Using film as a medium to promote democracy and media literacy in VET schools

image by Hennercrusius - Own work, CC BY 3.0; Filmstripe png by
The picture shows an apprentice demonstration in Hamburg in 1968 as part of the so-called "apprentice movement". The sign says „If you need a cheap labourer, get an apprentice!”
Despite a large selection of films on civic education, there is hardly any material that directly links to the lifeworld of apprentices. New approaches are needed to adequately implement the civic education curriculum in Austria, which was modernised in 2016 for the first time in almost thirty years.
To this end, the Vienna University of Teacher Education (PH Wien), the Austrian Institute for Educational Research (öibf) and 3s Research & Consulting are developing and testing media packages for the food, tourism and catering sectors at three vocational schools in Vienna, together with apprentices and teachers. The selected films, for which teaching materials will be developed, range from documentaries and feature films to vocational information films and virtual reality educational films. In addition, targeted media projects (e.g., podcasts, YouTube videos) will be initiated at the schools.
The aim is to promote democracy skills, media literacy and emancipatory professional identity development of apprentices as well as to increase the low participation of vocational schools in democracy and media competitions (e.g., Media Literacy Award). The two-year project is funded by the Digitalisation Fund of the Chamber of Labour Vienna. As coordinator, 3s ensures the interaction of expertise from the fields of civic education, vocational and media education as well as film studies, develops the media packages together with the partners and ensures the dissemination of the project results.
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3s research laboratory: Jörg Markowitsch
PH Wien: Stefan Schmid-Heher
öibf: Norbert Lachmayr
Project Advisory Board:
Antje Barabasch: Eidgenössische Hochschule für Berufsbildung (EHB). Head of the research focus “Teaching and Learning in Vocational Education and Training”.
Susanne Haslinger: Lawyer in the social policy department of the Produktionsgewerkschaft (PRO-GE).
Brigitte Heller: Board of Education Vienna, Staff for Technology, Economy, Innovation and Digital Education, Gender and Equality
Irene Geihsler: Public Employment Service Austria (AMS). Labor Market Research and Career Information Department.
Martin Kenner: Institute for Educational Science, University of Stuttgart. Deputy Head of the Department of Vocational, Business and Technical Education.
Martina Theininger: Director, Head of the Frame-out Festival and lecturer in Media and Digital Technologies at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten.
Joachim Schätz: Research associate at the Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna.
Karin Gugitscher (2024): Einsatz von Film für berufsbezogene politische Bildung an Berufsschulen. Ergebnisse einer Stakeholder-Befragung im Rahmen des Projekts „“. Mit einer Einführung von Jörg Markowitsch und Stefan Schmid-Heher. Wien. Download
„Filming Work II“ Workshop
As part of the AK Digifonds project, a workshop on profession and work in commercial, feature and documentary film took place in Vienna from September 14–15.
This workshop was a continuation of a series of events started in November 2022 offering the opportunity to exchange experiences and at the same time providing inputs and feedback on the ongoing 3s project The following topics were in focus:
- Film databases and archives on education, careers and work
- Film mediation or the use of film in vocational training
- Film as a means of political education in vocational education and media education
- The possible role(s) of the vocational information film in vocational education and training
- Public screenings, festivals and the like more on films related to education, careers and work
The programme of the two-day event can be found here.
The presentations of the speakers can be found here (in German):
- Christian Dewald (LBIDH): Schulkino und Reformpädagogik in Wien
- Norbert Lachmayr & Karin Gugitscher (öibf): Zukünftige Nutzer:innen und Multiplilator:innen. Ergebnisse der Stakeholder-Befragung
- Klaus Lehner, Jörg Markowitsch & Moritz Wildburger (3srl): Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse erster Filmrecherchen zu Lebensmittelhandel, Bäckereien und Gastronomie
- Joachim Schätz (Universität Wien), Vrääth Öhner (LBIDH) & Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah (LBIDH): Ergebnisse des Projekts „Praktiken des Lehr- und Unterrichtsfilms in Österreich“ und die Datenbank „“
- Christoph Büttner (Filmuniversität Babelsberg): Ergebnisse des Projekts „Die Verarbeitung der Arbeit im Film“ und die Filmdatenbank „“ der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
- Barbara Waschmann (Staytuned, Wien): Erfahrungen aus zwei Dekaden Schulkino «Junge Normale» und heutige Angebote
Contact: Jörg Markowitsch
Client: Digifonds (Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0 der AK Wien)
Duration: 04/2023-03/2025