In focus: vali­da­ti­on in Europe and beyond

Several recent publications demonstrate the broad 3s expertise in the field of validation: the update of the European Validation Inventory and an ETF thematic report.


Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education

On 12 December, the 2nd symposium on "Orientation in a complex field" took place at the University for Continuing Education Krems. Karin Luomi-Messerer gave a lecture.


Results of the TRANSVAL-EU project and outlook for community activities

The policy experimentation project TRANSVAL-EU has come to a successful end. All reports are available for download and the Community of Practice for validation and guidance professionals has been strengthened.


Research report on the impact of vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal com­pe­ten­ces published

Read now the final report on the accompanying scientific research in the TRANSVAL-EU project on the validation of transversal competences, which is coming to an end.


DARYA capacity building and peer learning event on reco­gni­ti­on and vali­da­ti­on of prior learning

Last week, the European Training Foundation invited to a three-day stakeholder seminar on recognition and validation of prior learning in Almaty, Kazakhstan.


TRANSVAL-EU — final con­fe­rence in Stockholm

The stakeholder conference entitled "Making All Skills Visible" focused on policy strategies on how to make transversal skills visible and recognised in practice.


Austria Forum on vali­da­ti­on of trans­ver­sal competences

At the national final event of the TRANSVAL-EU project on 16 May, all stakeholders are invited to discuss the project results on issues related to the validation of transversal competences.


Stakeholder con­fe­rence: Making All Skills Visible

Register now for the TRANSVAL-EU conference taking place from 24 to 25 May in Stockholm. Policy makers, experts and validation and guidance professionals are invited to discuss future validation practices.


Research con­fe­rence Transversal Skills for Work and Life

Registration for the research conference of the TRANSVAL-EU project in Paris (18-19 April 2023) is open. Follow the discussion on how to address transversal competences in guidance and validation processes for adult learners.


Progress on vali­da­ti­on in the EU?

The objective of this study is to update the European Inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning. The study is coordinated by ICF (BE) with 3s as consortium partner.
