Tag archives: future
Skills Mag 2040
In an innovative Erasmus+ project, we are focussing on the future of CVET using new methods. The result, a magazine full of fictional stories, stimulates debate.
Exploring excellence and inclusion in vocational education and training
3s coordinates a significant study commissioned by Cedefop titled 'European VET for the 21st Century: The Balancing of Excellence and Inclusion'.
Reflecting on the future of CVET with design fiction
What will continuing vocational education and training (CVET) look like in 2040? In an Erasmus+ project, we are developing future scenarios with an innovative approach.
Special issue on the Future of VET
The Hungarian Educational Research Journal (HERJ) recently published a special issue on the future of vocational education and training in Europe, edited by Jörg Markowitsch, Magdolna Benke and Jens Bjørnåvold.
The future of vocational education and training
Under the leadership of 3s, more than 100 researchers from all EU member states are investigating the status and perspectives of vocational education and training in Europe and preparing future directions in education policy.