Projects & Services: Innovation & Development Projects

Projects & Services: Innovation & Development Projects

Job profiles in the future mobility sector

The study deals with the emerging and coming changes in the job descrip­ti­ons relevant for the Austrian mobility sector up to the year 2040. 

The Future of Professional Driving

The ERASMUS + project ‚FutureDRV’aimed at deve­lo­ping a profile on com­pe­tence, skills and knowledge requi­re­ments related to pro­fes­sio­nal drivers witin a timeframe up to the year 2035. 

Coaching Schools To Face Change Ahead

The project aimed at designing and con­duc­ting a blended Continuing Professional Development Programme in 10 modules to introduce a new role in education: the ‘school coach’. 

Personal driver trainings

The project aimed at incre­a­sing the acce­s­si­bi­li­ty and effec­ti­ve­ness of PD (pro­fes­sio­nal driver) trainings with the use of ICT-based tools which took into account the needs of some dis­ad­van­ta­ged groups.