus Community Partnerschaften in der Hochschullehre
Das Forschungsnetzwerk „Hochschulen Engagiert Österreich“ führt im Sommersemester 2022 eine Befragung zum Thema “Campus Community Partnerschaften in der Hochschullehre“ an allen österreichischen Hochschulen durch: https://wumarketing.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_77Zf52Ovjv9bGRg. Die Studie hat zum Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit mit externen Partner*innen in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz zu erfassen und erstmalig einen umfassenden Überblick über Faktoren zu geben, die zur Entstehung und Verstetigung sowie zur Verankerung dieser Partnerschaften beitragen. Die Ergebnisse aus der Studie sollen in Folge für weitere Initiativen in der Hochschullehre sowie für die Hochschulentwicklung in den DACH-Ländern genutzt werden.
Die ersten Ergebnisse der Befragung werden am 29.–30. September 2022 auf der Jahrestagung des Hochschulnetzwerks „Bildung durch Verantwortung“ in Linz präsentiert.

11. FORIM-Tagung in Linz

REHES IV Workshop — Higher Education and its Organizations

2. SDG Dialogforum Österreich

Festveranstaltung 30 Jahre Erasmus+ in Österreich

Knowledge, skills, behaviours
- Understanding broader or specific aspects of skills from vacancy data, for example specific to tasks, jobs, sectors or localities
- Longitudinal studies on changes in occupational profiles and skills requirements
- Topical research about skills changes, e.g. resulting from decarbonisation or increasing digitalisation of job roles
- Understanding skills relevant to making transitions into the labour market, for example data used in vocational education institutions and universities from placements
- Methodological innovations in the work with large data from online vacancies

Online-Workshop: Inklusive Forschung an Hochschulen

Validating the 2023 Skills Forecast

Validierung kann, darf, soll, muss…

Arbeitswelt im (Klima-)Wandel

BIBB-Kongress: „Future Skills – Fortschritt denken“

Supporting Ukrainians in the EU through apprenticeships

Filmabend zur Pflegeausbildung

Duale Berufsausbildung im internationalen Vergleich
- Wo steht das Schweizer Berufsbildungssystem im internationalen Vergleich?
- Wie unterscheidet sich die Entwicklung der Berufsbildung zwischen Kantonen und Berufsfeldern?
- Welche Herausforderungen und Potenziale ergeben sich für die Schweiz?

5th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries
- theoretical insights and empirical studies on the implications of VET for a digital and sustainable socio-economic development;
- historical pathways of institutional development of skill formation in different orientations and systems to the social justice, market economy and socio-economic development – overview and future-oriented approaches;
- reviews and reflections on the reforms of VET by referring to their implications for the post-Covid recovery, socio-economic resilience and sustainable development.

17. Netzwerktreffen Hochschulforschung Österreich

Fachtagung «Lesekompetenz und Leseförderung – Schule und Erwachsenenbildung im Dialog»

Vernetzungskonferenz 2022

DigiTyps-Konferenz 2022

Wege in die Zukunft

CACE – Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education
- Visionary ideas on the future of academic continuing education
- Flexible curricula and individual learning paths in academic continuing education
- The role of culture and internationalization in academic continuing education
- Curation and quality assurance in academic continuing education
- Ecosystem challenges and financial aspects of academic continuing education
- Keynote speakers:
- Helga Nowotny
- Daniela Trani
- Markus Marti
- Thierry Koscielniak

Future of VET: the way forward

Mangelware Green Skills? Herausforderungen für Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt

Promoting apprenticeships to SMEs
Some of the topics that the discussion aims to explore include:
- effective ways to promote apprenticeships to SMEs at national and regional levels;
- challenges and barriers faced by SMEs when participating in apprenticeship schemes;
- incentivising SMEs to take up apprenticeships and identifying their needs;
- the future of apprenticeships in SMEs in the context of the digital and green transition https://ecorys.idloom.events/high-level-live-discussion-on-promoting-apprenticeships-to-SMEs

Beyond subsidising training costs — 13th Cedefop Brussels seminars

Berufsbildung im Gespräch


Call for Papers — JVET Conference
Call for papers:
The Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET) Conference Committee invites contributions to our successful biennial international conference. The meeting provides a critical forum for international debates on all aspects of vocational education and training, and developments in work and learning. Conference presentations are welcome relating to the theme of the context and purpose of TVET. This theme is intentionally broad, to allow for a diverse range of perspectives on a diverse range of topics in TVET. For example,
‑policy and practice in TVET ‑students and their contexts ‑challenges and dilemmas for TVET in supporting social justice, social inclusion, and sustainability ‑pathways to further education, higher education and the labour market ‑TVET transition systems ‑TVET post-Covid ‑TVET in times of crisis teacher education and development in TVET etc. are just some of the issues that may be included.This call for papers is open to all contributions that seek to enrich this field of inquiry.
Deadline for 400-word abstract is 17:00 (UK time) on 10 January 2023
Decisions about abstracts will be notified by 28 February 2023

Vibrant Cross-Border Labour Markets
The objective of the conference is to put the topic on the political agenda at all decision-making levels and to raise awareness of the potential but also the remaining obstacles confronting cross-border labour markets. Last-minute participants have the possibility to register directly on site.
More information and the detailed programme can be found on this website: http://crossborderlabour.regio-events.eu/

Berufsbildung im Gespräch


OECD Forum Series 2023

Organisation und Innovation

Berufsbildung im Gespräch

69. GfA-Frühjahrskongress 2023

Online BarCamp on Gender & Social Inclusion (GESI)

EU Guidance Community Webinar

Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023 in Bamberg

Welches Schulsystem brauchen wir für die Welt von morgen?

Companies Engaging in Dual VET: Do Financial Incentives Matter?

Companies Engaging in Dual VET: Do Financial Incentives Matter?

EPALE-Diskussion zum Thema “Fähigkeiten für ein demokratisches Leben”

Expert Discussion on Skill Mismatch

TRANSVAL-EU research conference

SAVE THE DATE: Skills Meetup Sweden 2023

Seamless Learning Conference
WU Vienna is once again hosting a two-day conference on Seamless Learning. With this year’s theme ‘Rethinking Learning Modes and Learning Paths’ we will shine a light on seamless learning experiences and learning paths with insights from the European policy perspective and the institutional level. The goal of this conference is to discuss not only the necessary structures and conditions but also to delve into best practices with representatives of universities and policy makers, nationally and at a European level.
Programme Seamless Learning Conference Registration

16. Österreichischer Wirtschaftspädagogik-Kongress

Re-thinking education in the digital age. Meaningful perspectives for future citizenship
- outline of presentation (approx. 2000 characters)
- short CV
- selected list of reference
- format of presentation Einreichungen und Rückfragen an rethinking@medienkulturforschung.de

Krise der dualen Ausbildung?

Regionale EPALE und Erasmus+ Veranstaltung: Resilienz stärken

Potenziale für künftige Fachkräfte heben

Chancen und Risiken betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung

Erasmus+ Fachtagung

TRANSVAL-EU: Validierung von transversalen Kompetenzen


Making effective use of graduate tracking surveys at system and local level
- Effective practice in using graduate tracking surveys at system and local level
- How surveys and administrative datasets can complement each other
- How national and provider-level graduate tracking systems can work together and how to increase the value of provider-level surveys

European Policy Conference

Umsetzung von Micro-credentials an österreichischen Hochschulen
- Microcredentials und Massive Open Online Courses (Martin Ebner, TU Graz)
- Mit Microcredentials Aus- und Weiterbildungswege individuell gestalten und lebenslang erweitern (Ernst Kreuzer, TU Graz)
- Qualitätssicherung von Microcredentials (Agnes Witzani, AQ Austria)
- Bedarfe der Stakeholder — ordentliche Studierende, Wirtschaft, Industrie (Katharina Salicites, TU Graz; HTU-Vertreter*innen TU Graz) Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Kontakt: Mag. Katharina Salicites, katharina.salicites@tugraz.at

5th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries

Forschungskonferenz „Bildung und Versorgung in der Pflege gemeinsam gestalten“

Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose für Österreich bis 2028

NordYrk Conference 2023


EURASHE 32nd Annual Conference ‘Skills for Europe’

Making Skills Count

Skills in the front row

EBSN Annual Conference 2023

Fakt oder Fiktion?

Welche Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen braucht die Bildungsberatung?

13th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning

Nachhaltigkeit als Thema in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung


Green Skills im Aufwind

Microcredentials – a labour market megatrend

Images at Work: Labour and the Moving Image

Excellence in Upskilling and Re-Skilling: Digital Pedagogies as the New Normal

European Alliance for Apprenticeships High-Level Event 2023

Zeiten des Umbruchs — Bildung zwischen Persistenz und Wandel

Arbeitswelten in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation

Lifelong development as a standard

4. Konferenz des Netzwerks Hochschulforschung

AMS-Forschungsgespräch online

JVET Conference
This is the 15th international conference convened by the journal which also celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. The conference is notable for the contributions of researchers from around the world and represents a valuable opportunity for VETNET colleagues to share their research and engage with an intercontinental audience.
Keynote Speakers: Nandini Gooptu, University of Oxford and John Buchanan, University of SydneyCall for papers:
Conference presentations are welcome relating to the theme of the context and purpose of TVET. This theme is intentionally broad to allow for a diverse range of perspectives on a diverse range of topics in TVET.
Deadline for 400-word abstract is 17:00 (UK time) on 10 January 2023
Decisions about abstracts will be notified by 28 February 2023

DGfE-Summer School zu qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsmethoden

ECER 2023 Glasgow

CHER 35th Annual Conference

Opening-Event zum Start des Monats der Wiener Erwachsenenbildung

The Changing Academic Profession in the Knowledge-based Societies

The European Higher Education Society (EAIR) invites you to join the 45th Annual EAIR Forum 2023 hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Linz
CALL FOR PROPOSALS — Submit your proposal before 21 March 2023
Higher education research examines opportunities, challenges as well as potential for further development of the numerous service areas in the higher education system. With this call, we invite you to shed light on these change perspectives and to contribute to the following tracks:
1.Governance in Volatile Times 2.Sustainability and Higher Education 3.Transformations in Teaching and Learning 4.Revisiting the Student’s Role in HE 5.Quality — A Stabilising Factor in a Changing World 6.Internationalisation of Higher Education 7.Designing Innovative CurriculaContribute your proposals for papers, presentations, interactive sessions, workshops and other proposals and join in networking opportunities; social events and more as we meet in Linz over these four days.

Jahrestagung der Sektion für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der DGfE

ENTRANTS – Enhancing the transition of non-traditional students

18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung

Vulnerability, human development and cooperative re-building in turbulent times

26. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Evaluation

Workshop: „Arbeit filmen II“
- Film-Datenbanken und ‑archive zu Bildung, Beruf und Arbeit
- Filmvermittlung bzw. Einsatz von Film in der Berufsbildung
- Film als Mittel der politischen Bildung innerhalb der Berufspädagogik und der Medienpädagogik
- Die mögliche(n) Rolle(n) des Berufsinformationsfilms für die Berufsausbildung
- Öffentliche Filmvorführungen, Festivals und ähnliches mehr zu Filmen mit Bezug zu Bildung, Beruf und Arbeit

Zeitreise Bildungsinnovation

Diversity Equity Inclusion

Providing today’s talent with the skills to build a great tomorrow

Sectoral skills intelligence and strategies as drivers of the just transition

VET&Culture Workshop in Oslo

Pathways of Greening Labour Markets

Dimensionen nachhaltiger Erwachsenenbildung

The future of work: artificial intelligence and its labour market and social impacts

Leib und Sinne — Corporeity and Sensuality

Valuing all skills

Kompetenzen in den Vordergrund: Der Validierung von Berufserfahrung einen Stellenwert geben!

Brennpunkt Fachkräftemangel

Kontaktseminare deutschsprachiger Berufsbildungsforschungseinrichtungen

Micro-credentials as a regional ALE strategy: ensuring gender equality in the green transition?

Die Bedeutung reflexiver Bildungswissenschaft in der Professionalisierung von Pädagog*innen

European Year of Skills: Wie Europass die professionelle Darstellung von Kompetenzen ermöglicht
Das im Juli 2020 neu gelaunchte Europass-Portal spielt in diesem Prozess eine entscheidende Rolle, indem es eine umfassende Plattform mit verschiedenen Tools bietet. In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie, wie der Europass die systematische Dokumentation und das Re- bzw. Upskilling von Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten unterstützt. Nach der Vorstellung der dahinterliegenden Policy und einem Überblick über das Portal können Sie in Gesprächsrunden mehr über einzelne Aspekte, wie z.B. die Lernangebote und Qualifikationen, Jobangebote (über EURES) und die Europäischen Digitalen Bildungsnachweise erfahren. Dabei werden die Funktionen und Vorteile des Europasses aufgezeigt und präsentiert, wie er Einzelpersonen und Organisationen dabei helfen kann, ihre beruflichen Entwicklungsziele zu erreichen.

Student Engagement in Focus
- Data-based insight into the current level of student engagement and belonging at European HEIs
- Hands-on recommendations on how to devise suitable activities that match the needs and expectations of current student cohorts and how to enhance student engagement at your institution
- Inspiration from ongoing (student-led) initiatives, for example in the field of mental health support carried out by students for students
You will find more information on the UNICOMM project website and on instagram.

Striving for excellence: Shaping skills development and strengthening global collaboration in TVET
- Explore excellent TVET practices and discuss TVET policies that support excellence in TVET
- Support the international BILT community of UNEVOC Centres and TVET stakeholders to establish and deepen innovation collaboration and policy learning;
- Present the final results of the 2023 BILT Expert Group on the dual transition of greening and digitalization in the hospitality and tourism sector;
- Take stock of BILT products from the 2022–2023 biennium and outline focus topics and activities for the next two years;
- Conceptualize the 2024 BILT Expert Group with a focus on the building and construction sector;
- Hold the annual meeting of the BILT Advisory Committee (BAC); and
- Strengthen BILT partnerships with the African Union, the ASEAN TVET Council and the European Commission.

A holistic Approach for Dual VET in a Just Green Transition
Laying the ground for a holistic approach for dual VET in the just green transition
The program includes:- Panel Discussion: Let’s look at the topic of dual VET from a just transition perspective and hear different perspectives – how do donors (BMZ), implementers (GIZ), the industry and trade unions approach transformative skills development for a just green transition.
- Exchange Sessions: Let’s bring in your own experiences and discuss them with the others — join one of the sessions and discuss your perspective with the donors, implementers and representatives from industry and trade unions. If you want to host your own session, please indicate this in the registration form – we are here to support you.

Charting the Future of VET: Insights and Strategies for Tomorrow’s Workforce

Social Innovation Forum
- To build a common understanding of social innovation and social experimentation across European Member States.
- To identify synergies and cross-cutting topics among different Communities of Practice (CoPs) and remind them of the essential aim of the ESF+ SI+ Initiative: the upscaling and transfer of social innovation.
- To strengthen connections among different actors in the field of social innovation.

Impact of AI and digital technologies on career guidance

International Work Based Learning in Higher Education

5. REHES-Konferenz in Luzern

Lernen für die Zukunft und Stärkung der Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen durch Forschungskooperation

Jubiläumstagung „Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at“

Internationalizing vocational excellence: a new self-assessment tool for TVET

Austrian Euroguidance Conference

Arbeitsmarkt und Beruf 2030 — Rückschlüsse für Österreich

Small Steps, Big Gains: Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning

Deadline for abstract submission
The Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training is a forum for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research in VET. A space for international networking and cooperation, part of the yearly academic events of VETNET (The European Network of Research in Vocational Education and Training).
Deadline for abstract submission: 15th November 2023

Der Beitrag der sozialen Dimension in der Hochschulbildung zu den Nachhaltigkeitszielen

OeAD-Hochschultagung 2023

Digitaler Fortschritt oder Verlust menschlicher Nähe?

Erasmus+ Berufsbildungs-Lunch: Vorträge und Workshops

Digital Skills Development: towards scalable and sustainable initiatives

CACE — Crossroads in Academic Continuing Education

Soft Skills in der Berufsbildung gefragter denn je

34. EMSE Herbsttagung 2023 in Berlin

Vocational Education, Skilled Workers and Transformation in an International Perspective

“The European Education Area: A reality for all”

Mein professionelles „Ich“ im Gestalten von Lehr-Lernumgebungen der heutigen Zeit

DIG-i-READY: Digital Inclusion in Vocational Education and Training

Non-formal learning is part of the solution

2. Symposium Validierung
Die Teilnehmenden dieser Tagung lernen Erfahrungswerte der hochschulischen Prozesse, Vorgangsweise und Problemstellungen in Österreich kennen, erhalten Einblicke in mögliche Handlungsweisen und bekommen Anregungen für die strategische und operative Umsetzung an ihrer eigenen Institution. Zu den Themen „Validierung an Hochschulen“, „Internationale Praxisbeispiele“ und „Perspektiven der Berufsbildungsforschung und Erwachsenenbildung“ werden Fachexpert_innen aus dem nationalen und internationalen Raum referieren. Weitere Informationen zum Symposium finden sich hier.
Das 2. Symposium zur Anerkennung und Validierung non-formalen und informellen Lernens an Hochschulen beschäftigt sich des Weiteren mit den Umsetzungserfahrungen österreichischer Hochschulen und sucht deshalb nach spannenden Praxisberichten. Der erste Themenschwerpunkt „Erfahrungswerte an unterschiedlichen Hochschulen“ behandelt allgemeine Projektberichte, während der zweite Themenblock „Problemstellungen mit der Validierung“ sich auf spezifische Problemstellungen fokussiert.
Die Teilnahme am Symposium ist kostenlos. Programm und Anmeldung zum Symposium finden Sie hier.

AMS-Werkstattgespräch online

Erwachsene in der Berufsbildung — Berufsbildung für Erwachsene: Liegt Österreich im EU-Trend?

VET career guidance excellence model
- Presenting the new ETF ENE excellence tool for career guidance in VET for COVEs;
- Sharing experience from the piloting of the tool in Armenian COVEs;
- Sharing inspirational practice about career guidance in VET relevant to COVEs.


Digitale Transformation und Bildung unter Berücksichtigung von Vielfalt — DiTraBilVa — 2023–2026

Mein professionelles „Ich“ im Gestalten von Lehr-Lernumgebungen der heutigen Zeit

Handlungsrelevante Stellschrauben zur Bekämpfung von Fachkräftemangel u die Rolle der Berufsbildung


Online-Stammtisch Erwachsenenbildung

Vom Filmstudium zum Kinofilm

Call for Papers: Die Kunst der Partizipation in der Schule

Call for Papers: 8. Jahrestagung zur Migrationsforschung in Österreich

Save the Date: European Validation Inventory
- the main trends and policy developments on validation since the last Inventory update in 2018
- validation strategies in light of the changing world of work
- good practices for future policy action

Bilder der Befreiung: Liberation Footage – Atrocity Pictures

9. Wiener Innovationskonferenz

The role of the business sector in dual VET for a just green transition

Call for abstracts — ATEE Spring Conference 2024
What are the current scenarios that characterize teacher research and practice? What are the main challenges that complexity and risk with innovative and empowering responses posed and what are the new solutions they require? What directions is such research taking in Europe and around the world and what are the related values and perspectives? What are the primary issues and proposals for policy recommendations at the national and international levels?
Starting from theoretical constructs, epistemological insights, specific historical trajectories and evidence-based research, the ATEE Spring Conference 2024 in Bergamo aims at discussing the current and potential relaunch of teacher education research and practices by examining past developments, while also considering future challenges. In particular, the Conference will focus on the role of teacher research and practice in providing opportunities for sustainable, peaceful and equitable teaching/learning processes that acknowledge the concept of pluralism, diversity and differentiation in order to design innovative education policies in this arena.
Teacher education and pedagogical perspective in uncertain times: history, theory, policies and practices;
Digital innovation and artificial intelligence (AI): schools, teachers and students between real and virtual world;
Inclusion in teaching and learning processes and school improvement;
Teaching and learning challenges and professional development;
School & work and the role of teachers in Vocational Education and Training.

Greening VET: What does it mean and what does it take?

Wege in eine dualisierte Berufsbildung — Roadmap to high-quality dual VET

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in dual VET — Webinar

Call for abstracts: Nordyrk Conference in Iceland open until Jan. 31 2024

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS until 31 January 2024

Call for Contributions for the Seamless Learning Conference 2024
The organisers are looking for contributions at the conference that build on professional experience, projects or research that are linked to one of the three conference tracks. More Information on the tracks. We welcome two types of submissions: Type 1: Research-led submissions that either build on the author’s own research or synthesize parts of the current discourse in the form of an analytical literature review. Type 2: Practice-oriented contributions linked to specific institutional or supra-institutional projects and initiatives with the potential to inspire other institutions. Proposals should be submitted in a MS Word Format to seamlesslearningcon@wu.ac.at until 3 February 2024. The programme committee will review the proposals and inform authors about the outcome until 20 February.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in dual VET — Expert Consultation & Exchange


CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS until 11 Febuary 2024

17. Internationale Fachtagung der Hochschullernwerkstätten

Call for Papers — 9. BBFK

Problematising the Futures of Adult Education

International Peer Learning Workshop

The role of dual VET in a just green transition
- Who will benefit?
- Who will be left out ?
- What are the evidences on employability? Registration

Evidenzbasiertes Hochschulmanagement – Chancen und Grenzen
- Eröffnung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Poier, Leiter des Zentrums für Hochschulrecht sowie Hochschulgovernance (ZHR)
- Grußwort: Dr. Peter Riedler, Rektor der Universität Graz
- Panel: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther R. Burkert, Visiting Professor am Zentrum für Hochschulgovernance und Transformation an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems; Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Ada Pellert, Rektorin der FernUniversität Hagen; Sektionschef Mag. Elmar Pichl, Leiter der Hochschulsektion im BMBWF; Mag. Andreas Raggautz, Leiter des Leistungs- und Qualitätsmanagements (LQM) an der Universität Graz
- Moderation: Mag.a Alice Senarclens de Grancy, MSc, Die Presse


WEBINAR: Towards zero long-term unemployment in the EU

A Global Milestone in Future-Ready Professional Skills

Sustainability and adult learning: moving beyond green skills?

Förderung von fremdsprachigen Lehr- und Studienangeboten
- Worin liegt der Mehrwert für Hochschulen, wenn sie fremdsprachige Lehr- und Studienangebote konzipieren und umsetzen?
- Worin liegt der Mehrwert von fremdsprachigem Lehr- und Studienangebot für die Studierenden und – in weiterer Folge – für diese als zukünftige Absolventinnen und Absolventen?
- Worin liegt der Mehrwert für deren spätere Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgeber?
- Welche Herausforderungen bedeuten diese Angebote für Hochschulen? Welchen Ressourcenaufwand, welche Anpassung der alltäglichen Praxis und welchen Kulturwandel erfordern sie?


Building the European map of qualifications

Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference

“Morgen ist Heute Gestern” — Einladung zum Round Table

CALL FOR PAPERS — The Converging Challenges for Inclusive Education
Key topics to be covered include:
1. Strategies for integrating intercultural competences into curricula.
2. Leveraging technology to foster inclusive classrooms and digital equity.
3. Innovative pedagogical approaches for cultivating intercultural awareness.
4. Assessing and evaluating intercultural competences and digital literacies.
5. Policy implications and recommendations for promoting inclusive education on a global scale. The submission of proposals are welcome. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.
All presenters are also encouraged to submit their paper to the companion journal collection, The Learner Journal Collection. Submit proposal.

Die Kunst der Partizipation in der Schule

AI as a co-teacher?

Taking great strides towards sustainable competence

Ö‑Cert-Enquete 2024

VET in action — Cedefop virtual get-together

Ö‑Cert-Enquete 2024

Refugees in German Higher Education – from Study Preparation to Study Programs


Demokratie (er)leben und gestalten


The European Year of Skills – what comes next?

Universities between nationalism and globalism

5th Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) Biennale (Ireland)

70-Jahr-Feier der ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich

Skills Horizons

From campus to cloud?

9th Stockholm International Conference of Research on Vocational Education and Training
The Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training is a forum for discussing and disseminating state-of-the-art research in VET. A space for international networking and cooperation, part of the yearly academic events of VETNET (The European Network of Research in Vocational Education and Training).

Weiterbildung im Spannungsfeld digitaler und nachhaltiger Transformation

Students and the university: identity, agency and action

PROFFOMANCE+ Webinar on Internationalisation in Higher Education

ESCO 1.2: a global language for skills


The Event: The European Agenda for the Future of VET
- Expert Panel Discussions
- Networking Opportunities with VET Professionals
- Showcasing Innovative Practices
- Spotlight on Revolutionary Initiatives

EPALE und Erasmus+ Konferenz 2024
Die Erwachsenenbildung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Förderung von Partizipation in unserer Gesellschaft. Durch den Erwerb von Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen können Erwachsene befähigt werden, aktiv an politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Prozessen teilzunehmen. Förderung von Partizipation durch Erwachsenenbildung zielt darauf ab, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Meinungen und Interessen einzubringen, sich zu engagieren und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Dies trägt nicht nur zur Stärkung der Demokratie bei, sondern auch zur persönlichen Entwicklung und zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Welche Ansätze bietet die Politische Erwachsenenbildung? Zwei interaktive Vorträge bieten Einblick in das System der Politischen Erwachsenenbildung Österreichs und der Schweiz sowie Vernetzungsaktivitäten in der DACH-Region (Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz).
Gemeinsam möchten wir auch herausfinden wie EPALE und Erasmus+ die Partizipation durch Erwachsenenbildung unterstützen und fördern kann. Lernen Sie auf der Konferenz innovative Methoden und Tools zur Förderung der gesellschaftlichen Partizipation kennen, die teilweise im Rahmen von Erasmus+ entwickelt wurden und informieren Sie sich im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Corners, wie Erwachsenenbildner/innen und erwachsene Lernende durch Mobilität im Rahmen von Erasmus+ in Europa neue Fertigkeiten und Kenntnisse erwerben können.
Der OeAD lädt die Erwachsenenbildungs-Community herzlich zu einem fachlichen und interaktiven Austausch ein.

A top university with a diverse student body – Old and New Inequalities

12th International Stakeholder Conference of Priority Area 9 of the EUSDR

The shift to learning outcomes; rhetoric or reality?

Digitale Horizonte: Wie Technologie und KI die beruflichen Lern- und Beratungsprozesse beeinflussen

Revolutionising Skill Development: India’s Sector Skills Councils
- Identifying the enabling factors for ensuring the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of Sector Skills Councils, with a particular focus on financing their operations and
- Providing policy guidance for countries planning to establish or strengthen their SSCs. For Registration: Click Here

ATEE Spring Conference 2024
What are the current scenarios that characterize teacher research and practice? What are the main challenges that complexity and risk with innovative and empowering responses posed and what are the new solutions they require? What directions is such research taking in Europe and around the world and what are the related values and perspectives? What are the primary issues and proposals for policy recommendations at the national and international levels?
Starting from theoretical constructs, epistemological insights, specific historical trajectories and evidence-based research, the ATEE Spring Conference 2024 in Bergamo aims at discussing the current and potential relaunch of teacher education research and practices by examining past developments, while also considering future challenges. In particular, the Conference will focus on the role of teacher research and practice in providing opportunities for sustainable, peaceful and equitable teaching/learning processes that acknowledge the concept of pluralism, diversity and differentiation in order to design innovative education policies in this arena.

Nordyrk Conference 2024

Vocational Excellence for a Green Europe

Nutzen Sie den NQR für sich!


Unleashing untapped potential
The event, taking place in Brussels and available to watch online, will focus on how apprenticeships can help to alleviate labour shortages in various sectors within the EU, as highlighted by the 2023 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Report.
The hybrid event will look closely at effective policy measures and collaborative strategies that can be implemented through apprenticeship programmes. By providing young learners with the skills employers need and older workers with opportunities to re-skill and up-skill, these solutions can play a key role in overcoming labour shortages.
Join the event to learn about:
advocating for quality apprenticeships;
facilitating collaboration and the exchange of best practices;
the contributions EAfA stakeholders have made to quality apprenticeships.

Transformation of Learning Environments — Innovative and Inclusive Approaches

NQR: Hintergrund, Struktur, Auswirkungen

Digitale Lernergebnisse mit Europass gestalten
Parallel dazu haben “Microcredentials” in den letzten Jahren einen regelrechten Boom erlebt. Diese kleinen, fokussierten Einheiten von Lerninhalten ermöglichen es Einzelpersonen, gezielt und flexibel neue Fähigkeiten zu erwerben. Ob in Form von Zertifikaten oder digitalen Abzeichen — Microcredentials bieten eine effektive Möglichkeit, sich beruflich weiterzuentwickeln und auf dem sich ständig verändernden Arbeitsmarkt relevant zu bleiben. In der Europass Veranstaltung werden wir tiefer in diese beiden Konzepte eintauchen, ihre Bedeutung für die moderne Bildung diskutieren und herausfinden, wie sie die Art und Weise, wie wir Lernergebnisse darstellen, revolutionieren können.

Gruppenmobilität in VET – Neue Chancen für das berufsbildende Schulwesen

9. BBFK 2024
Berufsbildung in Zeiten des Mangels — Handlungserfordernisse neu denken
- künstliche Intelligenz in der Arbeitswelt und in der Berufsbildungspraxis (teilweise verbunden mit einer Substitutionsfunktion für Arbeitskräfte oder Bildungsangebote)
- Flexibilisierung beruflicher Bildung
- berufliche Orientierung unter sich wandelnden Bedingungen
- Transformationen (z. B. hin zur Nachhaltigkeit, hin zu neuen Arbeitsmodellen usw.)
- veränderte Akteurskonstellationen im Wettbewerb um Teilnehmende und Ressourcen für berufliche Bildung

31st International Conference on Learning

Arbeitstagung „Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung erzieht!“


BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting

Moving TVET to the top of the global agenda

Knowledge or Skills — What do University Graduates (and Economies) need?
- Keynote speech by Ellen Hazelkorn, expert in Tertiary Education Systems
- Interventions by Iuav University of Venice (IT) and the University of Huelva (ES), members of the PIONEER European University Alliance
- Site visit of the Aix-Marseille University campus and facilities Registration

Call for Papers: Diversität in der beruflichen Bildung

ABGESAGT — 2. Summit Bildungsforschung

Soziale Ungleichheit und Politische Bildung
- Welchen Einfluss hat die soziale Herkunft auf Bildungsbiografien und die Entwicklung politischer Mündigkeit?
- Welche Rolle kann und soll Politische Bildung beim Abbau von sozialer Ungleichheit spielen?
- Wie können politische Bildner*innen soziale Ungleichheit als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung und Differenzkategorie vermitteln?

8. Jahrestagung zur Migrationsforschung in Österreich

Navigating International Standards for Microcredentials

Digital Individual Learning Accounts in the Visegrad Countries

Messe der Wiener Erwachsenenbildung
Die Messe der Wiener Erwachsenenbildung zeigt die Vielfalt der Erwachsenenbildungslandschaft und bietet allen Besucher*innen die Möglichkeit, neue Bildungswege zu gehen.
- Wann: Montag, 23. September 2024, von 16 bis 20 Uhr
- Wo: Arkadenhof, Wiener Rathaus
- Bei Schlechtwetter wird die Messe in die Volkshalle im Rathaus verlegt.
- Der Eintritt ist frei.

Lernen ohne Grenzen — Inklusion in der Erwachsenenbildung


Demokratie lernen: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Erwachsenenbildung

VET&Culture 2024

FORWARD. Adult Learning: Igniting Change, Shaping Tomorrow
The conference will address 3 main themes, along the three days:

Wanted: Zugang in die Lehre fördern
- Steigende Anforderungen und sinkende Eingangskompetenzen in der Lehre? (Helmut Dornmayr, IBW)
- Wo gehen Potenziale für die Lehr-Ausbildung verloren? (Mario Steiner, IHS)
- Wirksamkeit von geschlechtersensiblen Angeboten (Nadja Bergmann, L&R)
- Berufsorientierung — Status quo und Handlungsbedarfe (Roland Löffler, öibf)
- Zugang zur beruflichen Ausbildung von Geflüchteten (Julia Bock-Schappelwein, WIFO)

Webinar: 3 years of European Digital Credentials
- Date: 10:00 CEST, 16 October 2024
- Registration: Registration survey open until 15 October

Demokratie- und Bürgerkompetenz in der Berufsbildung: europäische Ansätze und Praxisbeispiele
In diesem Webinar beleuchten Monika Auzinger & Julia Fellinger aktuelle europäische Entwicklungen zur Förderung von Demokratie- und Bürgerkompetenz in der Berufsbildung. Anhand von aktuellen Initiativen aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern wird beispielhaft präsentiert, wie diese Kompetenzen in die Berufsbildung integriert werden können und warum sie für die Entwicklung kompetenter Fachkräfte von morgen von so großer Bedeutung sind.

Skills for Green and Just Transitions – Potential and Challenges

Financing adult learning: zooming in on individual learning accounts

Training the Gen Z: New Horizons for VET

Future of VET: conditions for balancing European VET excellence and inclusion

Second Conference on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and VET

Re-Thinking Europe’s Skill Needs: Reflections Following the European Year of Skills

Implementation of the EU27+ national implementation plans for VET

Understanding RPL: The What, Why and How of RPL

Starting an international process for Vocational-Professional Education (5–8) and the Level 5 Area

Neue Wege für eine exzellente und zukunftsfähige Berufsbildung

Navigating RPL: Leadership and Policy Perspectives in Europe

Employability und lebenslanges Lernen in der Berufsbildung
- Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und praxisnahe Ansätze zu den Themen Employability und lebenslanges Lernen
- Fachlicher Austausch mit Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Bildungsbereich
- Interaktive Sessions und Vorträge, die relevanten Impulse für Ihre berufliche Praxis geben

Implementing RPL in Higher Education Institutions: Building a trust-based culture

European Collaboration for RPL: Sharing Good Practice within and across Borders

Webinar: Enhance collaboration with the private sector to strengthen training programmes
Dates: November 13 and November 25, 10:00–11:30 CET (via Teams)
— The webinar on Wednesday 13 November will focus on strengthening private sector partnerships for more impactful training that meet labour market and societal needs. — The webinar on Monday 25 November will focus on how to leverage innovation and socio-economic development by building effective skills ecosystems In each session, a leading VET centre will share its mission, successes, and challenges, offering firsthand insights into achieving excellence through collaboration. Your voice matters too! We invite you to join the discussion, share your experiences, and help shape the future of vocational training. Register here, and share a few insights on your experience with vocational excellence in the form. Your feedback will help us tailor the sessions to meet your goals.

Skills for a greener future: The role of University Lifelong Learning

Das Potenzial von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung

Call for Papers Crossing Boundaries 2025
We invite researchers, PhD students, teachers and decision-makers from the field of vocational education and training, lifelong learning, higher education and adjacent disciplines to participate and contribute by presenting a paper at the conference.
Deadlines- Submission of abstracts: 15 November 2024 (extended)
- Notification of acceptance: 15 December 2024
- Submission of full paper: 20 February 2025
- Feedback to your paper: 31 March 2025 You will then have 10 days to make the necessary corrections.
- The conference proceedings will be available shortly before the conference.
Check for all the details by following this link.

22nd ReferNet annual plenary meeting
- inform on the latest EU VET policy developments, the outcomes of the 2024 work plan and the preparation of the 2025 work plan;
- introduce the new partners to the processes and procedures of the network;
- reinstall a physical network dynamic of cooperation and shared reflection by convening in a physical open space, which will encourage creative reflection on how partners would like ReferNet to develop in the 2024–27 period. INVITATION ONLY

Research Meets Practice

Wie cool ist die Demokratie für die Generation Z?

Webinar: Leverage innovation and socio-economic development by building effective skills ecosystems
Dates: November 13 and November 25, 10:00–11:30 CET (via Teams)
— The webinar on Wednesday 13 November will focus on strengthening private sector partnerships for more impactful training that meet labour market and societal needs. — The webinar on Monday 25 November will focus on how to leverage innovation and socio-economic development by building effective skills ecosystems In each session, a leading VET centre will share its mission, successes, and challenges, offering firsthand insights into achieving excellence through collaboration. Your voice matters too! We invite you to join the discussion, share your experiences, and help shape the future of vocational training. Register here, and share a few insights on your experience with vocational excellence in the form. Your feedback will help us tailor the sessions to meet your goals.

Evidenzen zur sozialen Dimension in der Hochschulbildung

Gemeinsam das Miteinander gestalten

Using PISA evidence to inform education policies and practices

Building Engaged Communities – Institutional Solutions for Student Participation Across Europe
- Present innovative research and case studies on student engagement
- Influence institutional change by sharing effective participation models
- Network with experts and peers passionate about student-centered education

Herausragende Berufsbildung durch Zentren der beruflichen Exzellenz

REvaluation Conference 2024

The changing landscape of qualifications and credentials

Bildungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: KI und Digitalisierung als Treiber des Wandels

Prognose 2024/25 & Demografische Entwicklung bis 2040

KI in der Hochschulbildung

New EHEA Framework for the Social Dimension

Insights from Skills Strategies in the European Union

Mental health in VET — Introduction to a survey
- Tibor Dőri, Euro-Contact Business School
- Kornel Dőri, Magyar Digitális Oktatásért Egyesület
- Veronica Vasilescu, ENGIM, will be the moderator

Diversität in der beruflichen Bildung

Exploring Microcredentials in Indigenous Post-Secondary Environments in Canada
- Embrace inclusive practices
- Celebrate initiatives empowering Canada’s indigenous communities
- Learn how education and vocational training drive meaningful change

Quality Matters — Strengthening the Quality Assurance of Adult Education and Training
- El Iza Mohamedou, Head of the OECD Centre for Skills
- Courtney Brown, Vice President of Impact and Planning at the Lumina Foundation
- Ricardo Espinoza, Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre for Skills
- Simon Broek, Senior Expert at Ockham Institute for Policy Support
- Kyle Albert, Assistant Research Professor at the George Washington Institute of Public Policy at the George Washington University

Degree Apprenticeships: Effective Mentoring, Inclusive Access, and Stakeholder Insight
Join the Edge Research Webinar for an insightful discussion on Degree Apprenticeships, centred around the findings from three research studies conducted by Edge.
- Degree Apprenticeships in England: What Can We Learn from the Experiences of Apprentices, Employers, and Education and Training Providers? (To be published in January 2025).
- Widening Participation and Degree Apprenticeships
- What Makes an Effective Work Based Mentor in Allied Health Professions: Perceptions and Expectations
Learn from the experiences of Degree Apprentices, employers, and education providers, dive into strategies for widening participation, and explore what makes effective work-based mentoring in allied health professions.
Chaired by Edge Executive Director Olly Newton, this engaging session brings together leading researchers Andrea Laczik, Charlynne Pullen, and Claire Staniland. We will be joined by panelists representing a diverse range of perspectives.

Basics of European Digital Credentials for Learning

Bridging Gaps in Vocational Training: The Role of NGOs and the Impact of ESF Support in Europe

Making progression in learning a reality – policy scenarios towards 2040

Bringing the Science of Compassion in Technical Vocational Education Training

Recognising Transversal Competences in VET

Skills for a Competetive Europe

Insights and experience of Microcredentials in the global open education arena

Future Skills Summit 2025

23. Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2025 (HTBB 2025)

Micro-Credentials Masterclass 2025

Building a Green Future

EU Skills and Talent Mobility Package: recognizing vocational qualifications

Doctoral Education in Universities of Applied Sciences

The use of micro-credentials to support upskilling and reskilling

New fields for apprenticeship

Entrepreneurial Centres of Vocational Excellence: the way to go
- A self-reflection toolkit Conceptual framework of Entrepreneurial Centres of Vocational Excellence (EntreCoVEs)
- An ecosystem engagement toolkit Skills ecosystem engagement toolkit | ETF

Career Guidance in Science and Practice: How can the Transfer be designed?
Target Groups
The conference addresses European and international- Stakeholders from education administration and education policy
- Researchers who deal with Career Guidance in school contexts
- Stakeholders from educational practice who are involved in the implementation of Career Guidance in schools, for example teachers, social pedagogues, head teachers and careers advisors
- Tristram Hooley, Professor of Career Education at the University of Derby:
- Anthony Mann, Senior Policy Analyst at the OECD:

Participation in Civic Engagement and Green Actions

Shaping the future of apprenticeships in the EU – ensuring quality and fairness
- Key trends and developments in apprenticeships
- Best practices for quality and fairness
- Future opportunities and financial support for apprentices

Closing the Loop

Future Fit Festival

Innovate. Adapt. Preserve: Navigating Change in Higher Education

Apprenticeships: Future global trends
- Ashwani Aggarwal, International Labour Organization Global Lead for Skill and Lifelong Learning Policy.
- Leesa Wheelahan, Professor Emerita, University of Toronto.
- Philipp Gonon, Oscar Valiente and Dr Matthias Pilz – a discussion panel on ‘Transfer of Dual VET’
- Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee, Chief Executive, University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC), University of Bolton

Erasmus+ und ESK Fachtagung 2025

Place, Knowledge, Skills: Applied universities driving regional competitiveness

Save the date – Erstes Wiener Arbeitsfilmfestival

6th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries
The special focus of the conference 2025 is Towards Inclusive and Egalitarian Vocational Education and Training: Key Challenges and Strategies from a Holistic and Multi-contextual Approach. From this perspective, a special focus is placed on the analysis of dropout and stopout processes and gender segregation in VET and their repercussions on future students’ educational and employment pathways. In this sense, it is important to carry out an analysis of the explanatory factors from a holistic and multicontextual perspective (structural, institutional, contextual and personal factors) and the interrelation between them. We also need to look at the theories used, best practices, policies, and models of success aimed at promoting a more inclusive and egalitarian VET.

Inside Validation — let’s talk!
Das Barcamp wird von der wba in Kooperation mit dem Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung angeboten und von Gaby Filzmoser (ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich) moderiert.
Was ist ein Barcamp?
Ein Barcamp ist eine Art Konferenz, ähnlich dem Open Space, welches allerdings keine fix festgelegten Vortragende und keine thematisch festgelegten Workshops anbietet. Barcamps sind aus dem Bedürfnis von Menschen entstanden, sich in einer offenen Umgebung auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. Es ist eine intensive Veranstaltung mit Diskussionen, Präsentationen und Interaktion der Teilnehmenden untereinander. Alle, die etwas beizutragen haben oder etwas lernen wollen, sind willkommen und herzlich eingeladen mitzumachen. Für den Fall, dass du mitmachst, stell dich darauf ein, dich mit anderen Barcampenden auszutauschen. Wenn du gehst, sei bereit, deine Erfahrungen mit dem Rest der Welt zu teilen. (Quelle: WerdeDigital)
Wer kann teilnehmen?
Eingeladen sind alle, die mit Kompetenzanerkennung und Kompetenzberatung arbeiten und ihr Wissen zu diesem Thema teilen möchten. Im Zentrum stehen Praxisfragen der Validierung und weniger theoretische und bildungspolitische Aspekte, auch wenn letztere natürlich ebenso angesprochen werden können.

Towards a methodology for comparing and recognising VET qualifications

Nordic VET in a Sustainable Future

Fourth Policy learning forum: Launching the European Vocational Teacher Survey (EVTS)

The impact of learning outcomes on teaching and learning – policy choices ahead

From evidence to action: Advancing adult basic skills for tackling inequalities

Human Learning and Machine Learning— Challenges and Opportunities for AI in Education
The arrival of generative AI has precipitated a panic among some educators while prompting qualified enthusiasm from others. Ask a GPTs (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) to take a high-stakes select response test, and it will generally pass or even excel. Prompt it to write a five-paragraph essay on any topic, and it will produce a well-written if dull and predictable response, at least as good or better than a student’s response. Here comes a cheating bonanza: unless strictly proctored, there’s no reliable way to tell whether a student response has been generated by AI, especially with a few extra tricks in written text such as adding some typos or awkward expressions. What to do? How to put generative AI to good use?
In addition to the broad range of regular themes addressing educational and social change at The Learner Conference, this year we will have a special theme exploring the implications and applications artificial intelligence in education generally, and GPTs in particular. Presentations addressing this special theme will examine the differences between machine and human learning and the ways in which machines can complement human learning. Some of the questions we will address are: What are supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement machine learning? Will mechanical intelligence ever be able to replicate or exceed human intelligence? What are the practical applications of learning analytics and artificial intelligence in learning management systems and other educational tools? What are the implications for diversity, equity and inclusion?

Pathways, boundaries and barriers in Vocational Education and Training

VET Journeys and destinations
The JVET Conference Committee will host its highly successful biennial international conference in July 2025. The upcoming conference will explores Vocational Education and Training through the lens of the themes of journeys and destinations and will welcome contributions that explore developments in VET as it strives to meet the challenges of economic austerity, climate change, political instability and increasingly rapid technological change. Submissions have been encouraged to explore the journeys of VET systems addressing these challenges as they traverse the occupational boundaries between formal and informal, accredited and unaccredited vocational learning, between regulated and unregulated training, and between ‘vocational’ and ‘professional’ education. The conference will also explore the role of VET in reinforcing or combatting social closure through inclusive practice, and spatial closure through facilitating mobility.
The meeting provides a critical forum for international debates on all aspects and levels of VET and developments in work and learning, reflecting our journal’s concerns over the 76 years of its publication. The conference is in person and virtual attendance will not be available. The two keynote speaker sessions, however, will be recorded and available after the conference.

Openness: a Mission Challenged

VET: Opportunities and Challenges of Contemporary Career Transitions

ECER 2025

Anticipation of Future Developments in the Labour Markets

AI and the Future of Education

Dialogue in and through adult education and learning

Launching and developing credentials initiatives
- Practitioners: Showcase successful implementation stories of digital credentials.
- Educators: Present innovative teaching methods leveraging digital credentials to open access to recognition.
- Researchers: Share your latest findings on open learning and recognition practices, technologies and policies
- Employers: Share your experience on the impact of recognition practices, technologies and policies at the workplace for talent development and retention
- Policymakers Discuss the future direction of recognition practices, technologies and policies in the educational, social and employment landscape.
- Technologists: Demonstrate cutting-edge technologies supporting the emergence of open learning and recognition ecosystems.

Innovationsdialog 2025
- Hochkarätige Keynote Einblick in Change-Management, Leadership und Innovation im Bildungswesen. Verleihung des ISB Stiftungspreises Bildungsinnovation Auszeichnung herausragender Bildungseinrichtungen in drei Kategorien. Präsentation einer besonderen Graphic Novel Eine inspirierende Lektüre, die Bildungsinnovationen auf eine neuartige Weise präsentiert. Podiumsdiskussion & Austausch

Save the date: 10. BBFK 2026
Die 10. österreichische Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK) wird vom 01. bis 03. Juli 2026 in Innsbruck stattfinden und von der Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol ausgerichtet. Die Einreichung von Vortragsvorschlägen wird von November 2025 bis Mitte Februar 2026 möglich sein. Für aktuelle Informationen besuchen Sie die Konferenz-Homepage unter www.bbfk.at oder erhalten Sie alle Neuigkeiten über den Newsletter.

Safe the date: ECER 2026