Self-Assessment Tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence

3s supports the ETF in the promotion of outstanding practice in vocational education and training by designing a self-assessment tool for Centres of Vocational Excellence.


Get involved! Democracy and active citi­zen­ship as topics in VET

The Erasmus+ project #GetInvolved aims to promote democratic thinking and participation in VET to strengthen common values in society.


European net­wor­king for VET

The Erasmus+ project VET UP strengthens opportunities and possibilities in VET through networking to meet current economic, social and societal needs.


Comparing Vocational Education and Training Qualifications

The purpose of the contract coordinated by 3s is to facilitate the development of methodologies for comparison of national VET qualifications.


European VET instruments

The study focused on two instruments: the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET).


Global com­pa­ra­ti­ve study of qualifications

This study was based on the comparative analysis of the profile and content of four vocational education and training qualifications in 26 countries across the world, and from four different continents.


How to track the career paths of VET graduates?

Initiative on graduate tracking with regard to the “New Skills Agenda for Europe”.
