31 May 2022

Comparing qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons – report published

The recently published final report of our Cedefop project on comparing vocational education and training qualifications brings together all the results of several years of work.

Entitled “Comparing voca­tio­nal education and training qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons: towards metho­do­lo­gies for analysing and comparing learning outcomes”, the report brings together the results of three studies carried out between 2019 and 2020 as part of the Cedefop project of the same name and presents potential use cases of these metho­do­lo­gies. It focuses on the added value as well as on the chal­lenges asso­cia­ted with the in-depth analysis and com­pa­ri­son of the content of VET qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons. The report provides a metho­do­lo­gi­cal basis on which both rese­ar­chers and policy makers can build in order to enhance the quality and relevance of VET qualifications.

The overall project was coor­di­na­ted by 3s and Karin Luomi-Messerer and Monika Auzinger authored this report together with Simon Broek (Ockham IPS).

You can download the report here.

Contact: Karin Luomi-Messerer

Client: Cedefop

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

3 Dec

Grant for funding CVET of employees in Salzburg

3s carried out an evaluation of the Salzburg training grant in 2024. The final report on the study has just been published.

29 Nov

Skills Mag 2040

In an innovative Erasmus+ project, we are focussing on the future of CVET using new methods. The result, a magazine full of fictional stories, stimulates debate.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

3 Dec

Grant for funding CVET of employees in Salzburg

3s carried out an evaluation of the Salzburg training grant in 2024. The final report on the study has just been published.

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

13 Dec

Online con­fe­rence on the Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

Innovation, sustainable development and excellence in vocational education and training were the focus of an event organised by the Erasmus+ VET Team Austria at the OeAD and the BMBWF on 3 December 2024.

5 Dec

Digital Skills in Focus

Training provision and training providers in the area of digital skills in Austria. A study conducted by 3s offers an overview of the Austrian CVET market related to digital skills. 

>all news