Projects & Services: Studies & Analyses

Projects & Services: Studies & Analyses

Learning for the green transition

3s is involved in two projects on learning for envi­ron­men­tal sus­taina­bi­li­ty, one analysing Erasmus+ projects and the other sup­port­ing the European Commission in this field. 

Innovative approa­ches to e‑learning: International Good Practices in Adult Education

The Covid-19 pandemic also chal­lenges adult education with regard to distance learning. On behalf of the Vienna Adult Education Centres, we identify inno­va­ti­ve role models. 

Supporting digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on at school

In the DigiMe project, pupils are prepared for the digital requi­re­ments of the future world of work and teachers are supported in teaching the cor­re­spon­ding com­pe­ten­ces. 3s evaluates the results of the project. 

Support for the European Graduate Tracking Initiative (EGTI)

3s supports the European Commission in improving the measures for graduate tracking in the EU.